Mac and Stella Let's get SMACKED really hard.

huddysmacked posted on Apr 09, 2009 at 02:35AM
So just to bump this site is all dead and I don't like ships that are dead things sooo...
You can say anything related in here to Smacked or to CSI:NY or to whatever.., like if you made a new fanfic or a new icon or you just saw a spoiler or you get it right???
And of course so that when something really smacky happens we can discuss it in here.

So, I know nobody wants to get smacked but you know I meant the ship so. Get SMACKED.

Who's in??????

Mac and Stella 44 replies

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over a year ago KrissyB said…
ME! :D
Great idea Huddysmacked :)

I just have to mention CSI_NYFangirls recent pick saying "The episode will spark never-before-realized chemistry between Stella and Mac"

:O!! Is this for the last ep?
AHHHHHHH i'm going nuts here, will it finally happen?
any thoughts? :)
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
IDK. I wish it could happen but I mean I don't think it will until the very end of the series. I just want my Smacked. Hahaha I'm soo soapy with them.
Optimism is Amazing. I have to be optimist. *crosses fingers and wishes for what CSI_NYFangirls said*
over a year ago StellaFreak said…
I'm in! =D

"The episode will spark never-before-realized chemistry between Stella and Mac" Is from the second-to-last episode =D
I CAN'T WAIT FOR THAT EPISODE =D *jumping around*
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
Me neither *kumps along with SF* I wonder what does that mean???
over a year ago SMacked_sucker said…
in the episode we can find out if Melina is a huge SMacked shipper, since she wrote the episode herself :) OMG i hope that episode will SMACK us real hard
over a year ago StellaFreak said…
big smile
Well at least it looks like an awesome episode
[the pictures and all that]
it makes me laugh every min when i think of melina as her mum =P

really really hope they SMACK us DAMN hard xP
over a year ago KrissyB said…
big smile
Seeing the promo photos of them both just makes me even more excited!!
I think Melina see's it too, that something is there :)

I'm majorly pumped for the ep SQUEEEEEEEEEE!
over a year ago SMacked_sucker said…
big smile
we only have TWENTY DAYS!!!! i'm going to try and convince my parents to let me stay up to watch the episode!! i usually have to wait until the next day to watch the FULL episode, i usually only watch until the second set of commercials!!!! US SMacked FANS ARE REALLY EXCITED
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
Yeah we're gonna get SMACKED soon!!!!!!!!!!!!1
over a year ago StellaFreak said…
big smile
Oh yeaaah! :D:D
'we're so excited,
and we just can't hide it' ;P
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
We're about to lose control and we absolutely like it!!!!

LOL, I love that song.

So anything intersting about spoilers??
over a year ago KrissyB said…
The last few Eps of Season 5 were BEYOND AWESOME! and FULL OF SMAACKED MOMENTS!

What will Season 6 hold girls? I'M EXCITEDDDDDD!! :D :D :D
The last few Eps of Season 5 were BEYOND AWESOME! and FULL OF SMAACKED MOMENTS!

What will
over a year ago huddysmacked said…

and s6 may bring a kiss?? right haha A girl can dream
over a year ago StellaFreak said…
Yeaah me too the episode was sooo awesome [still is XD]

&nd Yeaah a girl can dream and i dream with ya if you don't mind XDD
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
Yeah!!! The I'm not alone!!!!
I really love them and I can' still know why. I guesit's just that hug or just I don't know I have shipped them for a long time now...
over a year ago SMacked_sucker said…
well said, i've been dreaming of a good moment especially ever since the last couple episodes of season 5
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
Yes i think the writers will move forward a littlew bit at least
over a year ago StellaFreak said…
yeaah maybe they finally see the chemistry between them, it took a long time... maybe it's pretty hard to see it.. :S and only real fans sees it :O
over a year ago Olivine said…
I am pessimistic ;__;
I remember an interview with Gary which kinda destroyed my smacked hopes -_- grr
He said something like, they are just friends, it's not very likely that they'll ever me more and Mac would think twice before "risking" his friendship with Stella....
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
OOOhhhh that depresses me now since Mel also said that it won't ever happen but I don't know... If they don't put them together some producers are gonna get kicked!!
over a year ago Olivine said…
yes..they just have to be together ... love the title of this forum btw xDDD
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
Ooh thanks! And yeah why dxo producers want us to suffer? They gave the DL fans a baby!!! a baby!!!! And they can't give us at least a kiss???
over a year ago Olivine said…
they are completely "%/$%$(%)§"§ [insert bad words] xDDD i mean...they killed angell off ;_; i shipped flangell more than D/L
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
I have never shipped DL and I won't probably I just don't like Lindsay shhhh don't tell the other fans or they'll kill me!!! I also loved flangell they were sooo cute and the way Fllack loved her!!! I hope they don't end up killing Stella or Mac. (I know they won't but who knows?)

#$%&%$/$/$%()(=/=)&/%/&#% You Producers!!!! XDD
over a year ago Olivine said…
ui O_____o I like Lindsay, I like Danny...I like their ship, but I'm not obsessed with it or so :S I don't really care about it..XD

*gets killed for talking about D/L in the smacked thread*
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
Don't die Cami!!!!! XDD I won't kill you, I really don't care either about DL and well I do like Lindsay but not as a CSI: NY. I still don't get over Aiden and look, they did it again! They killed Aiden too!
over a year ago Olivine said…
big smile
I never really liked Aiden :S XDD I'm glad they got Lindsay...damn we should talk about smacked xDDDDD
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
LOL I know hahaha

Mmmh whwn did you become a Smaxcked shipper? Like in any episode?
over a year ago Olivine said…
big smile
hm...i think it wasn't a special episode..*thinks back* my memory is so bad XDDDD like always :S
ähm..i think i shipped them from the i got really obsessed with them when i found out that foreteen was going to happen, that was when i got my yellow medal =D

and you?
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
I began watching CSI:NY since like 1x03 and I don't know why but I fell in love with them. And I have always shipped them but Recycling made me ship them ship them XDD and it was my first ship ever, even before Huddy so that's why I love them. And well I haven't get my greeny but that's because nowadays they don't rate anything but oh well I have to apport more to this spot too... But sometimeds I'm lazy XDD
over a year ago Olivine said…
I just rated your icons before =DD
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
Awww thanks! But still they aren't much...hehe besides I'm really not looking for getting it roght away I mean the I get a new medal each week so I'm happy! =) LOL
over a year ago Olivine said…
what's your first language btw? spanish? :) i was wondering about that some days ago XDD
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
Yes it is. Yo hablo español <---That's means I speak spanish although I like morew english it sounds better
over a year ago Olivine said…
i know =D i learned spanish for 2 years at school....ok maybe "learned" isn't the right word since it was an elective subject and everyone was just hanging around not paying attention to what the teacher tried to teach us xDD
most of the time we just took the german words and put an -o at the end...XDD
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
big smile
LOL that's what I do in my french class but I put english words and pronounce them in a guttural way LOL
over a year ago Olivine said…
hehe xD it's fun
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
Gotta go an post my wedding... I'll be back for more Smacked talk later...
over a year ago huddyislove said…
Regi!! Smacked is the best!!! (you know, after Huddy xDDD)
over a year ago huddysmacked said…
Yeah Hilly!!! Now you ship smacked too?? XDD
over a year ago HouseAddict87 said…
Huddy + Smacked = BEST SHIPS EVER!
over a year ago rexie said…
Officially adding smacked to my crazy fan girl ship list xD ohhhh yeah, now to watch 6 seasons of NY!
over a year ago HouseAddict87 said…
Welcome to the Smacked fandom rexie!
over a year ago neurogirl07 said…
Okay, I'm going to feel out of place for saying my all time favorite, OTP, but I don't care. :D I loooovvveee Hilson. They were my first love when I watched House wayyy back in the 2nd season ep, All In, and they still are my favorite pairing, ever. Smacked is a very close second. ^_^

And rexie, congrats for joining the Smacked side! =D Feel free to read the fanfic that is posted here and happy watching! =D