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Michael Jackson Question

CHALLENGE: Show your love and win 20 PROPS.

Write a little text, as a love and respect statement about Michael.

Why you love him, the reasons why he's so special for you, what made you get interested about him and his music.

You can also name your favorite songs and all those stuff.
The best one will be nominated as best answer and win 20 props.

Come on, give your best. It's all about L.O.V.E.
CHALLENGE: Show your love and win 20 PROPS.
 the_best_Lover posted over a year ago
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Michael Jackson Answers

Fashionista101 said:
Michael J. Jackson:

Michael has and always remain in my heart. After his passing I felt like a piece of my life had gone away. He was always my idol, someone who I greatly admired. I love his dancing, singing, and my personal favorite, his vew of the world. Michael was the best humanitarian. He always wanted to bring peace between people and wanted everyone to realize that they were always loved. He truly did look at the "Man In The Mirror." If there was anything that I wanted to say to Micheal here's what I would say:

"Dear Michael, I'm glad that I learned and became a fan of your music because you changed my life in so many ways, you couldn't even imagine. You made me want to help people more and make peace between everyone. You mad me want to look at the "Man In The Mirror." To me, it seems like I've known you my whole life. When I heard of your passing I cried myself to sleep every night. I just couldn't over the fact. But now, I'm going to contiune what you've always wanted to do, make the world a better place. I'll always love you and there will always be a place in my heart for you. I miss you Michael, but your soul rest in peace."

Love always and yours truly,


Pairs, Blanket, and Prince, my heart has and always will go out to you, and everything that you've been through. I cry for you all the time too. I'm so glad that we're friends too because I don't know what I'd ever do without you guys. You mean so much to me, and I love all three of you.

Thank you Michael for everything that you've brought to not only me, but to the whole world. You're children are the sweetest, and I love them to death. They remind me of you in so many different ways. You were loved when you came into this world, and you're still loved, leaving this world.

MJ.... a lot of people criticize you, but they are just 1% of the world's population. 99% of mankind LOVES AND UNDERSTANDS you MJ. and I'm one of them. Bless your soul MJ,

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Michael J. Jackson:

Michael has and always remain in my heart. After his passing I felt like a piece of my life had gone away. He was always my idol, someone who I greatly admired. I love his dancing, singing, and my personal favorite, his vew of the world. Michael was the best humanitarian. He always wanted to bring peace between people and wanted everyone to realize that they were always loved. He truly did look at the "Man In The Mirror." If there was anything that I wanted to say to Micheal here's what I would say: 

"Dear Michael, I'm glad that I learned and became a fan of your music because you changed my life in so many ways, you couldn't even imagine. You made me want to help people more and make peace between everyone. You mad me want to look at the "Man In The Mirror." To me, it seems like I've known you my whole life. When I heard of your passing I cried myself to sleep every night. I just couldn't over the fact. But now, I'm going to contiune what you've always wanted to do, make the world a better place. I'll always love you and there will always be a place in my heart for you. I miss you Michael, but your soul rest in peace."

Love always and yours truly,


Pairs, Blanket, and Prince, my heart has and always will go out to you, and everything that you've been through. I cry for you all the time too. I'm so glad that we're friends too because I don't know what I'd ever do without you guys. You mean so much to me, and I love all three of you.

Thank you Michael for everything that you've brought to not only me, but to the whole world. You're children are the sweetest, and I love them to death. They remind me of you in so many different ways. You were loved when you came into this world, and you're still loved, leaving this world.

MJ.... a lot of people criticize you, but they are just 1% of the world's population. 99% of mankind LOVES AND UNDERSTANDS you MJ. and I'm one of them. Bless your soul MJ,
posted over a year ago 
i-am-mariella said:
Dear Michael, ♥
I have no idea how you could possibly see or read this now; but I've always wanted to tell you some things and I feel that I have to get them out and give myself closure.
I've always found death scary. Not the act so much; just the fact I love life. I've got so much to live for, and I can't imagine not being able to do everything I love to do. It's more the thought of not being able to do all the things I wanted before I died. But passing over seems much less scary now I know you are waiting on the other side.
When I first realised that I held a lot of love and fascination for you, I was considerably young, being brought up with all the negative media in England making me feel bored of the fact that a lot of samey artists who all sung the same sort of auto-tuned, generic pop with no meaning and were not distingushable from each other, were supposed to be my role models. They weren't; they held no personal meaning to me.
You were different. Well, of course you were, it's what you are known for. But Michael, I'm glad you know that being different is not a bad thing. You are inspirational - from your amazing music, which is prized not just for being the PERFECT dancing music but actually having meaningful lyrics. Most of all, I love you for being the person you are. I wondered if I met you, would I like you? Then, when I became a fan properly, I realised I felt like I already knew you in my heart (corny as that may sound!) You used your immense talent and popularity to send great messages out all around the world in your music. Michael, I've always felt different - I've been called strange. I know how you feel, but I hope you can feel glad to be different. It's not a bad thing, (even though they told despicable lies about you, for which I'm sorry about and it makes my blood boil, though I consider myself a placid person, though easily riled and very angry when provoked), you are just a unique individual and everyone will remember you, whereas media members and sameish artists who do not use their fame for any good.
There will always be negative media and I'm sorry they made you feel sad or inferior sometimes. Please remember the law of love; Love conquers hate and we will always love you. I miss you.
Sleep tight, Michael. Keep the Faith x

ps; Dun ber ber lee!
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posted over a year ago 
dodobird said:
I dont want to make my answer unbearably long so ill just get to the point - hes different. Like no other star---or person---in the world he was very smart and was a gentleman and the only guy i know who actually wanted to have kids wen he got married. What got me interested was all the hype about him when he died i never really cared about him before that (yes,i was a hater and truly regret it) but then i got interested when i first heard the juingle of "black or white" on tv. I really though i was in love with that jingle so after a few days of having it stuck in my head i looked up the song and then i found smooth criminal and fell in love with that song too. My favorite song from him is "whatever happens" the one with carlos santana. Now i think about him everyday and whenever i hear ANYONE talk bad about him i get up all in their faces. One thing i wish for is for people to recognize him by more than just "thriller" i want everyone to recognize him as a great loving caring peacful talented and yes good looking guy. Xoxo Its all for love L.O.V.E.
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posted over a year ago 
ILoveYouMJ said:
I've known who Michael Jackson was ever since i was 7 years old. My mommy had the Thriller CD & would put it to play in the car with me & i would just love his music. His voice was like no one i have ever heard before. My first video i have ever saw by him was " Remember The Time " & i remember thinking " He dances AMAZINGGG ! " I watched the video over & over & over again , i couldn't stop ! & I honestly didn't know why . . . Then one day i was over my cousin's house & she had the DVD " Michael Jackson's HIStory " & I never knew he had so many videos , then it got down to " The Way You Make Me Feel " & That was that , i loved him ever since ♥
If you really get the chance to listen to him , his music , watch him dance , you realize he's like no other person in this world. He was unique , he loved & cared for people. He taught us to love & to heal the world because we are the world. I love & respect him for all that he has done.
He's special. Never have i heard anyone sing as him. Never seen anyone who can dance like him. Never met anyone who was so creative as him , " Liberian Girl " who would ever have thought of that ? < 3 He is the most gorgeous person i know inside & outside. He was unique , a person so special as him only comes once in a life time ♥ He just stole my heart < 3
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I've known who Michael Jackson was ever since i was 7 years old. My mommy had the Thriller CD & would put it to play in the car with me & i would just love his music. His voice was like no one i have ever heard before. My first video i have ever saw by him was " Remember The Time " & i remember thinking " He dances AMAZINGGG ! " I watched the video over & over & over again , i couldn't stop ! & I honestly didn't know why . . . Then one day i was over my cousin's house & she had the DVD " Michael Jackson's HIStory " & I never knew he had so many videos , then it got down to " The Way You Make Me Feel " & That was that , i loved him ever since ♥
If you really get the chance to listen to him , his music , watch him dance , you realize he's like no other person in this world. He was unique , he loved & cared for people. He taught us to love & to heal the world because we are the world. I love & respect him for all that he has done.
He's special. Never have i heard anyone sing as him. Never seen anyone who can dance like him. Never met anyone who was so creative as him , " Liberian Girl " who would ever have thought of that ? < 3 He is the most gorgeous person i know inside & outside. He was unique , a person so special as him only comes once in a life time ♥ He just stole my heart < 3
posted over a year ago 
zombiestars said:
Michael Jackson
we had him and lost him
we were lost now found
he filled our hearts with LOVE
he cry we cry
those dancing shoes that singing machine
i can't help to say i love you michael with my heart
you help now we help you
WE L.O.V.E YOU!!!!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
NikkiLovesMJ said:
hh Wow I don't even know where to start,Michael has Always been such a love and inspiration to me,I never knew that I could Love somebody so much,somebody special like he is,There aren't enough reasons to tell or to describe how magical and beautiful he is but if I have to choose the reasons why I love him,I am defintly gonna have to say that his music really touched deeply my heart and soul and made me see the new begining of my life,the second thing that it's really really very very important to me,is his heart..,since I have a similar childhood like MJ had it,my mom hits me,punches me and kicks me,just like Joseph did MJ,and everytime she does that,I remember the way how Michael used to suffer and he's the one that Always keeps my head up high and he's like a teacher to me,because of him I realaise how much our planet suffers,and that we need to fix it before it's to late,and when I see that smile,my heart just starts singing out of joy and when when he smiles,I smile too. He completly changed my life. I became a better person,I becamed one of the best dancers at my school and a singer. To me,he's not just a superstar like he is to some people,he's also like a great father to me,that I never had..and I love him so much because he saved my grandma from death..nobody will ever know how thankful I feel about that..Michael is my life saver and Nobody and I mean Nobody will ever replace him in my my heart..there is only one Michael and he will Forever stay in my memory..I Love u so much Michael..Thank u for everything,God bless u..L.O.V.E. :*:*♥♥
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hh Wow I don't even know where to start,Michael has Always been such a love and inspiration to me,I never knew that I could Love somebody so much,somebody special like he is,There aren't enough reasons to tell or to describe how magical and beautiful he is but if I have to choose the reasons why I love him,I am defintly gonna have to say that his music really touched deeply my heart and soul and made me see the new begining of my life,the second thing that it's really really very very important to me,is his heart..,since I have a similar childhood like MJ had it,my mom hits me,punches me and kicks me,just like Joseph did MJ,and everytime she does that,I remember the way how Michael used to suffer and he's the one that Always keeps my head up high and he's like a teacher to me,because of him I realaise how much our planet suffers,and that we need to fix it before it's to late,and when I see that smile,my heart just starts singing out of joy and when when he smiles,I smile too. He completly changed my life. I became a better person,I becamed one of the best dancers at my school and a singer. To me,he's not just a superstar like he is to some people,he's also like a great father to me,that I never had..and I love him so much because he saved my grandma from death..nobody will ever know how thankful I feel about that..Michael is my life saver and Nobody and I mean Nobody will ever replace him in my my heart..there is only one Michael and he will Forever stay in my memory..I Love u so much Michael..Thank u for everything,God bless u..L.O.V.E. :*:*♥♥
posted over a year ago 
TEEHEE819 said:
MJ is the most insipering, da most amazing & greatest entertainer in da world. & he is so awesome dat i proberly write an infinity list ov da resons y i love him. He inspire so many artists around da world by showing his talent, love, kindness and his angel glow rays 2 da world.

Da reason y i love MJ is bcause he respect, loves every kind ov being in da world (except da press) & by showing his love, he goes 2 any kind ov hostpital in da world & vist kids & giving then prents, autographs & especially his love. DA reason y he is so special in my life cause if we dont have da thriller or him there wont b other amazing artists like Beyonce & et & we'll never have greater love than b4. I've got interested in his music & him wen i was going UTube & decided 2 listen 2 some old songs & wen saw Billie Jean Live i was amazed ov da way him danced 2 da music & sings it it seems 2 inspire me it like im listening music from a place called heavan its like God & da angels singing & dancing at da same time.

Ever since I've heard MJ died i was speechless it was like some1 got dat universal remote control from Click & pressed da puse button... it was like i gonna die withen 10 seconds... its was seeing a full car accident in front ov ya. it was just terrifing just horrible 2 explain it in words. & i love 2 say 2 all da ppl who loves MJ or is a close friend or relative we all no we lost a person who is so deep in our hearts tore away suddenly by da horror we all saw & 2 Prince, Paris & Blanket I would like 2 say i'll give all my love 2 u & ur family & u'll no dat u r not alone & ur dad will always looking down on u & smile his glowing smile. God bless ya :')


PS TEE HEE 2 all da MJ lovers & all
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posted over a year ago 
mjlover88 said:
i had always liked michael but when he passed i did some research on him an loved his music his voice and his danceing and much more! :) i felt so bad for him when i read about his childhood, the way joe worked him day and night and on holidays and scared him sick. i love i mean love the bad era i love all da other era's to but i just love the bad era,my fav songs are just good friends, man in the mirrior and dirty diana. i also think he is beyond cute! with love Cat
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i had always liked michael but when he passed i did some research on him an loved his music his voice and his danceing and much more! :) i felt so bad for him when i read about his childhood, the way joe worked him day and night and on holidays and scared him sick. i love i mean love the bad era i love all da other era's to but i just love the bad era,my fav songs are just good friends, man in the mirrior and dirty diana. i also think he is beyond cute! with love Cat
posted over a year ago 
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