Lost The Writer's Strike is OVER!!!!!!!!

heroesfan4eva posted on Feb 09, 2008 at 10:16AM
Last week, the leaders of the Writers Guild of America have reached to an agreement with the major media companies to put an end to writers’ strike.

So far, it is unlikely that the WGA members will reject the agreement at the meeting today, although a WGA representative declared that the strike is not over yet. In the best case scenario, writers will go back to work next week. They will bring us those lost episodes this summer.

Lost 13 replies

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over a year ago HannaK said…
Let's hope so :D
over a year ago Giovanni_wasto said…
Thank f***. Those greedy writer bastards probably earn twice what anyone else already, and don't deserve any more money as it is.
over a year ago DarthVibbert said…
I'm not gonna even get into it with you, but you know not every writer that works in the film industry make a million dollars a year, those are only like the 3 or 4 we really ever hear of that do, plus without the writer's nothing would exist to make in the 1st place, case in point with all the reality shows and game show that were going to pop because of the strike
over a year ago doonis said…
I just hope that all 8 other episodes will be written and filmed in time. I heard that they might only finish six of them.
over a year ago Giovanni_wasto said…
I didn't make that clear - sorry. I meant the writers of Lost (who almost certainly are at least well off) had little reason to be striking. Obviously, there are plenty who needed to strike, but there was no reason why Lost had to stop being filmed.
over a year ago heroesfan4eva said…
well from now until like july/august is 5/6 months to film 8 or whatever episodes so they should be ready. The Heroes people say it takes them 10 days to make 1 episode.
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
it took desperate housewives 5 months to make ten episodes... which is like 2 episodes a month if i'm right.. so hopefully it won't have to break for a bit if they take the same time that the DH lot take!
over a year ago BuffySummers17 said…
Oh,I hope so!:)
over a year ago DarthVibbert said…
Giovanni_wasto it's called a Union for a reason either everybody strikes or nobody strikes
over a year ago Giovanni_wasto said…
Well... everyone should have striked except the Lost writers then. I guess they would have got their asses kicked by those striking, but who cares if Lost is still being made?
over a year ago marissa said…
*does the happy dance*
over a year ago alanio said…
Well I thought it was a noble thing that Tim Kring was picketing outside the Heroes set, when he was still a producer as well as a writer. It's only fair that these guys get the royalties they deserve - after all, they give us all these shows that we love!

Even so, I'm glad that it's over now :)
over a year ago heroesfan4eva said…
the lost actors are working on the other 8 episodes this week, arrrrgh cant wait!!!!!!