MySpace Future

SodaHead posted on Oct 05, 2006 at 05:44PM
I hope the best for MySpace. They have created an awesome site with tons of great content and connecting people in meaningful ways.

Where do people think MySpace will go from here?

MySpace 6 replies

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over a year ago pirateroro said…
not sure... theyve already made a MySpace UK but im not sure if it will go anywere else. i dont see how it could really.
over a year ago greedo said…
Pirateroro - do you use Bebo? I understand Bebo is the king of the heap over in the UK. It's interesting how different networks dominate in different countries (like how Orkut is huge in Brazil but not really in the U.S.)
over a year ago pirateroro said…
no i dont have a Bebo profile but yes it is very big here in the UK. i made a profile and im a big fan of the site but ive more or less stopped using it now due to all the companies using MySpace as somewere to advertise themselves. Most people probably wouldnt object to that but theres even idiots on there now pretending to be modeling copanies and ask u to send them naked photos of yourself. so... yeah... :) but i see your point. i didnt know about Orkut and thats really interesting.
over a year ago lemming said…
That's always the problem with sites that get so big...they attract all the sharks (in this case predators and advertisers - often the same!).

This is why I've been using fanpop more and more. It's still relatively undiscovered, advertising isn't obnoxious, and the people are still nice.
over a year ago pirateroro said…
i know ;p every1s so nice here and its genuinly about sharing videos and info not who gets the most comments and ratings like youtube and myspace.
over a year ago emmahugstrees said…
i use myspace for friends only and as a resource.
i've discovered bands i love on myspace music.

as long as you're careful, it's great.