Lost Little Help?

marissa posted on Jul 17, 2007 at 01:01AM
ok, so i just finshed watching season two on dvd and i have a few questions.

ive seen a bit of season three, but not nearly enough to understand whats going on.

dont hate me if this is all been talked about before, but 'lostpedia' isnt telling me everything i want to know.

- first of all, the four-toed statue? whats that about? do they ever say?
- jacks dad: is he there, is he not...?
- kates horse? the polar bears? did they come from that zoo thing, those cages kate and sawyer were in?
- whats the smoke moster????
- when shannon was in the jungle after boone died, and could hear whispers, i heard "hey sis". am i crazy, was it boone?
- what are the whispers??
- is jin the father of suns baby?

anyways, a few answers would be great.
im going crazy!
i want season three! :(

Lost 16 replies

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over a year ago courtney7488 said…
Yes, the bears were in the cages. Besides that, the only question that is really answered is the last one (which I won't give away). The four-toed statue is never even mentioned.
over a year ago marissa said…
thanks a bunch.

but i have another question :S

why was walt soaking wet when shannon saw him??
how did he even get there?
did she and sayid really even see him??

they really never mentioned the staute again...?
over a year ago PkmnTrainerJ said…
*cracks knuckles*

1. The Four Toed Statue, we have no idea yet, but we know it predates DHARMA's arrival on The Island.

2. Jack's dad, Christian, is definetly dead, but the coffin was empty, therefore it's safe to assume Jack was hallucinating, but we have no official confirmation.

3. Kate's Horse, no idea. The Polar Bears are the ones that escaped from the Hydra Cages.

4. The Smoke Monster, no idea, but there's a pick here where you can add what you think it is if it is not already a choice. The creators have said we will learn what it is in the very final episode.

5. Yes, when Shannon was in the jungle with Sayid in "Abandoned", the words "Hi sis" were heard on the center audio track, and it sounds like Boone, though we have no confirmation.

6. We don't know what the whispers are, but there's also a pick here for that too, myself, I think they are audio imprints of those who have died on the Island, which is why you hear Boone's and Shannon's voices at times.

7. Finally, a definite answer for this question, Yes, Jin is the father of Sun's baby, because on the Island the sperm rate is increased, effectively cancelling out Jin's infertility.

8. We have no idea, my own theory has to go with astral projection, but officially we have no idea.

9. No official confirmation on how he did it, but I think astral projection once again.

10. Shannon saw Walt, but Sayid did not see him at all, and as an extra bonus, I'll tell you what he said.

Walt said "Don't push the button, the button's bad" backwards...

Hope that helps, tell me if you have any other questions.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago marissa said…
thank you!

i do have another question, actually.
i rewatched 'what kate did' last night.

did waynes ghost really speak to her through saywer??
what was THAT all about??
over a year ago marissa said…
oh, and when sayid fixes that radio that hurley gave him, and it played music, hurley said it "could be coming from any time"

does that have and signifcance?

and what about the black and white stones from 'adam and eve'. i know dark and light is a recurring theme in the show, but do they ever come back? do they mean anything?
over a year ago marissa said…
hold on, lol, i thought for more questions.

why do the others think some people are 'good' and some 'bad' or whatever?

why was libby in the mental hospital?

whats is the 'sickness' danielle goes on about?
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
I'll do my best to answer your questions...

-"oh, and when sayid fixes that radio that hurley gave him, and it played music, hurley said it "could be coming from any time"

does that have and signifcance?"

This could possibly be a clue as to what's going on with time on the island. We're not sure of what it is yet, but there have been many theories going around about time loops and the island being a parallel universe.

-"and what about the black and white stones from 'adam and eve'. i know dark and light is a recurring theme in the show, but do they ever come back? do they mean anything? "

"Adam and Eve" haven't been mentioned again.

-"why do the others think some people are 'good' and some 'bad' or whatever? "

I don't know if you've watched Season 3, but the Others seem to be under the leadership of Jacob (which is another really confusing mystery). He has a list of people, and apparently the people on this list are considered to be "good." However, why certain people are on this list is still unknown.

-"why was libby in the mental hospital?"

Libby is never seen in Season 3. However, I've read in numerous places that her story will eventually be revealed.

-" whats is the 'sickness' danielle goes on about? "

The sickness really isn't mentioned again.

Hope this helped!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago PkmnTrainerJ said…
And I'm going to do better:

1. It would appear someone did speak through Sawyer, but whether it was all in Kate's head, we don't know.

2. We don't know whether Hurley saying that has any significance, but when asked about time and aging on The Island, the producers said "You're
just assuming time runs the way you think it does on The Island"
implying that time runs differently.

3. Jack has the black and white stones. Also the producers have said this on Adam & Eve:

CUSE: The answer to that question goes to the nature of the timeline of the island. We don't want to say too much about it, but there are a couple Easter eggs embedded in "Not in Portland", one of which is an anagram that actually sheds some light on the skeletons and hints at a larger mythological mystery that will start to unfold later in the season.
LINDELOF: There were certain things we knew from the very beginning. Independent of ever knowing when the end was going to be, we knew what it was going to be, and we wanted to start setting it up as early as season 1, or else people would think that we were making it up as we were going along. So the skeletons are the living -- or, I guess, slowly decomposing -- proof of that. When all is said and done, people are going to point to the skeletons and say, "That is proof that from the very beginning, they always knew that they were going to do this."

4. We don't yet know why The Others judge people like they do.

5. This question is going to be answered in Season 4 through somebody else's flashback.

6. One of the Lost jigsaw puzzles contained a book code cipher on its back. Lostpedia translated the code using a copy of The Turn of the Screw, revealing, among other sentences, the statement "there is no sickness." It is, however, unclear whether this is an official spoiler in the continuity of the show.
over a year ago jackluva06 said…
Dear person who wrote this.... i feel the same way about all the questions... look at the fan page titled ,"the tail section, and look at the fourus.
its titled ,"lost fanatic"

over a year ago marissa said…
was the helen that locke dated the same helen that he was talking to on the phone in season one (walkabout, i think) ?????
over a year ago PkmnTrainerJ said…
No, different Helen's, the creators have said.
over a year ago marissa said…
thank you all!!!

this helps a ton!

does anyone know when season 3 come sout on dvd?
is it already out???

also, im a little confused...
i know im probably ruining the next season for myself, but i dont care.

why did charlie die??
i watched his death scene (but just that, i didnt watch the whole epi.) and thought "why didnt he go out the door and into the other room with desmond?"
it seems like he didnt have to die, right?
anyways, im sure im missing something, can someone just sort this out for me?

im just so sad they killed off my soddin' favorite character! the bloody rock god!

over a year ago courtney7488 said…
The season 3 DVD comes out in December (I don't know the date).

Have you seen season 3 at all yet? I'm guessing that you haven't.

As a result of the hatch implosion in the season 2 finale, Desmond travels in time (if you want to, check out this episode description: link). He also beings to have visions of Charlie dying. Desmond tries numerous times to prevent Charlie's death, but because the universe has a way of course-correcting itself, Charlie is going to die no matter what. In this last vision, Desmond also sees Claire and Aaron leaving the island in a helicopter (which couldn't have happened if Charlie lived). Sure, Charlie could have saved himself this time, but he knew that he had to die. In other words, he gave in to fate and died to save Claire and Aaron.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago marissa said…
awwwww! thats so sad!

ive seen a little bit of season three. i dont remember all that much of it, though.

i kept missing episodes, and it was getting too hard to follow along, so i just gave up.
i figured id get the dvd and catch up, lol.
over a year ago PkmnTrainerJ said…
Desmond doesn't psyhically travel in time, it's only in his mind.
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
If you want, you can watch season 3 online at link.