Lost Jack's flashes are confussing

cau05118 posted on May 26, 2007 at 12:02PM
Jack said to the head of surrgery in the flash.

"go and get my Dad. if he is more drunk than i am, you can fire me"

did anyone find this strange???

Theories please

Lost 5 replies

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over a year ago grahamb said…
Yeh completely, i shrugged it off at first thinking it was a flashback... but then we find out its after the island... so his father should in theory be dead. unless theres some spooky time travel thing going on... i know its probably not the answer you were looking for but hey ho.... and who is it that kate must get back too??
over a year ago pages said…
Well i think somehow Jack and Kate both got to bring people who they loved back from the dead .
Jack must have chosen his father and i believe Kate chose to bring back her dead friend .
You know the guy who she used to be best friends with and he owned the silver toy plane which she robed a bank to get. I think he died in the car when she chose to ram through the police barrier .
I also think that it is him and not sawyer who say talked about when she was with jack. Somehow only jack kate and possibly ben (coffin) got off the island
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago cau05118 said…
Although bring back peple you love from the dead was my first thought, bringing people back from the dead is a bit far fetched even for Lost's crary standards. the whole time travel thing is looking more realistic.

A new theory on my part is that the whole thing is one giant set up. No real proof but the fact that everyone is so well linked. the odds of these links must be in the hundreds of billions to one range. Pretty loose theory though
over a year ago ilovejimhalpert said…
i think there is something to do with the time travel thing because it all sort of links with the mysteries of the island. Naomi said everyone on their flight was dead, the numbers still haven't been explained and the weird force thingy at the end of last season might have something to do with taht too.
over a year ago cau05118 said…
Possiblly it could be shrugged of as something that could be said when drunk. forgot his father was dead cause he was so drunk. my only reaction to this is that all minor things mean something in lost. so...