One Tree Hill Brooke still in love with Lucas?

expensive957 posted on Apr 21, 2008 at 04:29PM
Now before people get all upset and defensive, this is not a Brucas vs. Leyton thing. It is simply a question, do you think Brooke is still in love with Lucas?

I personally believe she is. Do you guys remember in the first episode of season 5 when Brookes mom is yelling at her about how she cant sacrafice her success for a boy, and then Brooke says something along the lines of "Lucas Scott was the one boy I would have given it all up for." I think Brooke is burying her feelings for Lucas because she does not want to hurt Peyton the way Peyton hurt her. If you asked me that is a true friend, someone who is willing to sacrafice their own happiness to ensure yours.

Now I would just like to bring this to light, and Leyton fans dont get upset by this. But I have noticed some forshadowing in the Brucas department. For example the drunken kiss in 5:1, Bevin thinking Brooke and Lucas were engaged when she bumped into them in the department store, the social worker acusing Brookes desire to adopt a child to be a response to the love of her life almost marrying another woman, ect...
Yes I know there are just as many Leyton Forshadows, and I am not saying that Brucas are going to end up together(as much as I would like that), I am just saying that I dont think the Luke, Brooke, Peyton love triangle is as finished as we are meant to think.

I appologize if this was a little Biast, it was not intended to be. I am just such a huge Brucas fan, I guess I couldnt help it.

One Tree Hill 20 replies

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over a year ago Leytonfan4ever said…
Well honestly i don't think she is anymore. I think she loves him like a friend, and that's it.

Also i know alot of LP fans (Including me) say that BL had closure in S4, well after watching S5:E5 i think in S4 lucas was the one that got his closure, brooke IMO was still holding on. When they kissed in E5 i agree with BL fans when they said that they can see that Brooke still had feelings for him. At that moment i really believed she did still like him hence why she said "Lucas Scott was the one boy I would have given it all up for." But right when she said she was gonna let that go and move on to much important things like her business, that's when i fully believed that she now got that closure. Remember it's been 3 years since that day, i believe that she has moved on and does not have feeling for luke anymore.

Now as for your "BL forshadowing" well i think they weren't really forshadowing anything because each one of them had LP in Like the kiss; after brooke stopped the kiss luke later on said he doesn't know what to do without peyton. Then we have the bevin thinking BL are engaged, well i hope you remember that when she said "Omg luke your marrying brooke?" she than said "Oh i always thought you marry peyton" or something like As for the adopting thing, well i haven't watched that eppy so i can't comment on that one.

Anyways i think the LPB trangle has sailed and i hope it never comes back!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago expensive957 said…
All good points. We both seem to have found good reasons behind our logic. Looks like we need another opinion.
over a year ago brucas4ever said…
i agree with everything you said expensive957 i got the same feeling about brooke still loving luke she is just burying her feeling for peyton.

and i also think that they won't put brooke and luke back together because there real life relationship it would probably be to awkward to shoot scenes like they used to. but i would love them as a couple i just don't think it will happen
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over a year ago Janni said…
i also think that Brooke might have feelings for Lucas. The point about she saying that Lucas woulf have been the guy she might have lost everything for. And the thing that in episode Hundred when the minister/prest says something about you can`t help who you fall in love with, Brooke looks at Lucas in spesial way. And the thing that in episode 13 when Patriia (adaption woman) list all of her x- boyfriends, she doesn`t say anything to Chasse or Owen, but when she says Lucas her face gets wierd, and she says whats this have to do with Lucas?.

And I think that she has a broken heart because she still love Lucas, but can not do anythingbecause she has to be a good frien. In episode 5 this season when Brooke says the that she went into C/B when she broke up with Lucsa, when she tried to mend her heart, but after their meeting thats thing she does, She jumps in to work again, because her heart is broken.

And I do not know nothing about how Lucas feels, but sometimes when I see the way Brooke lokks at him it feels like she still have feeling for him, you know she looks at him like she used to in season 3 when they where together.

over a year ago expensive957 said…
Ok, so I am going to assume that you have all heard the rummors about the possible Brucas comeback...Well I would just like to say...I totally called that!!! two weeks before the rumors started I called that!!!!
over a year ago lizisme said…
i don't know but i agree with all(except leytonfan) of you i would love love love for a brucas comeback
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Melia said…
I would also love for them to get back together, and I feel like there is something to be said about Brooke's reactions throughout the show. I think that she is being an awesome friend, but Peyton should do the same for her and let her be with Lucas if he wants to be with her. Like expensive957, I really have no idea what Lucas thinks about Brooke- he seems so stuck on Lindsey- but I do think Brooke is still in love with him.

brucas4ever makes a solid point, and I agree with it. I think the writers would be hesitant to write intimate scenes between Brooke and Lucas after everything that went on behind the scenes. But, they are both still on the show, and that means anything could happen. I hope, anyway!
over a year ago abs07 said…
OK, about the chophia awkwardness: I agree that Mark's probably hesitant about reuniting brucas, but in the end, Chophia have remained professional about having to work together, so if Mark truly wanted brucas together, Chophia would be forced to deal with it. I've heard that Chophia are actually friends now.

As for all the "foreshadowing scenes/quotes": (drunken kiss in 5:1, Bevin thinking Brooke and Lucas were engaged when she bumped into them in the department store, the social worker accusing Brookes desire to adopt a child to be a response to the love of her life almost marrying another woman) - I really don't see them the same way. I see them at the most, as brooke will always love luke on a lower level (probably no more than a friend), but not on the sort of level that would fuel brooke to wanna pursue luke again. She's been there with him, twice; and she knows how it'll end. She said it herself "I've been the lindsey between lucas and peyton and that is NOT a good place to be." She was also happy to admit that "it has always been Lucas and Peyton. You guys are meant to be together that's the way it's supposed to be."

Personally, I think that all the quotes/scenes with brucas that were a little iffy (that you guys mentioned and interpreted as foreshadowing a future brucas) were just things to keep us on our toes. In other words, I think the writers are just messing with us. For example, the drunken kiss reopened old wounds for brooke and it brought back memories for her of what her and luke had. It reminded her of how lonely she was and how she doesn't have a love in her life. she wanted those feelings gone, so she decided to emerse herself in her work and take it to the next level (that's how I interpreted it). But not for a second (in my opinion) did she think that her and luke may/should have a future together. She knows and on some level probably always knew that they were never meant to be, and that they'll never be.

S5 has undeniable evidence (not to make it about leyton) that leyton is clearly not over and brooke seemed excited about that the moment she realized it:

BROOKE: "Luke, you still love her don't you - Peyton?"

LUKE: *pauses with an exposed look on his face* "I gotta get back to Lindsey." *walks out with no protesting remark to brooke's rhetorical question*

BROOKE: *smiles* "...oh this is gonna get interesting."

Brooke will always carry the heartbreak that she felt with luke cause he truly did break her heart - twice. but she's grown to be a lot smarter and stronger and she's moved on...

So right now even after 5.15, I think the writers are trying to mess with us and make us feel like anything's possible. The brucas scenes have been completely platonic, with no real hints from either of them of a reunion (unless Mark writes something new in the script).
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago toby80 said…
Are you all kidding. Brooke still loves Lucas thats clear. The diffrence between her and Peyton ist that she is a godd friend. She will not show her feelings because of Peyton.

Anyway, if Chopia havent divorced the Leytoner wouldnt have any chance. But I heard that Sophia dont want a Brucas comeback, this is the only reason why Mark decides for boring Leyton.
over a year ago Laurra said…
^^ err leyton have been planned endgame - have you seen the pilot? brooke wasnt even in it- she was only meant to appear in a few eppisodes!!
just look at OC - ryan and marissa - they were totally meant to be since the pilot 'who ever you want me to be' - it was only when she died that i excepted him with anybodyelse (taylor - loved her LOL)!! if peyton dies then brooke can have him lmaoo!

peyton is a good friend - i swear to god this is the last time im gunna say it - peyton was honest with brooke when she said she loved lucas - she didnt want the same thing to happen as in s1!!

peyton cant win with you guys - first you say that in s1 she should of told brooke how she felt about lucas in the first place - and in s3 your saying she shouldnt of!! peytons such a bad friend that she put her feelings for lucas aside and tried to get them back together on brookes birthday - peytons such a bad friend that she only tells lucas she loves him AFTER brucas have CLOSURE!!

'you cant help who you love' said lucas!!

brooke is a better friend than peyton - is she now? she slept with nathan whilst peyton was dating him! she didnt tell peyton about it (wasnt honest with her) peyton found out for herself on a sex tape!!! brooke was a hypocrit end of!!!

oh and lucas wasnt bothered about that sex tape what did he say : 'i would be more bothered if it was you and peyton'!!

i think abs07 has said everything else!!

brucasers get a life - its not gunna happen!!
over a year ago abs07 said…
toby80...exactly how is it clear that brooke still loves lucas??? Even if brooke was too scared to show her feelings toulke b/c of peyton, why have there not been any shots of brooke just having a "look" when luke wasn't looking? Why has brooke had no flashbacks of brucas in the past? There was the ONE drunken kiss flashbacked in 5.05 that reminded brooke how lonely she was and it reopened old wounds for her with luke in the past. now she said she'd probably always love luke. but not in the same way she used to. it's on a lower level. a more friendly level. that's where it ended. u got anything else?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago sam24795 said…
Brooke belongs with lucas but i can't stand haley can't the director make her die she is always so perfect like shes a princess and if they don't make her die they can atleast make nathan fall inlove with some one else Naley is so dead i mean that was so S1.
over a year ago kellyerin87 said…
okay i'm sorry but i think you Brucas fans are holding on to something that just isn't going to happen! no i don't think Brooke is still in love with Lucas. They haven't been romantically involved in what... like FIVE YEARS?? and you all keep bringing up the drunken kiss between them in season 5... if you remember CORRECTLY, right after that kiss Brooke says "okay, that may be the second STUPIDEST thing you've done in the past 24 hours".... even Brooke knows that that kiss was a joke. and she ALSO said "this ISN'T high school anymore", implying that they were ONLY a high school relationship, but that they're over now. the only reason he kissed Brooke was because he said it himself, he felt LOST, and he didn't know what to do without PEYTON! and i'm not quite sure what these "rumors" are about Brucas getting back together, and i'm not sure who started them but... that's just not going to happen. if you have seen ANY of the interviews with Mark, it's perfectly clear that Leyton is the couple that he wants, not Brucas. how much more proof do you all need that Lucas wants PEYTON? you have not one, but TWO books about his love for PEYTON, and you have not one, but TWO propsals to PEYTON! if you honestly think that he still wants Brooke, or that Brooke still wants him, i'm sorry but you're clearly just in denial at this point :)
over a year ago kellyerin87 said…
haha and sam24795, i'm going to have to agree with you about Haley! she's always bothered me, to me it's like she gives off the impression that she thinks she's better than everyone else. and yeah she's always trying to help people, but it's HOW she helps them, and HOW she give them advice that bothers me. she can try to help them all she wants, but i think that the way she does it is like insulting them in a way. and i've never liked Naley, but i think the reason for that is just because i don't like Haley's character, but that's just me!
over a year ago expensive957 said…
ok the drunken kiss in s5, even though brooke told lucas it was thte second stupidest thing he had done that night, just look at her face, you can just see that she liked it.

And you guys I said this wasnt a Leyton vs. Brucas thing, but it seems to be turning into one.

over a year ago Tiffanynjosh08 said…
Anybidy in there right mind knows that Brooke and Lucas still love each other it's just Peyton always getting in there way to be together. Luke don't know the real reason Brooke broke up with him in season 4 and He thinks that Brooke does not love him anymor so he is trying to replace her with Peyton but as they get closer Brucas will be back I have so much faith in them.
over a year ago ClaireB58 said…
I don't really have a huge opinion on this but I guess we wil just have to wait and see :)
over a year ago abs07 said…
expensive957, IMO brooke's face was a portrayal that the kiss reopened old wounds for her. She realized how lonely she felt cause she did love lucas at a time and realized how cold her career had made her life. She didn't wanna feel alone so she once again dove into her clothing line to drown the hole. It doesn't change the fact that having angie, owen, chase and her friends made her feel less alone when she came back to tree hill - that is why she came back, she said so and there was no lie in her eyes (501,512). You saw brooke face when she saw luke again (501). There were no feelings beyond platonic there. It wasn't specifically luke who she wanted IMO; it was love - and she found that coming back to tree hill - and she'll eventually find a guy as well to share a whole new level of love that she deserves.

Tiffanynjosh, Brucas were a long time coming. Season 3 showed their relationship unraveling despite Peyton. Peyton was a factor, not the cause. There was no lie in Brooke's eyes when she said it wasn't about Peyton in 401. and have you not seen 408?? Despite what happened between breyton in 321/322 (even if you blame peyton for the 401 breakup), Brooke and lucas tried again in 408. and Peyton did nothing. She backed off and let Brucas walk their course so you can't blame Peyton for 408 as well. That episode was about facts that left little room for misinterpretation. Brucas alone realized they didn't have the love that whitey described. They both wanted to find an epic love story and so they amicably decided to be friends. It doesn't mean they stopped caring about eachother; it just means their chapter was/is over, as their love did not grow with them. And what do you mean Luke thinks brooke doesn't love him anymore? She said "I love you Lucas, and I probably always will."(401) It doesn't get any clearer than that. And yes, you might say that brucas' moments in s5 are a "rekindling" of their love, but I'd say not. S5 reminded us that brucas did share something real in highschool, and their friendship will always be there. 601 was a tribute to what brucas had - lucas did love brooke in highschool, so it would only be right for him to imagine her in his future, no matter how much closure they had; but brooke already knew her and luke weren't meant to be; and Lucas made his final choice without so much as blinking in 601, for he knew it too. Nuff said.
over a year ago kellyerin87 said…
expensive957, just because us Leyton fans are giving our opinions doesn't mean it's "turning into a Leyton vs. Brucas thing"... you can't ask a question like this and not expect to get different opionions.. that doesn't mean we're turning this into a debate. i just don't see how it's possible for Brooke to still be IN LOVE with Lucas FIVE years later... when we haven't seen any romance between them since they broke up in high school. yeah they may always love eachother... but IN LOVE?? i don't think so.

and tiffanynjosh08, you have it backwards. it's not Peyton that got in the way of Brucas, it's BROOKE that got in the way of LEYTON. the only reason Leyton wasn't the couple from the very beginning was because Peyton didn't want to hurt Brooke. Peyton was clearly the one that Lucas originally wanted... not Brooke, which is why after him and Peyton kissed in the hotel room, he went home and broke up with Brooke to be with Peyton... but Peyton was a good friend and didn't want to hurt Brooke.

Leyton should have been the beginning couple, not Brucas. Peyton had nothing to do with the reason that Brucas OFFICIALLY ended things in season 4. the reason they ended things was because they both acknowledged after hearing Whitey's speech at the basketball banquet, that the love just wasn't there between them anymore... it had nothing to do with Peyton getting in the way. Lucas and Brooke have both just moved on to other things/people in their lives since they broke up... i just think Brucas is in the past
over a year ago kellyerin87 said…
haha we are clearly on the same page, abs07!