Naley The ultimate naley contest! (November 28- December 4)

1treehillfan posted on Nov 26, 2008 at 05:03AM

Guys, sorry, I know I promised something big but I have a tiny brain (LOL) so sorry it's not that amazing. Anyways...

The Ultimate Naley Contest!

Okay, this is the ultimate naley contest. Which is, basically, just a week worth of contests and prizes to admire our naley. Each day there will be a different contest revolving around naley, and you can take part in any one you want, or you can take part in every one (the entire week full of contests).


1. Please submit your work before 12 AM (central time) on the day after that particular contest. (Ex: Say it was Friday, the video contest. You would have to submit your video before 12 am central time on Saturday in order for it to count). So start working! :D

2. All submissions have to do with naley and naley only. (Like, please don't give me a leyton or brucas poem or something :D:D). I'd feel absolutely horrible if someone worked really hard on something that wasn't naley and than submitted it and I couldn't allow it... I'd feel sooo bad :) So please- keep it pure NH :D:D

3. That being said, you can , however, make a video with the naley family, if you want (including Jamie). But nothing outside of the Scotts.

4. Judges can not submit to the contest day that they are judging for. (Ex: If your judging for Wednesday, than you can't take part in that contest). Sorry, but I just don't think it would be fair for someone to be judging their own work. They would either feel inclined not to pick their own (even if it was the best) or pick their one because they wanted to win (which I doubt ANY of you would do... you are all such sweethearts!!) and that just doesn't work. Sorry. ::(

5. You can submit as many of each category as you want :)

I can't think of any others right now, there isn't many rules... :D:D But just keep it nice (like no insulting NH or anything... although I know no one here would ever even consider doing that).

The Actual Contests!!

Friday, November 28 : Video Contest!

Submit something creative and cute revolving around our beloved NH! Use any music you like and make sure to just have fun with it :D:D To submit, please upload it on this spot and send me the link or if it's on another site and you don't want to submit it here (like youtube) than please just send me the link :]

Saturday, November 29: Fanfiction Contest!

Ever wish that you could write for OTH, because you knew that you would write the best NH scenes?? Well, instead of writing for them, instead write a fanfiction piece, revolving around naley, and make it whatever you want!! To submit, please write it in an article and send me the link, or if you have it on another site, please just send me the link to it :]

Sunday, November 30 : Fan Art Contest!

I know some of you guys have photoshop, so why not put it to good use? (Not saying you don't already... lol don't take that seriously ;D). Create cutee fanart of our favorite couple, with pretty borders, pictures, captions and other stuff :DD To submit, please upload the art on this spot and send me the link, or if you have it on another site please send me the link. :]

Monday, December 1 : Poetry Contest!

I know some of you (if not all) have a WONDERFUL way with words. So submit something wordy, beautiful, and awesome that really captures the essence of the naley relationship! Any type of poetry is accepted.
(Haiku, limerick, non-ryhming etc). To submit your poetry to me, please upload it as an article on this spot and send me the link to it :). Or, if you have it on another site, than please just send me the link :] Or, you can simply mail it to me :]

Tuesday, December 2 : Icon Contest!

Wether it's simple picture of one of you favorite moments between them, or it's something clever and funny, you can submit any 100x100 picture and call it your own icon! To submit, please upload your icon onto this spot and then send me the link. :D:D

Wednesday, December 3 : Naley ABCS!!!

Okay, so basically what this is you write something that has to do with naley, starting with each letter of the Abcs, starting with A and going through Z. (ex: Always and Forever, Batman etc). And the one with the most creative wins :D To submit, please upload it up here in an article and send me the link to it or if you have it on another site than just send me the link.

Thursday, December 4 : I'm better than Mark Contest!!

LOL, don't you just love the title? This one is my favorite, and that's why it's for the last day of the contest!! Okay, so basically what this is is you write an episode for OTH (well only the naley scenes) in script format and than submit it in... and prove you could totally write OTH better than Mark! LOL. I know this is a little like the fanfiction contest... but I was running out of ideas ;D. To submit, please upload your naley script as an article on this spot and send me the link, or if it's posted on another site please send me the link to there :D.

On Friday the winners of each contest will be announced, and the prizes will be awarded :D

Should you win one of the contests you will receive...

1. A spot in the new naley fan hall of honor, and a special diploma (made by our wonderful lucysmileyface.) The idea was all hers, and we're not exactly sure on anything about the wall of honor but it's definitely going to be created and you can mail for questions.

2. Props for whatever category you entered in

Ummm that's all for now. Still working on the prizes ;D I still need one more... But don't worry it's coming... lol :D:D Any ideas DO NOT hesitate to mail me :DD

mollyx365- Video Contest
dermer4ever-I'm Better Than Mark Contest
lucysmileyface- Poetry Contest
naley_4ever- Fan Fiction Contest
janni- Icon Contest
mcewen_girl- ABCs Contest


Alright guys, there it is. I hope you like it and please participate! I hope it will be fun :D:D I'm actually really looking forward to judging your stuff!

Any help is appreciated! If you have any questions, want to be a judge, or want to give me advice on prizes and other things I CLEARLY need help on (lol) than please, please, please mail me!
So who wants to join???
last edited on Dec 05, 2008 at 03:26AM

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