Marvel Comics Actors and Roles

benji posted on Apr 03, 2007 at 09:47PM
Who do you think would be good actors to play Marvel characters?

I was thinking about this when I heard my favourite Marvel, Namor, is getting his own film and thought it'd be interesting discussion.

Namor The Sub-Mariner: Hugo Weaving (LOTR, V for Vendetta, The Matrix)
Gambit (X-Men): James Holloway (LOST)

Marvel Comics 3 replies

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over a year ago sfdude said…
Oh I like the Hugo Weaving choice for Namor! And Sawyer as Gambit is a nice one although I don't picture Gambit as being that buff. Maybe they'll cast someone as Gambit for the next X-Men movie because I'm sure they'll do one. Last Stand my ass!

over a year ago benji said…
Well, Gambit does have that bodysuit and there is muscle visible (depending on the artist), unless you mean his frame being off?

I still can't believe they missed out Gambit, I know Storm is a regular X-Men member, but they wasted her with Halle Berry, Halle has had two opportunities to play great comic characters and failed both times.
over a year ago bishopsX said…
Dead on with the weak un-spectacular one-dimensional halle berry as my mind there will ever only be ONE storm and that is the original super model herself IMAN!!!! re-watch star trek Undiscovered Country if you doubt it;the looks the beauty and most importantly......the genuine accent...marvel went with star power and lost out big!