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Music Question


Well, hello there :) my name is anna. and im 13 :) Well, i wanted to tell you about an important event. Tomorrow and after tomorrow, August 22 and 23, I want you to, or atleast I would LIKE YOU TO, to go and comment NICE things on 'camilla8music' 's video. The reason for this is because her brother, recently passed away, and her dream has always been to bring honor and happiness back to her family, by her music. Her account is CAMILLA8MUSIC and she has quite a lot of talent. please help me with this, i have tried to help her, but i know that YOU are the ones that can help me and HER, just go like her videos, and comment on them and maybe even subscribe. well. its up to you, but PLEASE, I BEGG YOU!!
I'd like too. but i can't actually comment with my youtube account.
MasterOfFear posted over a year ago
 JustinBieBie posted over a year ago
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