NICLOVER69 posted on Oct 13, 2014 at 05:29PM
Have you ever fallen in love? Have you ever gazed into someone’s eyes and seen a constellation of desire and longing? Have you ever wanted someone so much that your heart skips a beat at the slightest whisperings of their name?
Nic Cage.
My heart has become fragile. One side of me knows it’s wrong but every thought of me not being with him shatters away a piece of my tender love-organ. It’s as though my heart has locked itself away, only to fight against the cage it created. But it cannot escape. For only Nic Cage holds the key.
“You need to just get over him”, Chloe insisted. She was trying to conceal her emotions, but the absurd formation of her eyebrows gave everything away. She was judging me.
And so was Courtney. With pursed lips and courageous nasal flares, it was clear Courtney had no intention of hiding her disapproval. What a bitch!
Of course, I never told them his name. For he was mine to treasure and behold. Something I would never dare share with the likes of them or anyone else.
Holding back my annoyance, I attempted, for the gazillionth time, to explain to them just how I felt.
“You don’t understand! When I first laid my eyes upon him, I knew it was… meant to be….”
I relayed to them the day I met him in the market. Through the reflection of the appetising apple that I was admiring in the glorious rays of the sun, I saw something… godly.
I peered closer to get a better look, and we locked eyes (his were chocolate brown). I didn’t believe in love at first sight until that tight-jawed hunk, with the receding hairline, came into my life.
After I stormed out of Chloe’s house with rage, I saw him gawking at me in a nearby shop window.
I blushed.
But by the time I turned around to introduce myself, he was no longer there. He was like a ghost, lingering on my every move. So close yet so far from my grasp.
Then, I saw him again… in my bathroom? All my life, I have been forgetful so I thought I’d left my front door unlocked. Why else would this mysterious, tall creature (which resembled a Disney prince) stare at my vulnerable, exposed…
…teeth, that were full to the brim with toothpaste.
I couldn’t sleep that night. I could feel him stare as I lay. His watchful gaze never faltering, as though I was the most important thing in the world. I couldn’t see him, but I could feel him.
As dawn broke and the morning erupted into life, like a nuclear bomb in the sky, everything had changed. I crept into the bathroom, my head racing with horrific thoughts. Could this be? Have been such a fool?
I leant over the sink and stared into the mirror. A horror struck my core.
It was me all along. I am Nic Cage.

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