Matt Damon You admitted you do not know Sarah Palin.

AUBREYFL4 posted on Sep 13, 2008 at 03:08AM
You admitted you do not know Sarah Palin. John McCain with all his foreign experience chose her. John McCain walked the POW walk (foreign prison/physically injured in war). Do not sell him short on his foreign policy instincts. She has been up to date on foreign affairs due to her state which she governs is right across the bay from Russia. She is further ahead than the majority in congress right now. Obama has a voting record of "present"! Obama says "present" or "change". Matt do not just hate Bush, do your due diligence on Obama. If you studied Obama and Palin as hard as you do one of your scripts you would be surprised. Sarah Palin has more balls than Obama, or you (due your due diligence on her, especially before you go on national TV and make foolish statements like "she is not ready but I really don't know anything about her", now that is stupid and foolish). She already has proven what she will do with big government, she takes a stand and draws a line. Obama will cuddle with all the other anti-US countries and I think Palin will be a tremendous force to be reckoned with. Matt act..... do not try to make a difference as an actor. Do not say stuff like this I lose respect for you when you do. Remember you are just an entertainer. There is credibility in Hollywood and then there is credibility in the real world with the real people. You don't want to loose that Matt. Don't get too big for your britches.

last edited on Sep 13, 2008 at 03:15AM

Matt Damon 4 replies

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over a year ago Vancouver said…
Matt, You probably have zero college. Being in movies is your only voice. Lucky for us you only have 1 vote. Obama has less than 3 years in the Senate and when he first started his campaign he touted the old white men in DC. Yet he had to pick one to increase his odds for election day. Tell me, Obama is 1/2 white how come he claims to be black when he is neither. If you new anything about the Muslim religion you would be scared to death his father is Muslim that makes him one no matter what he says to other Muslims. One more thing stupid. Who do you think will be VP if Sarah is Pres, If something happens to John, NANCY POLOSKI! YEA STUPID GO BACK TO SCHOOL.
over a year ago aanniiee_ said…
First of all, his career as an entertainer does not define him as a person. What, being an actor is the only thing that he can talk about? He is voicing his opinion just like everyone else. The difference is that people are actually paying attention to what he has to say. He knows what he's talking about, and he made sure he was educated on what Palin stood for when he did this interview. And when he said "she is not ready but I really don't know anything about her," I believe he is implying that here is some out-of-blue woman that is running for the vice presidency, yet has little political experience and absolutely no foreign policy experience. Choosing her was a marketing tool. For pete's sake, she believes that DINOSAURS were alive when humans were alive. Need I say more? She doesn't believe in evolution, yet the evidence is right there before her eyes. I mean, at least believe in intelligent design. I really could go on about what an idiot she is, but that might take too long.

Alright Vancouver, what the hell does "you probably have zero college" even mean? And if you're implying that he never went to college, I'm guessing that you didn't know he attended Harvard University before leaving to pursue acting? Because he did.

"Tell me, Obama is 1/2 white how come he claims to be black when he is neither." He is neither? HE'S BOTH you COMPLETE idiot. What, because he's not fully one race, now he is nothing? Soooo, going by your logic: I'm 70% Irish buuuut since I'm not 100%, that means I'm not Irish at all? ...
HAH. My god, you're SO ignorant.

And if YOU knew anything about the Muslim religion, you would think twice about stereotyping all Muslims as terrorists, because I'm guessing that's what you're implying.

And I'm pretty sure that when the President dies, the Vice President assumes the presidency. In other words, yeah if something were to happen to McCain, PALIN would be president. THAt'S what Matt was pointing out. I don't know what you're talking about, because Matt never said anything about Palin's Vice President.

And lastly, "YEA STUPID GO BACK TO SCHOOL." ... hmmmmmmmmm you did read your own post, right?

Matt, please keep on stating your opinion because I only gain respect for you when you do.

Matt Damon<3
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ZenZappa said…
Where do I start, well first off Vancouver’s comment on Matt Damon having “zero college” in the assumption that only college can teach you about the world and make you opinion better informed is BS!! I wouldn’t be surprised that Vancouver is republican if only by the hurtful uninformed nature of his comments. I would like to respond to Matt’s Comment on Sarah Palin “at least she has balls” Since when is thinking from one’s balls a good thing? That kind of world domination pissing contest has kept us in War for decades. Sarah Palin and those like her are dangerous in public office because of the demented ideologies they cling too. For instance Palin gave a speech at the Wasilla Assembly of God, in which she exhorted the ministry to pray for America against Iraq. "Our national leaders are sending the soldiers out on a task that is from God," “Were being there is God's plan” she said.Since when is God an American, since when does he support corruption? Speaking of Acting , has anyone seen Steven Kings Movie starring Michael Walkin called “The Dead Zone” he takes out the lunatic running for president played by Martin Sheen, do so then ask yourself if art imitates life or life imitates art. Peace doesn’t equate to weakness but embellishes a Nation
over a year ago ZenZappa said…
Also AUBREYFL4 comments, Omg "Remember you are just an entertainer" Now i understand how the election got so fouled up in florida, people like aubrey live there. Sure aubrey, Matt Damon is "an entertainer" but do you think that if someone askes him his opinion should he say "I shouldn't answer that question after all I am just and Actor. Ask yourself aubrey, is your opinion more important than someone elses? Also the time to stop electing people that use as a banner the fact that they were in a war. It's not anti american to seek wisdom and peace. Thank God Bush and cheney are out of office, their war has cost HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of Lives...for what, we learned that it was a rouse by the administration regarding weapons of mass destruction,We are their to destabelize the middle east for the benifit of oil, but this is how politicians get a country to support war and how the sheep follow to the slaughter that has kept us at war for decades. Questioning Authority is not un-American!