Lost On The Last Episode..

dinaR posted on Dec 30, 2007 at 11:33AM
the funeral on the last episode.. for who ?
any toughts ?

Lost 22 replies

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over a year ago doonis said…
I'm guessing Ben because then Kate wouldn't want to go because Ben tried to keep her on the island but now she's happy. However, Jack mourns him because he realizes he was right. And nobody else would come, because Ben has been on the island since he was ten and has no friends
over a year ago dinaR said…
yeah.. exactly.. this is what i thought.. and also the tumor he had grow faster outside the island.. so i guess that's y he died..
but y would they (the survivors) take him (ben) with them home ?
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
i guessed locke maybe? if he gets off the island for some reason, and kate wouldnt wanna go because he tried to keep them there. he doesnt have any friends on the outside either..
over a year ago dinaR said…
locke doesnt have friends outside the island ? maybe.. but ben makes more sense..
another thing..
here in the picks it says that the survivors are going to split into two teams.. locke's and jack's
so who do you think is giong to go with jack and who with locke ?
over a year ago doonis said…
Most of the survivor's will probably go with Jack. Locke will probably get most of the others, as well as a few survivors who don't trust Jack (like maybe Sawyer). Also Desmond will help Locke's group, because he knows it isn't Penny's boat, and I'm guessing Locke's goal is to get away from the boat, while Jack wants to find it.

Also, about the first question: I think the reason the tanker people are coming is because there is something important on the island, and they want to do research (kinda like Dharma, but more dangerous). In the previews, it said that the tanker people came for something other than flight 815. And I'm guessing that Ben is going to try to stop them, as well as maybe Jack. That's why they sent them far away from the island. Now (in the future) Jack realizes that he has to go back to save the others and stop the "rescuers" from doing something deadly.
over a year ago dinaR said…
yeah.. but there's also penny's boat ( there are two boats) i guess desmond is gonna stay with jack..
and about the tanker people.. yeah.. can be..
wow I cant wait..

and also.. I think hurly will not leave the island (because of liby)
over a year ago doonis said…
Penny's boat is totally off course and far away. Although, now that she talked to Charlie, they might be able to locate the signal.
over a year ago dinaR said…
yeah.. remember in the episode when the hatch explode the island became visible for seconds..and at the end they show us a boat with two men who saw the island and immediatley called penny and informed her that they found it.. that means that penny is also close..
over a year ago doonis said…
I have a question: if Claire is going to get off the island just to end up wanting to come back, then won't Charlie have died for nothing? That sucks.
over a year ago dinaR said…
the going back to the island is just for jack.. only jack's life sucks outside the island.. ben said only to jack that he has to stay in the island..claire and the other survivors dont want to go back ..
over a year ago PkmnTrainerJ said…
Either Claire or Juliet.
over a year ago Giovanni_wasto said…
The newspaper clipping Jack was holding was analysed (with megabytes and magnifying glasses and all that stuff) to show that the dead person was called John Lantham or something similar. Either it's not someone we know, or someone's had to change his name once on the outside world.
over a year ago PkmnTrainerJ said…
We've been told by Darlton to disregard the newspaper clipping.
over a year ago Giovanni_wasto said…
How annoying.
over a year ago mizzlaurie said…
i dont want jack to die...
over a year ago dinaR said…
maybe John Lantham in one of the rescue people (the bad ones)
over a year ago doonis said…
I doubt that they would kill someone secret off in a great mystery if we didn't even know them in the first place. And why would Jack kill himself over one of the rescuers? I'm pretty sure the newspaper clipping is fake, and it's Ben (either him or Locke).
over a year ago dinaR said…
but jack wasnt killing himself because of who died.. he wants to kill himself because he want to go back and kate doesnt want him..
and i'm still convinced that it's ben who died..
over a year ago dinaR said…
ant btw.. I read this somewhere :
'John Lantham' is the name that people are claiming is on Jack's piece of
paper. Assuming this is correct, then who is John Lantham???

There is one Lostie who makes extensive use of aliases, and his name is
Sawyer / James Ford. With the post-crash investigation, the authorities
probably learned that he killed the guy in Sydney. Thus he is a wanted
murderer and a con man. It wouldn't be a stretch to assume that they also
learned his alias is Sawyer and his real name is James Ford. So he can't use
either of those names anymore...

He invents a new alias and it is 'John Lantham'.

Kate doesn't go to his funeral because they had a bad breakup of some sort.
After all, we know the Kate/Sawyer relationship can't end well because she's
only letting Sawyer boink her in order to make Jack jealous.

I don't know of any other male Losties that would need to invent an alias to
cover their pre-Island behavior. While many of them have done bad things on
the Island, I suspect that those things would have either been lied about or
cannot be prosecuted because of the circumstances, lack of evidence, and lack
of jurisdiction of the goverment on the Island

but if this is true then who the mysterious he/him is that Kate has to get back to??
over a year ago nmc1994 said…
I think that the person in the coffin is Juliet because I think I saw her picture in that newspaper Jack was reading and and that probaly why Jack was crying
over a year ago doonis said…
dinaR: I agree that Jack was mostly depressed because he couldn't get back to the island, but the funeral was what really made him snap. It might not have been someone so important, but it definitely wasn't one of his enemies.
over a year ago dinaR said…
yeah good point.. but the thing is that we dont know what's gonna happen..