Monster High The Emerald Role Play....

Clawtina posted on Mar 02, 2012 at 10:41AM
This Rp is mainly based on my story line 'The Emerald'.

Where are the HQs:
M.I.S: Paris, France
F.I.S: Moscow, Russia
M.M: ???.....
E.I.S: Beijing, China

There are 4 spy divisions:

Male Institute Of Spys
Female Institute Of Spys
Masked Murder (Clawtina, but no body knows)
Evil Institute Of Spys

Characters: Spectra, Clawd, Clawdeen, Cleo, Toralei, Heath Abbey.
OC Characters: Billy, Clawtina & Baxter

The main aim is that Masked Murder steels the Emerald from the M.I.S and IT keeps it for ITSELF so that The E.I.S doesn't get it.
Romance, guns, blood you name it spy thriller.

Invited List: xMiss-IceQueenx & HelloKitty_Love

last edited on Mar 02, 2012 at 10:43AM

Monster High 421 replies

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Showing Replies 51-100 of 421

over a year ago bratzdolly11 said…
Laurie noticed a shadow going in to a room."M.M someone's here you wan t me to check it?"she asked still kicking the air
over a year ago Clawtina said…
"Ok". She said quietly.
"Ouch....That stings a lot". He said trying not to embarrass himself.

He gazed at M.M lovingly.

M.M read a book and didnt notice him.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago bratzdolly11 said…
Laurie crept up to the room then busted in."FREEZ...Jackson you again?why?"she asked

"Laurie I'm really sorry they're forcing me I'm not doing anything wrong I promise.

"Then why are you here."she asked

"Because I was sent to spy I really don't want too but it's orders.

"How can I trust you."she said tears filling her eyes

He walked up to her and pulled her into a hug."Jackson."she said silently while holding on
over a year ago Cookiesmyname said…
Katia rolled her eyes "Well I said it would hurt now pipe down you big baby I'm almost done.
over a year ago Clawtina said…
Clawtina kept reading.
"Why doesn't M.M want her identity reveiled"? He asked Katia quietly so M.M couldn't hear.
M.M looked at Clawd sternly.
He looked away.
"I know what game your playing but it's not working".
"How are you do sure." he asked.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Cookiesmyname said…
"Really I don't even know I guess M.M doesn't want doesn't want to be know."whispered Katia back
over a year ago bratzdolly11 said…
Laurie and Jackson was still hugging when Laurie was grabbed."Nice job Jackson we're gonna use you more often.

"Jackson who is this and what are they talking about!?"she asked

The figure tightened his grip on her."Listen Cupcake this was all a trap we sent Jackson here because we knew you two had a thing not hard feelings right cupcake."he said laughing.

Laurie looked back at Jackson who was hanging his head down in shame.She then kicked the figure and punched the two goons beside him leaving them bloody."I'm no ones cupcake."she said looking at their knocked out bodies."Oh and Jackson."she said he looked back at her."I never wanna see you again."she said as she left the room.

"Laurie wait!"he cried but she already left.


"HE IS SO DEAD TO ME!"Laurie cried as she entered the room.

"The figure I saw was Jackson and he tricked me how could he?"she asked crying on Kiki's shoulder

"There,there."she said patting her friend
over a year ago Clawtina said…
"Cause.... I want to ask her out". He whispered back.
over a year ago Cookiesmyname said…
"Aww that is so sweet why not ask her out even if she has the mask on or not it's love we're talking about her don't let a mask stop you."Katia said wrapping the bandages around his chest.She then got up to comfort Laurie who at this point was having a mental crying breakdown
over a year ago bratzdolly11 said…
Laurie wiped her eyes."He seemed so kind."she said still sorta crying,"And then he turned out to be a jerk."she said now fully crying
over a year ago Cookiesmyname said…
"Aw Laurie don't say that you know you still love him."she said hugging her friend and giving her a tissue for her eyes.
over a year ago bratzdolly11 said…
"NO I DON'T I HATE HIM!"she yelled in anger

"Wow she is really upset."Kiki said giving her another tissue
over a year ago Cookiesmyname said…
Katia left Laurie to go check up on Clawd."Hey when you gonna ask her out she whispered to him while checking his wound.
over a year ago strawberryglam said…
can I join I wanna be Ghoulia,Draculaura, and my oc Brianna Butterfly.oh and can Ghoulia be fast and talk normal I don't want to speak zombie and for her to walk slow
over a year ago Clawtina said…
M.M took the First Aid Kit and used it on her wounds.
"Tonight, on the mission". He answered softly.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Cookiesmyname said…
clawtina you gonna let her in

"Okay good luck I hope you guys make a nice couple."she answered back to him.Katia smiled broad to show her support for his decisions then walked back over to Laurie.

"You feeling better."she asked
over a year ago Clawtina said…
You can cOme in.

"Thankz". Clawd said.
over a year ago bratzdolly11 said…
"Yeah I'm feeling better I mean it's only Jackson he's not a super ghoulicious super model.I don't need him I'm over him."

"Good because you need to focus there's no telling what can happen next."

over a year ago Cookiesmyname said…
"Your welcome."she replied back helping him up.
over a year ago strawberryglam said…
Brianna,Ghoulia and Draculaura made is to the M.I.S gates it was locked as usual.

"Brianna fly over it and unlock it for us."Ghoulia said

Brianna nodded then flew over the brass gates,pretty soon the door unlocked and they were walking up the stairs.


"Okay let's find M.M."Brianna said flying over them
over a year ago bratzdolly11 said…
"Hey guys Draculaura is here."Lauri announced.

"How can you tell?"asked Kiki

"It's sorta like a twin thing."she answered
over a year ago Clawtina said…
"Ok but here are the mission plans, go show them to M.M".
Clawd replied while getting up.
over a year ago CuteBlossom123 said…
(Awwso im not invited and Bloodalina can be in it? *Sob* xD)
over a year ago CuteBlossom123 said…
over a year ago CuteBlossom123 said…
over a year ago bratzdolly11 said…
"Allright come with me Kiki."Laurie said

"Right behind you."she called back.
over a year ago Cookiesmyname said…
Katia went quiet for a minute and thought to herself. This would be the perfect time for them to be alone.she said to herslef she smiled and then acted qucikly.

"I'm going to go with them in case they need help."she said she got up to leave but before she left she nudged her head over to M.M and winked at Clawd,giving him the message to be with M.M alone.
She smiled to herself then left out the door
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Cookiesmyname said…
Outside in the hallway she called to her friends."Laurie,Kiki where are you...."she yelled while walking.
over a year ago bratzdolly11 said…
"WE'RE IN THE ROOM ON THE LEFT!"came the response.

The girl called for Brianna and Draculaura.

"Brianna,Draculaura where are you!"they yelled
over a year ago CuteBlossom123 said…
(Lol can I join?)
over a year ago strawberryglam said…
"Guys I hear my sister calling me,it's a twin thing."she answered before they could ask how.

Draculaura walked toward the door."Laurie I'm in the room on the right!"
over a year ago bratzdolly11 said…
"Guys she's in the room on the right come on."
over a year ago CuteBlossom123 said…
(-_- I hate it when people dont answer me -_-)
over a year ago bratzdolly11 said…
you have to ask Clawtina for some reason she's not replying back to the rp)
over a year ago bratzdolly11 said…
The girl walked on the right side of the hallway trying to find Laurie's sister.When they found the room on the right they entered it slowly when Laurie was pulled back.

"LET ME GO!"she yelled giving the stranger a swift kick to the stomach.

"Ooof."it said back as it crashed into the wall.

Lauri gasped."Jackson?"she asked and then filled with anger,"What are you doing here I never wanna see you again!"she said walking over to him.

Jackson got up."I know I wanted to say I'm sorry for tricking you."

"Sorry won't cut it I trusted you it's going to take a lot more than sorries to get me to forgive you."She turned her back on him to join her friends in the room
over a year ago Clawtina said…
(I was at School: Australia)
over a year ago bratzdolly11 said…
(your forgiving and when I don't response I'm sleeping or at school)

let's start again

Kiki,Laurie and Katia entered the where Laurie was at.

"Ula!"exclaimed running to hug her sister
over a year ago CuteBlossom123 said…
(Oh kk, Clawtina can I join?)
over a year ago Clawtina said…
(Np XD)

Clawd glances over at M.M.
She smiles.
He smiled back.
*Omg I'm sooo embarrassed what to do*? He questioned himself.
M.M read a book quietly waiting for the girls to come back.

M.M called someone and started talking:
"Qu'est-ce que tu veux dire nous ne pouvons pas la retrouver, n'avons-nous pas la technologie"?
She got angry as she played around with her gun. Clawd tried keeping away just incase it goes off.

"Etes-vous sûr. Parce que je suis venue à mi-chemin autour du monde pour rien, alors. Ok, Merci ... Merci, Bye". She replied angrily.
"Let's hit Moscow, like now.... But we must go undercover". M.M ordered.
Clawd nodded.

"Laurie, Kiki and Katia.... Let's go to Moscow for our next Mission, but we must've undercover". He yelled at them hoping they could hear.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Clawtina said…
...... (Waiting :0)
over a year ago CuteBlossom123 said…
(Ok whats happening and were should Bloodalina and Sophie be?)
over a year ago Clawtina said…
(M.M & Clawd are in Clawd's Office, and the girls are allOutside the corridor of his Office. And Bloodalina and Sophie can pop in any time)
over a year ago bratzdolly11 said…
Kiki and Laurie followed closely behind M.M and Clawd.
over a year ago Clawtina said…
"Split up Kiki and Clawd, Laurie and I.... And that's final". M.M said.

Clawd walked over to Kiki.
"Listen to the lady". He whispered as a joke.
M.M looked sternly at Clawd.
over a year ago bratzdolly11 said…
"Wait what about Katia you not leaving her alone are you?!"asked Laurie as panic filled her throat.
over a year ago Cookiesmyname said…
"What about me!?"Katia asked just joining her friends.
over a year ago bratzdolly11 said…
"Katia your back we were just splitting up when M.M accidentally forgot you."Kiki answered
over a year ago Cookiesmyname said…
Katia playfully rolled her eyes pretending to be annoyed."I feel so loved."she said in a playful tone
over a year ago Clawtina said…
"Kiki, Katia and Clawd together, Laurie and I are one unless anyone has better ideas".
"Kiki, Katia and Laurie and you and me". Clawd smirked.

"Nice going, but I'm not playing games with you tonight".
"Instead Kiki and Katia, Laurie and Clawd, and I'm alone. Capish"! M.M said.

M.M walked in the opposite direction with her Semi-Automatic Gun in her hand.
"Man he's so darn sweet, but so fucking annoying". M.M said to herself.

Clawd rolled his eyes.
"Beautiful but dangerous". He said to Laurie.
He walked with Laurie.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Clawtina said…