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One Tree Hill Question

How did you guys fount out of one tree hill and started watching ?

I just want to know how you all found out of one tree hill and why did you start to watch it.To me personal it happened by luck let's say.In a day i was flipping channels on TV and stopped at a     romanian channel where was one tree hill's episode 16 from season 3 and i saw Lucas with Peyton and I loved the idea of them together and how they look and how emotional was the scene and i watched it to the end , tho i didn't know how it was named the show-and loved it :D-.After like a few days i was flipping again channels and on same program i saw another episode which was 21 from season 3 with the wedding arrangements and i recognized the actors and i watched it and love it and next day i saw the last episode of season 3 and it was amazing it took my breath then i found out the show's name.Like a month later i recognized Chad on same program and i realized it was One Tree Hill and started watching again i knew it was season 2 cause i thought season 3 was actually season 1 and well then i told a friend of mine of show and she gave me rest of seasons and that is that.So i am just curious how you guys/girls started watching one tree hill and why
guys/girls and found *
Drisina posted over a year ago
 Drisina posted over a year ago
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One Tree Hill Answers

Eirinaki_b_13 said:
In Greece they put it on weekends in the afternoon. So i watched Friends that they had before OTH and i was watching House wich was after so one day instead of closing the TV i watched it. It was the episode with the beach party in season 3. Then i forgot about it and one day i saw the episode with the cheerleader thing and another day the shooting episode and i fall in love with it!!!! And Brucas. Anyway then i watched the rest season 3 and season 4 and then they show season 2 again and then i downloaded all the seasons!
And Now it is my favourite show!!
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posted over a year ago 
Lisiii said:
I was lucky as well ( :
Well, I was a big fan of Gavin DeGraw who sings the opening song of OTH after all...and one day I stumbled upon the second episode of season 1 on TV (Germany) and I fell in love with it right away. It's strange but I guess I always knew it was different than other shows ( = Unfortunately the ratings weren't that good here and the channel quit airing OTH, so I quickly caught up by buying season 1 - season 3 on DVD ( :
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posted over a year ago 
LaPiccolaFra said:
My BBF was nuts about OTH and so she told me to watch it. I watched the first episodes and I fell in love with it!
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posted over a year ago 
VictoriNoRisuu said:
I am a crazy Youtuber, and a lot of my friends made stunning videos about OTH. At the beginning I just watched fanvideos (mosty BL), and then, when I had a really hard time at the university, I decided I need something to amuse myself. So I downloaded the first OTH season. After all these awsome fanvids I was really surprise, that I didn't like Brooke & love LP :D I stared watching last year, when the 6th season was aired in TV. I watched seasons 2-6 last summer, all downloaded on the computer. At the beginning I was removed eps after watching, but the I redownloaded it, because I want to have them :)
That's how I started my OTh adventure. And I dodn't regret it at all!
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posted over a year ago 
xxDUKE30xx said:
I was at my friends house one night and she was watching One Tree Hill. From then on I was hooked and i bought the first four I own seasons 1-6. I love it!
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posted over a year ago 
iluvnaley4evr said:
Well, it happened by luck for me, too. I'm a pretty recent fan. When GG used to come on at 8, i watched it and OTH started right after. It was the first episode of the sixth season, and i watched about five minutes of it; I was really interested but I changed the channel because something else was on. But, then later I saw a scene with naley and jamie in another ep when Nathan had been thrown through the window in the slamball game. i thought they were such a cute family, so i started watching Naley scenes on YouTube. Initially, i only cared about Naley. But, then i started watching eps online and fell in love with the show. I quickly caught up on the show during the Christmas hiatus. I watched s1-s5 online and later bought the DVDS. I was officially addicted, and still am :)
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posted over a year ago 
That's REALLY cute(:
9967048980 posted over a year ago
katieis101 said:
Well I was bored out of my mind and I went to this website that has links to my favorite shows so I can watch it online. They also have the top 10 shows watched this week on the site and I was looking through and noticed OTH was like number 9 or so, so i decided to watch it. I love to watch TV series so I was somewhat excited about watching it. Then after watching season 1, I remembered my cousin having all of the seasons so I messaged her on Facebook and she gave them to me that night. I kind feel bad for the people who had to wait 7 years to watch all of the OTH eps so far when I had watched everything in about 2 weeks. Now Naleys first kiss is my wallpaper on my laptop. I love Nathan and Haleys relationship. Im not soo keen on the Leyton relationships but Oh well. But I really do hope that Nathan and Haley name there next baby Raven for Tree Hill ravens. I always thought that was a good name for one of the babies on OTH. But now that I think about it, they are probably going to name her Lydia after her mom.
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posted over a year ago 
miriku08 said:
just like others here, i accidentally found OTH on TV. specifically on an entertainment channel here in the Philippines. that was the episode where Lucas found out that Brooke and Chris Keller had been sleeping together. Season 3 right? soon after, i had been dying to watch every episode of it and so, i went on youtube but i was having a hard time there. so, i bought a dvd which include seasons 1-5 and my addiction has begun.
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posted over a year ago 
leytonfaan_18 said:
Well about five or six years ago, I made friends with a girl that moved down my street. She was a major OTH fan and always mentioned how a like I was to Peyton, looks and personality-wise. Apparently I even said some things she did on the show without even realising it. I thought this was REALLY weird and was curious so watched the pilot. I fell in love with the show from that moment xD
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posted over a year ago 
I was that friend :D
itsmydream_x posted over a year ago
Yes Ellis you were ;D
leytonfaan_18 posted over a year ago
HaleyDewit said:
The seventh season of Charmed was coming to an end and they started showing commercials of One Tree Hill.It seemed nice and cool,so I watched it and I still love it.
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posted over a year ago 
9967048980 said:
I was in the c.D. shop..
And then this Random D.V.D. drops at my feet.
I saw what it was and it was One Tree Hill Season 1(:
I thought it was meant for me so I rented it and now.. I am ABSOLUTELY in love with it:D <3

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posted over a year ago 
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