Martian Manhnter Updates

a pop quiz question was added: In the Smallville TV show: In which episode does Martian Manhunter lose his powers? over a year ago by Kamila_064
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: J'onn works sometimes as a cop on earth, what police woman has J'onn been seen partnering op with in the comics? over a year ago by Kamila_064
a photo was added: Martian Manhunter over a year ago by Kamila_064
a pop quiz question was added: J'onn works sometimes as a cop on earth, what police woman has J'onn been seen partnering op with in the comics? over a year ago by Kamila_064
a pop quiz question was added: What does "Zook", Manhunter's Silver-Age Alien side-kick sometimes pet often look like? over a year ago by Kamila_064
a pop quiz question was added: Who was Martian Manhunter's wife on Mars? over a year ago by Kamila_064
a pop quiz question was added: Who invites Martian Manhunter to christmas dinner in the Justice League animated series? over a year ago by Kamila_064
a pop quiz question was added: What animal did Martian Manhunter shape-shift into when he wanted to save an airplane in Martian Manhunter #1 (2016)? over a year ago by Kamila_064
a pop quiz question was added: What is Martian Manhunter's greatest weakness? over a year ago by Kamila_064
a pop quiz question was added: It has been said that Batman is the brains of the Justice League but It has also been said that J'onn is the ___ of the team. over a year ago by Kamila_064
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: Where does J'onn live now? over a year ago by regishel
a pop quiz question was added: What earth name does Martian Manhunter use as an alias when posing as a detective on earth? over a year ago by Kamila_064
a pop quiz question was added: Is Miss Martian, Martian Manhunter's niece? over a year ago by Kamila_064
a pop quiz question was added: In what episode of Justice League (animated series) lands J'onn on a roof and reaches down the chimney for cookies? over a year ago by Kamila_064
a pop quiz question was added: What was the first sentence Martian Manhunter said in the animated series Justice League? (Not telepathically) over a year ago by Kamila_064
a pop quiz question was added: Has Martian Manhunter ever been part of the team named Stormwatch over a year ago by Kamila_064
a pop quiz question was added: What is Martian Manhunter's favorite food? over a year ago by Kamila_064
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: where was he born? over a year ago by Kamila_064
a pop quiz question was added: Where does J'onn live now? over a year ago by Kamila_064
a pop quiz question was added: where was he born? over a year ago by ColinSkywalker