Mexico Mexican Stereotypes. Setting them straight.

mty posted on Jan 24, 2007 at 11:07PM
What do you guys think about the stereotypes that mexicans have? For example, the donkeys, the TexMex burritos, the miserable living... Let's face, none of this is truth.

Mexico 17 replies

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over a year ago DrDevience said…
No argument here. I spent a lot of time in Mexico ;)
over a year ago mramirez87 said…
the stereotypes are so wrong yet funny.
im mexican.. and i went to study abroad to canada, it was funny because all the people were asking me how I got there, if there were any airplanes in mexico, the showed me how to use the tv when mine is better in mexico, i dont know its just funny people are so ignorant, mexico has cities like usa but also has other sides of the country were people are really poor
over a year ago DrDevience said…
The US has just as many poor places, just set up different. Not better, just different.

I adore everything about Mexico.
over a year ago adavila said…
I dont even know what a texmex burrito is

over a year ago luinwen said…
I think sterotypes are so dumb, I mean in every country in the world you'll find poor people, ignorance etc.., and there are places that are in worst conditions like Haiti, luckly the times I've been to the US or Canada people have been very nice, I've never been discriminated or anything
over a year ago luinwen said…
aah si y los burritos no son comida mexicana realmente y porque escribo esto es español, nose me dieron ganas
over a year ago adavila said…
over a year ago paola1901 said…
I don't think I've never seen a donkey
and, what's a TexMex burrito?

Deberíamos de hablar en español cuando hacen este tipo de preguntas :P
over a year ago jeanyawn said…
when my dad went to the US, they asked where his sombrero was!
I thought it was funny, he didn't.
over a year ago deedeemx said…
hablando de los burros yo si los he visto, y muy seguido (en la Avenida revolución de Tijuana). Otro estereotipo que odio es que los mexicanos no podemos tener la piel clara, ojos de color o cabello claro, y si tienes cualquiera de los anteriores es porque tu mamá o tu papá son gabachos o algo por el estilo y la neta todos sabemos que es la mentira mas grande del mundo y mas porque en ciertos estados (especialmente los que estan cerca de la sierra, cúal? no sé) la gente es extremadamente blanca, con ojos claros y algunos con cabello rubio.

por cierto qué tiene un burrito TexMex?
que no se les olviden las tortas!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago luinwen said…
yo solo he visto burros cuando he llegado ir a algun pueblito o algo, y los tacos solo son buenos si los comes en mexico jajaja
over a year ago adavila said…
cierto lo de los tacos

la otra vez comi tacos en los angeles en un restaurant llamado tacos don chente y sabian asquerosos
over a year ago anya3712 said…
lived in France for 3 years, when I was single. I am mexican, but my great-grandfather was french, so, I have a french surname. Some people used to think I was married with a french guy when they heard my name, they could not think it was my real, maiden name....This happened mostly when I was making a phone call....because I'm a very fair-skinned person, so, if they saw me they used to think I was french, but at the phone, they could hear my spanish's funny how stereotypes are still in force nowadays....

And, by the way....burritos and chili con carne are not mexican food.....that's mexican restaurants in mexico you'll find a lot of delcious meals, except the above....
over a year ago deppforever said…
the only thing that i dont like is how they treated the animals
over a year ago Zzkate said…
big smile
idk why they think tht but theres always gonna be ignorant ppl with stupid ideas so
Arriba los mexicanos with every tipe of skin and religion!!!
over a year ago SnapeOWNSedward said…
Some people are pretty stupid when it comes to our culture. The End
over a year ago unohana said…
i hate the stereotypes they make about mexicans. I'm mexican. One stereotype that gets me real mad is that mexicans are lazy which is 100% wrong! Mexicans are the most hard working people out there! Also that all mexicans are poor,not true many mexicans go to college and get good jobs and lots of money. Another stereotype is that all mexicans are tan,brown not true i'm mexican and i have pale color skin. I see many mexicans when i go to home town with light skin and color eyes(they are not white people because they live there and know only spanish) so anyone who saids any bad things about mexico or mexicans, you will get destory.