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Michael Jackson Question

I am truly tired and hurt...

To all the ppl who thinks I am a pedophile without a official proof (I am not mentioning names) Try to see better.
I am not a pedophile
I am 14 years old, I live in Caracas, Venezuela and I am not lying
Yes I have proofs to show u I dont lie
Do u guys have proofs that show I am pedophile?
(If u have one tell me then!)
U cant block me and call me a pedophile just cuz I ask u where do u live! Is inmature and stupid!
Yes..Internet is dangerous, but it doesnt matter u have to call everyone a pedophile. U just have to beware! Thats it
If u love Michael Jackson...Try to have empathy
I am really having it...
Being called a pedophile just cuz u want to have friends....
does someone really call you a pedophile? i really feel sad for you and i just can't belive that someone called you a pedophile!
MJfan97 posted over a year ago
You will never be suspended !!! We are by your side !!! :))))
Lovetreehill posted over a year ago
:))) Yeah!!!!
goodfeelings777 posted over a year ago
 goodfeelings777 posted over a year ago
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Michael Jackson Answers

paloma97ppb said:
The ones who call you pedophile, will get their legs chopped off and shoved up their ass.
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posted over a year ago 
Thanx for defending me catfishy :)
goodfeelings777 posted over a year ago
It's ok :)
paloma97ppb posted over a year ago
I love u so much my Catfishy
goodfeelings777 posted over a year ago
I love you more <3
paloma97ppb posted over a year ago
liberiangirl_mj said:
I am really sorry to hear these kind of things.. we are all a family here (this is what I truly feel) and we should ONLY LOVE and RESPECT each other!!! It's what Michael teached us.
No insults, no meaning words...
We have to be just like brothers and sisters.

Love you!!♥♥

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I am really sorry to hear these kind of things.. we are all a family here (this is what I truly feel) and we should ONLY LOVE and RESPECT each other!!! It's what Michael teached us. 
No insults, no meaning words...
We have to be just like brothers and sisters. 

Love you!!♥♥
posted over a year ago 
Is difficult when ppl treat u like a beast and a pedophile :/
goodfeelings777 posted over a year ago
These people are so wrong!
paloma97ppb posted over a year ago
it's so horrible to read that !!!!! I'm very sorry to hear that too :((((
Lovetreehill posted over a year ago
misscupcake97 said:
:O!!!!! Wat?!?! Whos doing that to u watermelon?!?! I'll kick their ass!!!!!! That's so stupid!!!!!>:(
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posted over a year ago 
Hey Miss Nacho!
paloma97ppb posted over a year ago
Haha hey orange:D
misscupcake97 posted over a year ago
paloma97ppb posted over a year ago
PaisleyPark said:
I am so sorry people think that.

As long as you know it isn't true, and the ones who love you know it isn't true...

Well, that's all that matters.

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posted over a year ago 
I know..but I am tired of ppl blocking me and reporting me just cuz I ask them where they live! Is stupid! But u r really right...The thing is that sometimes it hurts me :((
goodfeelings777 posted over a year ago
So true.
paloma97ppb posted over a year ago
ILoveYouMJ said:
What the HECK MANNN ! There crazy in the head -__- ! Fanpop used to be all about Love & Peace , now it's mostly about DRAMA , DRAMA , DRAMA , I really wish it would just go back to the way it was >:(
Your a very sweet & kind person , don't let anyone tell you otherwise :) ♥ As long as you know you're not that's all that matters , OK ? < 3
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posted over a year ago 
Ok :)
goodfeelings777 posted over a year ago
i agree
alexmswann posted over a year ago
GeorgettaDeLeon said:
Hi I`m from Phoneix,AZ n I just wanted 2 let U know 2 keep your head up don`t let ppl like that get you down cause you know who you are n who you are not n just by your words alone I feel your a good person cause it takes heart to hold yourself and not stoop to their level n say something bad back. Forget what those ppl say thay just have nothing better to do then to hurt ppls feelings. Stay up and don`t let anyone get you down.
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posted over a year ago 
Thanx :D And is a pleasure to knwo u :)
goodfeelings777 posted over a year ago
alexmswann said:
o wow! who n the world said that
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posted over a year ago 
Some nasty ass on here. *Whsipers*
paloma97ppb posted over a year ago
Well Many ppl here
goodfeelings777 posted over a year ago
alexmswann posted over a year ago
royalssy said:
ooooo...clock wate please dont be sad cos they ppl who called you tht will get their sins. and if i can i really wanna slap their faces and kick their buttocks! haha..but buddy please dont be sad im worried if you're upset. and again im sorry to hear this stuff. keep the faith yea.
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posted over a year ago 
The only problem is I can get suepended :(
goodfeelings777 posted over a year ago
oh my god....
royalssy posted over a year ago
MJLegacygirl said:
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posted over a year ago 
goodfeelings777 posted over a year ago
yeahhh Oh
MJLegacygirl posted over a year ago
koolkat-1104 said:
ignore them they dont know nothing about michael jackson they are brain washed by the tabloid michael wouldnt want u to worry about them he loves u just as long as u love him and know he's innicent dont ever stop cuz of those buttheads ok :)
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ignore them they dont know nothing about michael jackson they are brain washed by the tabloid michael wouldnt want u to worry about them he loves u just as long as u love him and know he's innicent dont ever stop cuz of those buttheads ok :)
posted over a year ago 
Well yes the thingy is that they r calling me a pedophile as they called him like that...Is horrible -.-
goodfeelings777 posted over a year ago
dont worry about them if they still mess with u like that report them
koolkat-1104 posted over a year ago
LostChild said:
Really who ever thinks that is completely wrong and as you said immature you are a sweet, kind, smart, and wonderful girl
I too i'm sick and tired of being called a child molester, pervert, and pedophile just cuz people believe anything they hear (Or read) I love children but would never in a million years hurt one
I am tired of lies and the people who make them up
I for one know you are not a pedophile and i would never believe it
"With The Love L-O-V-E"~Michael Jackson

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posted over a year ago 
Yeah droog -.- Is horrible being called a pedophile with NO reason :(
goodfeelings777 posted over a year ago
Thanx so much Big Shark :3 U all guys cheer me up!
goodfeelings777 posted over a year ago
TEEHEE819 said:
wow who ever called u a pedo might b really rude & deserves 2 burn in hell but same with MJfan97 i just cant blieve it...

TEE HEE 2 da lovers & BOO HOO 2 da haters
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posted over a year ago 
Well umm burn in hell no ..but it would be cool if that person apologize
goodfeelings777 posted over a year ago
Lmfao the last sentence.
paloma97ppb posted over a year ago
WhisperOfLove said:
It hurts me to hear this. I have no idea why someone would call you that when they don't even know you! That is just mean and stupid. NO ONE should judge anyone like that. It's horrible. Just ignore this person and it'll be fine. Your family is here for you.
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posted over a year ago 
Yeah..the problem is that those guys can report me and suspend me..and I can lose my Fanpop Family :/
goodfeelings777 posted over a year ago
Yes they can report you but Fanpop doesn't suspend everyone who's being reported, the person must've had bad behaviour, which you haven't. They review all reports but if they don't find anything i don't think they will suspend you.
WhisperOfLove posted over a year ago
I didnt know that thanx for the info ;)
goodfeelings777 posted over a year ago
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