answer this question

MySpace Question

This isn't a question...haha its a cool myspace 2.0 layout :] the code is down there.vVv haha nd itts really nice i like it...hope u do too.! :]<3

div#topnav {
background-color: transparent;
div#header, div#googlebar {
background-color: transparent;

span {font-weight: normal ;
font-size: 8pt ;


body {
background-image: url('link);
color: ;
font-weight: normal ;
font-size: 8pt ;

div.contentMid {
background-color: transparent;
color: #1896ff ;font-weight: normal ;
font-size: 8pt ;

h3.moduleHead, div.friendSpaceModule h3, div.blurbsModule h3, div.commentsModule h3 {

background-color: #1896ff ;
color: #ffafff;
font-weight: normal ;
font-size: 9pt ;

filter: ;
opacity: ;

div.profileDemographics, div.blurbAboutMe, div.blurbLikeToMeet, li.interestGeneral, li.interestMusic, div.interestsModule li, div.detailsModule li span {
color: #1896ff ;

background-color: #ffafff;
}, div.moduleBody, div.detailsModule li, div.schoolsModule li, div.schoolsModule li.moduleItem, div.moduleTop, div.moduleBottom, div.profileDemographics h4, div.blurbAboutMe h4, div.blurbLikeToMeet h4, li.interestGeneral h4, li.interestMusic h4, div.interestsModule li h4 {

background-color: #ffafff;

filter: ;
opacity: ;
color: #1896ff ;}

color: #1896ff ;
color: #1896ff ;
color: #3px;
color: #1896ff ;

div.detailsModule li strong
color: #1896ff ;

li.even, li.odd, div.userComment, div.schoolsModule, div.commentsModule ul.moduleList li, div.commentsModule, div.userComment, div.commentsModule div.userComment, div.interestsModule li, div.networkingModule li.moduleItem, div.companiesModule li.moduleItem {

background-color: transparent;
color: #1896ff ;font-weight: normal ;
font-size: 8pt ;

div[class~='moduleTop'], div[class~='moduleTop'] div, div[class~='moduleBottom'], div[class~='moduleBottom'] div {
background-image: none;

This isn't a question...haha its a cool myspace 2.0 layout :] the code is down there.vVv haha nd itts really nice i like it...hope u do too.! :]<3
 jazz411 posted over a year ago
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