Lost How was Ethan born and Annie didn't die?

lostfan1 posted on Mar 26, 2009 at 03:21AM
Ethan was only born and Annie didn't die because Juliet was there. 30 years ago Juliet was not there so how is it that Ethan was alive in the future?

Lost 4 replies

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over a year ago grahamb said…
Well so far we havent been told why pregnant women die on the island, but its clear that this hasn't always been the case as ethan was born there i can only speculate that perhaps, the pregnant women on the island only started having complications after the "incident", whatever that may be...
over a year ago Rock_Smurf_77 said…
Simply put Whatever happens Happened!!!
over a year ago Courtney86 said…
Pregnant women only start dying AFTER Ben killed all the Dharma Initiative.. maybe the island was angry, and that was the punishment. Or maybe she got pregnant before coming to the island.. because didn't it say in the season where Sun got pregnant that if she got pregnant before coming to the island she would be safe, but if she got pregnant on the island she would be in danger.
over a year ago TmoVie_obsessed said…
30 years ago Juliet was there, she (and the others that are back in dharma time) are only just now experiencing it. Even though this is her present it's all already happened.