Naley Who is tired of little oblivious people saying "nathan is too good for haley"???

1treehillfan posted on Jul 02, 2008 at 09:16PM
Okay so I saw this person (not naming any names...) saying that Nathan was too good for haley and I was about to chuck my keyboard at the comp screen. (I have a wireless keyboard and mouse :-D)
So, she's one of my buds, but I had to set her straight. I was like "girl, haley is what MADE nathan a good guy. In the beggining of the relationship, he even said she was too good for him! And then he became an awesome guy because haley changed him. Haley Brought out the best in him so how can you say HE is too good for her???? It's a love that can't be broken and they are both great for eachother not 'too good'. I think your just jealous!!" It was so bitchy to say... usually I'm more mature but not when it comes to my naley and my haley and my naley/haley fans!! no way, mess with them and bitch your going down!! ha-ha.
Anyone else tired of this crap???

Naley 9 replies

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over a year ago lucysmileyface said…
if there wasn't for haley, nathan would still be a jackass..he said it himself that he wants to be a better person for her
people are simply blind that's all..go and buy some glasses
over a year ago 1treehillfan said…
^^ Lol. go buy some glasses...
over a year ago ElliesOwner said…
I definitely agree that saying "Nathan is too good for Haley" is crap. I would almost say it's the other way around, especially in S1.
I think ppl just think Nathan is all sexy and b/c Haley doesn't bow down at his feet then they act like she isn't good enough, when really all Haley does is love Nathan and expect him to be held accountable to his actions.
over a year ago 1treehillfan said…
^^ Couldn't have said it better :]
over a year ago ElliesOwner said…
^^ aw thanks!
over a year ago laughingGrl said…
kay. this is kinda related to the whole thing how ppl always r thinking nathan is 2 good 4 haley. and how they dont lik naley and haley, basicly anythin 2 do w/haley! well im a naley and leyton fan. and when i go on. naley ALWAYS has sumthing new. the naley spot has more fans than the brucas and leyton spot! and it is the most active one too! so if naley is SOO bad...y do they trump the top 2 couples?
over a year ago mcewen_girl said…
Ohhh don't even get me started.....oops too late!! I hate them with a passion they piss me off soooooo bad!!! They are soo freakin stupid...I wish I could punch them in their what I'm sure is an ugly face!! Urghh I'm not even sure if they know how friggin retarded they are or if they are oblivious to that too!! God!! They need a SERIOUS reality check! Haley is the best thing that ever happened to Nate....he said so..and she helped him become the person we all know and love!! I don't say that she changed him because he was always the same person he just chose to show his not soo better half!! She brought out the best in him as did he in her!! They are a match made in heaven...literally!! All those idiots need to shut their over-sized cake-holes!!!
Naley Always & Forever
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Janni said…
I totally agree with you^^ They are perfect for each other, and I hate it when they say that NAthan is to good for Haley. They are perfect fr each other<3
over a year ago brucas4ever said…
haha alice is this me??