Lost TRIVAL!!!!

FashionVictim posted on Jul 04, 2007 at 10:20AM
anyone want to play?
1. don't look up the answers
2. once you reply at one, ask a new one. just to keep it going.
3. only ask a question you know the answer to.

Where did Desmond and Jack meet each other?

Lost 32 replies

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over a year ago ROB82 said…
In the granstand of that football ground. "see you in another life brother"!
over a year ago FashionVictim said…
You have to do another question please!
over a year ago ROB82 said…
Why did Locke take Sawyer to the Black Rock?
over a year ago eisai_xazo said…
Because he wanted Sawyer to kill Anthony Cooper (Locke's biological father).

In the Black Rock Locke met Rousseau, what was she looking for?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ROB82 said…
She was looking for dynamite.

What song did Charlie have to type into the computer to disable the beacon at the looking glass?
over a year ago fawkes716 said…
Good Vibrations~Beach Boys

What was Nikki trying to say before she collapsed?
over a year ago percypigs said…

What does Jacob say to Locke in his cabin?
over a year ago grahamb said…
Help Me!

Whats the name of Sawyers baby?
over a year ago percypigs said…

Which two Losties are half-brother and sister?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago marissa said…
jack and claire.

where did ethan rom tell hurley he was from?
over a year ago percypigs said…

Where did Jack say he learned to play poker?
over a year ago eisai_xazo said…
He learned to play poker in Phuket, Thailand.

The No3 on Charlie's Greatest hits?
over a year ago fate-late said…
The christmas liam gave him the ring.

What did locke find 'adam and eve' with in series 1.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago percypigs said…
A white stone and a black stone.

What did one snowman say to the other snowman? [Desmonds answer)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago chunkyrice13 said…
Smells like carrots!

How many Losties have been brought back to life with cpr?
over a year ago Giovanni_wasto said…
Charlie (by Jack, after he's hung), Claire (by Desmond, after she nearly drowns), Rose (Boone goes to get a pen in the pilot)... I think that's it, as far as I can remember. So 3. Maybe Naomi as well, but I can't remember if Mikhail used CPR - I don't think he did.

How many boats have featured on the island(s)?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago meeee said…
2(I think)

How many Dharma stations are ON the island?

over a year ago geed92 said…

how many episodes are left to show from the 3 more serieses?
over a year ago chunkyrice13 said…

(Sorry to interrupt, I couldn't check in sooner: Giovanni you did well but skipped Michael, who was brought back on the raft by Sawyer)

As far as we know, which character is the only one to hook up with more than one person while on the island?
over a year ago fate-late said…

How many times did Charlie shoot Ethan?
over a year ago eisai_xazo said…
He shot 6 times.

what did Sawyer say when he shoot Tom?
over a year ago percypigs said…
'That's for taking the kid off the raft'

In the flashforward, what had Oceanic given Jack and supposedly any other crash survivors?
over a year ago meeee said…
Free flights

what tv show was Nicki in?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago eisai_xazo said…
she was an actress on the TV show Exposé.

How many times did Sawyer shoot the polar bear?
over a year ago jackluva06 said…
I dont know 4?
over a year ago jackluva06 said…
In what Season did sun find out she was pregnant?
over a year ago eisai_xazo said…
Actually Sawyer shot the polar bear 9times!!

- Sun realized she was pregnant in 2nd season.

Who was sitting next to Jack (before the plane crash)?
over a year ago Giovanni_wasto said…

(Also, I know it's late, but there are laods of boats:
Naomi's freighter, The Canoe, The Elizabeth, The Black Rock, The Raft (only counting one), The Fishing Boat and The Trawler - so 8)

How many aircraft have featured on the island?

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago chunkyrice13 said…
Eko's plane, flight 815, Naomi's helicopter (?), Whatever drops the supplies.

Where did Ben tell the Others to go in the season 3 finale?
over a year ago fate-late said…
The Temple

How did Jack intened to commit suicide in the flash forward of the series 3 finale?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Giovanni_wasto said…
Jumping off a bridge.

Where can an anagram of "Flash Forward" be found in the season 3 finale?
over a year ago percypigs said…
**HOFFS/DRAWLAR** Funeral Parlor.

According to the blast door map, where is the 'known final resting place of Magnus Hanso'?