One Tree Hill Time to duke it out! LEYTON vs BRUCAS!

kellyerin87 posted on Sep 27, 2008 at 04:00PM
okay so we all know that both Leyton AND Brucas have HUGE fanbases... so this is the place to get your opinion heard! which is the better couple... Leyton or Brucas?!?
last edited on Sep 28, 2008 at 01:35AM

One Tree Hill 354 replies

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over a year ago bec_rox94 said…
yer i see your point.
to be honest i still dont think they r ready to get married they are still to young!
over a year ago kellyerin87 said…
AND just because Brooke has changed, and is more mature now, that doesn't mean that the love between Brucas would change. And that love was originally not strong enough to last the first time, i don't see anything changing that now. Their love wasn't strong enough to overcome Lucas' feelings for Peyton the first time, and we all know that Lucas STILL has those feelings for Peyton. so again, i can't see Brucas' love being strong enough to overcome that now if it couldn't the first time around.
over a year ago bec_rox94 said…
in the second season when he started dating that anna chick he didnt date her long because he realised he still loved brooke and he couldnt stop thinking about her! all through the series lucas changes his mind about who he loves and who he doesnt to be honest i dont think he will ever decide. he always wants sum1 he cant have
over a year ago kellyerin87 said…
very true... there's no denying that Lucas is just lost a lot of the time as far as who he truly wants to be with. i think Mark has totally overdone him jumping from girl to girl. the thing that makes me think that he wants Peyton the most though is the fact that he has written TWO books about his love for her, and has proposed to her TWICE, that's more than he has done for any other girl, especially Brooke. Lindsey atleast got a proposal, but Brooke hasn't gotten anything like that
over a year ago tvfan5 said…
also, that's not exactly true about luke wanting someone he can't have. cuz when he was with peyton in season 4, he only wanted her, and in s5 he wants peyton, and s6 he obviouly wants peyton.
over a year ago bec_rox94 said…
very good point.
i dont really like how mark has made lucas. at the beginning of the 1st season lucas was this little innocent boy who never did anything wrong and nathan was the the one who cheated on girls and was the bad boy. but turns out nathan is the one who can hold onto a relationship ie. haley and lucas is the one who cant decide ie. brooke, peyton, anna and lindsey
over a year ago kellyerin87 said…
i do agree with tvfan5, Lucas changed his mind about girls a lot more in high school... but ever since season 4, i think it's been pretty clear that he wants Peyton. Yeah he was with Lindsey in season 5, but even then his feelings that he still had for Peyton were perfectly obvious. all i know is that if Lucas hurts Peyton AGAIN... he's going to be on my shit list! lol
over a year ago bec_rox94 said…
lol same here if he hurts anyone again he will be on my list (thats the bad one) lol
but what i was saying was it was obvious that he wanted peyton but he was leading on lindsey he shouldnt have done that. he made lindsey believe that he loved her!
over a year ago kellyerin87 said…
oh no i totally agree about him leading Lindsey on... i liked Lindsey a lot, and that just wasn't fair to her at all
over a year ago abs07 said…
lucas changes his mind about who he loves and who he doesnt to be honest i dont think he will ever decide 601 was different this time. He took a close look @ all 3 girls and literally imagined his life with the 3 of them if he were to marry them. He humbled himself to his heart and realized he "always knew" ("I guess I always knew" - Luke) who he wanted. It was just a matter of being true to his heart instead of "hiding" ("stop hiding your heart" - haley) it.
over a year ago bec_rox94 said…
yer absolutely. she neva did anything wrong to her and he just led her on!
over a year ago kellyerin87 said…
VERY good point abs07! i didn't even consider the fact that Lucas DID think long and hard this time around about his relationship with all 3 girls... AND picture what his life would be like with each one. that does make PERFECT sense as to why his choice would be sincere this time... great point!
over a year ago bec_rox94 said…
yer good point.
but who knows if he will ever choose
i dont think he will ever be able to decide
over a year ago bec_rox94 said…
but i also recon in the episode 601 i think the fact that he had to actually think about who he loves is kinda bad. like wen u love someone you shouldnt have to think about it
over a year ago abs07 said…
and this is the first time mark said: the triangle is over. I doubt he'll go back on his word and be redundant. He knows the triangle thing is played out, lol (aggravated fans 'n all :P)

again bec_rox, it wasn't about luke figuring out who he loves, cause he fell for all 3 of them in the past; it was realizing his heart and where his life was supposed to be: with Peyton [in this case]. It was about realizing who he was supposed to be with - no more hiding. Remember, he always knew; it was just a matter of growing up, humbling himself, and giving in.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago brattynemz said…
Hello, I'm back. lol.

This is what Lucas actually said: Well maybe I shoulda spent last night planning a strategy to win instead of getting engaged, huh?

And tell me Skills doesn't know Lucas at all because he said this: Luke, you’re a man. I’d be worried if you said you wasn’t nervous. So, here’s to my friend Lucas Scott who don’t need to be nervous because he always, without fail, follows his heart.

over a year ago kellyerin87 said…
you're right... he does always follow his heart, which is why his feelings for PEYTON always come back into play! i'm sorry but i still believe that Mark has been keeping Leyton's feelings for eachother on the surface ever since season 1 for a reason! Yes Lucas has loved other girls, Peyton has even loved other guys... but one way or another, their feelings ALWAYS come back into play, and have played a HUGE part in one tree hill's storyline... and i think that means something! In my opinion, Mark wouldn't have spent ALL this time talking about Leyton if they were just suddenly not going to be together in the end. And as one of these posts said earlier, the ONLY reason Leyton hasn't worked out in the past, is because of OUTSIDE influences.... it's not because their feelings weren't strong enough, or their love for eachother failed. and in Vegas, Lucas said to Peyton "i want to be selfish with you, it has been way too long. life just always seems to get in the way with us"... so i think it's great that they're finally being selfish for once and putting their love for eachother before everything else, and not willing to let life get in the way this time... i think they deserve that. GO LEYTON!
over a year ago bec_rox94 said…
yer i agree with all your comments but who knows if this whole engagement thing is going to stick. I have nothing against Leyton its just that i like brooke so i want her to be happy :)
over a year ago abs07 said…
bratty: Well maybe I shoulda spent last night planning a strategy to win instead of getting engaged, huh? Ok, haha, that changes everything, cause that quote no longer makes an argument about engagement being something you "plan" persay :P - thanks for clarifying!

Luke, you’re a man. I’d be worried if you said you wasn’t nervous. So, here’s to my friend Lucas Scott who don’t need to be nervous because he always, without fail, follows his heart.
Hehe, ironic, cause eventually..."he did", lol :)

bec_rox: who knows if this whole engagement thing is going to stick you're right. who knows? at this point, it's about waiting and a little faith. I won't say leyton's endgame, but at least we know this time (at least i'm 99.9% sure) that leyton won't let circumstances get in their way. If they split up, I doubt there'll be any "outside influence" as an excuse. They need to face their relationship head on and see if they are meant to be endgame!
over a year ago bec_rox94 said…
yer i agree and if things get hard for them they need to fight through it not just give up like they used to!!!@!
over a year ago ilovejim said…
i dont think there's a "better" couple, but in my opinion, i just like brucas better.

every emotional brooke and lucas scene, i would always have tears running down my face. but with leyton, i feel nothing. i just think sophia bush is a better actress than hilarie.

as well, i guess cheating is just a HUGE no-no. so after the season 1 cheating on brooke w/ peyton, ive disliked lucas and peyton ever since.
over a year ago kellyerin87 said…
good point, ilovejim! i do agree that when Brucas had their emotional scenes, they were great. i just feel like it was hard for me to ever completely get into Brucas because Lucas and Peyton's feelings for eachother always kept coming back into play during their relationship somehow... which to me, was just a distraction from Brucas all together. If there was no Peyton, and Lucas' feelings and his heart was 110% with Brooke, then i can maybe see myself liking them... but i just feel like Lucas' heart was never 110% with Brooke
over a year ago abs07 said…
agreed kellyerin! and ilovejim, I agree about cheating being a no no, but if that ruined leyton 4 you, what about what brathan did long before? anyhow, for me, I never cry in OTH except for 3 instances: 3.16, 508 when Peyton let luke go, and 415 when Peyton cried out to brooke "why do I care??? This has been one of the worst years of my life. and I needed my best friend more than anything, but you cut me out because I was honest with you! You made fun of my mothers' death brooke. You knew her, you cried with me when she died and now you use her as a punch line to hurt me. It hurt, it did, but you're right she's dead. and as far as I'm concerned so are you." That was INTENSE. I think our fav couples/characters always bring more emotion out of us when we're watching. but I think both Sophia and Hilarie deliver strong performances. Sophia surpassed hilarie by far in season 3 at the exception of 3.16 (both soph and hil were great in that eppy); then hil certainly had her moments in s4, but fell short a lot of the time when it came to leyton scenes. Soph was fairly solid. S5, man did hilarie ever come back strong! I was so happy. Leyton had amaaazing chemistry and hilarie made me all misty eyed for the first time (508 and even got me a little in 506). Sophia did really well, but hil stood out for me that season. This season the pair of them are solid 4 me :)

and i'm rambling so i'll just stop now :P
over a year ago kellyerin87 said…
haha abs07 i agree... overall i think hilarie's emotional scenes are fantastic. and like you, i've only cried a few times while watching the show, and i think every one of those times was while watching hilarie, like the fight you mentioned between her and Brooke about "why does she care", the school shooting episode, and a number of moments in season 5. i just love her and while, like every actor/actress, she may have her off moments... i think in the intense scenes that matter, she definitely brings it!
over a year ago expensive957 said…
For the record Brooke is still completely in love with Lucas. If you just watch how they interact with one another you can completely tell. Plus in an episode last season(dont remember the name) Brooke was talking to Victoria about her clothing line and Brooke said,"Lucas is the one guy I would have given it all up for."

For people who are arguing that Lucas chose Peyton may I remind you that he also choose Brooke in both season two and three and peyton in 4 and 6. They are even. Plus Brooke was Lucas's first love, and you never get over your first love, you will always, always love your first love.

I cannot understand all you Leyton fans out there. How can you still be rooting for Peyton after everything she did to Brooke? Stop kidding yourselves, if your best friend stole your boyfriend not once, but twice, and had a fling with him behind your back, there is no chance in hell you would want their relationship to work out. So why do you want Peyton and Lucas's to?
over a year ago kellyerin87 said…
first of all expensive957... you don't KNOW that Brooke is "still in love with Lucas", you may BELIEVE that she is, but i for one haven't seen ANY proof of that in the show. her words to her mom isn't proof enough at all that she still loves him. and just because "they are even" as far as how many times Lucas has chosen them, what matters is that he chose Brooke WAY back in high school! Peyton is the most recent one he has chosen, which means that SHE is the one that he RECENTLY wants to be with TODAY, NOT Brooke. He's had every chance in the world ever since Brucas broke up to go back to Brooke, but he HASN'T, he's chosen PEYTON... because Lucas and Brooke both acknowledged when they officially ended things, that their love wasn't as strong as the love that Whitey was talking about in his speech... which means there's no point in ever getting back together because that love just isn't there with them. if it wasn't there then, it's not going to be there now.

and we can go back and forth all day about what Peyton did to Brooke, but the bottom line is, Brooke and Peyton's friendship has nothing to do with Leyton or Brucas. Peyton did shitty things to Brooke, and Brooke did shitty things to Peyton... there's no point in re-hashing that. yes i still loved Leyton even when Peyton "went after him" (which technically, she didn't), because what Leyton has was more than just a "fling". they had real, deep feelings for eachother... way beyond the level of Brucas' feelings. Leyton was NEVER just a fling... ever
over a year ago ilovejim said…
abs07, brathan wasnt cheating because nathan told brooke that they were over. i dont really remember the specifics of that episode, but it seemed to me that either nathan lied to brooke and said that he and peyton were over or they were actually over, even if it were just for that night because peyton and nathan were always on and off. so when brooke agreed to sleep with nathan, it wasn't with the knowledge that nathan was still with peyton, unlike in season 1, where peyton and luke both knew that what they were doing was wrong.

it's kind of a fine line, and i know that brooke was still in the wrong to sleep with nathan when she knew that he and peyton were on and off, but at least it wasnt ACTUAL cheating, in my opinion.

as well, maybe because im already biased against leyton because of season 1, i find their "romantic" scenes very .. contrived and overly cheesy. but again, that might just be the bias.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago abs07 said…
ilovejim, brooke knew neyton broke up and got together again the next day (it was more like fights than REAL breakups). don't you think she would have bore some guilt or would have been wierd around nate in s1 each time she saw neyton together?
technically it wasn't actual cheating, but it may as well have been because she knew how neyton were. AND they taped it.
I won't debate with you about leyton cause that just comes down to opinion if you don't like them.
over a year ago sarabeara said…
You guys pretty much have the LONG LONG summaries of why you guys ship that couple covered so I'll just contribute LEYTON!

If Luke really loved Brooke like he said he did, he wouldn't havnt kept cheating on her (yes, he's an ass). Brooke can do better.
over a year ago Mark4Ever said…
THANK YOU sarabeara finally someone gets it
over a year ago saBRUCAS said…
SO WHAT?!? Lucas only cheated on Brooke in S1, when he admitted that he didnt have feelings for her, and he regretted it and wanted Brooke back. You should watch S2 again, epcially the finale.
And Lucas cheated on Peyton too, when he kissed Brooke in S5 (HE kissed Brooke) plus he got with Lindsay without really breaking things off with Peyton. That is why Peyton was so shocked and hurt.
Its so funny that people call Lucas an ass for cheating on Brooke once and hate Brucas for that, yet love Peyton and Breyton even though, Peyton, being Brooke's best friend, went behind her back twice and hurt her more.

Even if there are hints though out the show that point towards Leyton, I just plain out dont like them , dont see anything between them plus when Brucas happened the show changed for me completely. I think Mark really messed up with putting Brucas together because when you are watching Brucas seasons you can see the finality and clarity in their words and now Mark tries to forget Brucas and show that its always been Leyton. Again this is an opionion and obviously LPers see things differently but I absolutely hate when LPers say that Brucas's love was not as strong as Leyton's. Because first of all thats an opinion, second you dont know who's going to be endgame so you cant say that, and third you watch S2, and S3 and tell me Brucas's love isnt strong.

abs07Agreed it would have been wierd but it wasnt because it wasnt written until S4. Mark only put that to equalize Peyton and Brooke. But agian whats written is written. Brathan did not cheat at all, you could try to make it sound as bad as LP cheating but it wasnt. ATLEAST they both were broken up. And yeah Neyton broke up all the time, which only shows that their relationship was really crappy and that they didnt care as much as Brucas cared for each other and Peyton knew Nathan cheated on her like all the time. Peyton sees him make out with all the girls at the party which is why she breaks up with him, remember?
And why did Peyton act like a mega bitch? it wasnt like that tape effected her realtionship with Lucas, and it wasnt like she cared about Nathan. Even Haley didnt get as mad as she did and Haley was married to the guy. LPers hate the fact that I blame Peyton so much but basically if you think about it everything between BLP started because of her from S1...all she had to do was be honest, but anyways thats besides the point.

Yea we can agree to disagree on this too abs07 lol
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago tvfan5 said…
Peyton had a every right to act like a bitch about Brathan because the whole point was to show that brooke had cheated with nathan and had basically been a hypocrite. that was definately cheating..Brooke cut peyton out of her life completely after peyton told her the truth (while knowing that she had HAD SEX with Peyton's boyfriend years before) can say it wasn't cheating, but at least leyton fans admit that leyton cheated on brooke. Haley wasn't married to Nathan at that time..she didn't even know him..peyton had way more of a reason to be pissed than haley.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago livelovelaugh said…
i couldnt be bothered to read all the posts so im jus gonna say random shit so if its alreadyt been sed jus ignore me lol

first of all i think saBrucas made some good points first being leyton fan or brucas fan can not say that both the brucas relationship and the leyton relationship wasnt strong yes brooke was insecure but you would be if the guy you loved once cheated on you with your best friend peyton messed up the same as brooke messed up sleeping with nathan that was a long time before either brucas or leyton exsisted the reason it was so bad was because of all the grief she gave peyton for doing it to her which i think peyton had everyright to be pissed but she did take it to a whole new level i mean she was jus soooooo peyton like she took it out on every one including lucas i think he went to see brooke first because he new peyton would through a bitch fit it was very hypocritical of both of them the way peyton treated brooke after the tape came out was like ok you were hurt so much when brooke did that to you why would you do it to her and im not sticking up for brooke coz what she did was wrong and thats no excuse . at the end of the day they were both as bad as each other but in my opinion nothing at all to do with one tree hill or the characters is that having an on going affair is worse than a one nite stand no matter the situation
over a year ago abs07 said…
Lucas cheated on Peyton too, when he kissed Brooke in S5 (HE kissed Brooke) plus he got with Lindsay without really breaking things off with Peyton. That is why Peyton was so shocked and hurt. Ok. You're the first person to call what luke did "cheating". Peyton knew Lucas broke things off when he left her and left that cd she made him. Why do you think she was crying at work?? In the last conversation leyton had peyton said: "I'm afraid that this conversation is gonna end with --" "goodbye"(luke). So when Luke left the morning after, Peyton knew. So there's no cheating. When leyton hadn't talked in a year then Peyton saw luke with Lindsey at the book signing, Peyton was hurt and shocked, but only cause she thought they were together (but they weren't).

Its so funny that people call Lucas an ass for cheating on Brooke once and hate Brucas for that, yet love Peyton and Breyton even though, Peyton, being Brooke's best friend, went behind her back twice and hurt her more. When did Peyton go behind brooke's back for a second time?? I hope you don't mean the library thing. Me and many other leyton fans have acknowledged both Peyton and Luke for their mistakes, but brooke is rarely acknowledged for hers in season 1, so don't get me started on favoritism thing cause most brucas fans I've talked to, you included, belittled brooke's mistakes and made excuses without even admitting that what she did was low. You can't expect fans to start insulting their fav characters when they make mistakes - as long as we acknowledge the mistakes and be real about them, that's what counts.

"Even if there are hints pointing toward leyton" you can see the finality and clarity in Brucas' words and now Mark tries to forget Brucas and show that its always been Leyton. Brucas fan or not, if you can't see the links by now between season 1 and 6, if you can't see that it was more than a flip of a switch, I dunno what to tell you. No one's asking you to like brucas less, but I've pointed out all the signs pointing to leyton throughout the seasons and you still say "even if there were signs". Leyton had a lot more finality than brucas and they've had it since season 1: "I'll wait forever if I have to" "It's always gonna be there. "you will always be in my heart" "I will always love you." "I'll love you forever Lucas Scott." "Lucas and Peyton - True Love Always." All quotes from Leyton throughout the seasons. With Brucas, Lucas had written "Brooke and Lucas Forever" on Brooke's locker mirror; then Brooke said "I love you lucas, I probably always will (before she dumped him)"; and that's it. I won't take away from two favorited quotes: "i'm the guy for you" and "brooke's the one", but those words had no finality. Those words were tailored to a time that they were in love, but there were no words that included "always, forever, for all time, etc." not once.

LPers say that Brucas's love was not as strong as Leyton's. Because first of all thats an opinion, second you dont know who's going to be endgame so you cant say that, and third you watch S2, and S3 and tell me Brucas's love isnt strong.
I can't speak for all LPers but I can speak for myself. Brucas' love was very strong. Luke was faithful and you can tell he loved her very much and vice versa. But IMO, their love was also young, and did not grow with them. It also didn't withstand circumstances. I won't directly compare brucas' love with leyton's. When I talk about brucas, I interpret their relationship vs their love and how it slowly chipped away throughout s3. I take that observation from facts I noted on the show ("you don't have feelings for lucas anymore" - no denying words from brooke; "maybe you just don't love him anymore" - no denying remarks from brooke; "I stopped missing you" - brooke; "when I heard the way whitey described his life with camilla I realized--" "they weren't describing us" - Brooke;I could go on...).
When I talk about leyton, I also deduct my conclusions from facts on the show. Not once did they ever take back their feelings or belittle them, or say that they stopped loving. Through everything, they never stopped loving/caring (S1 - I'll wait forever if I have to; S2 - Despite what you think, I really do care about you Peyton; S3 - "It's always gonna be there"; S4 - "Peyton and I were always meant for eachother and every instinct to the contrary was a denial of the following truth; S5 - The Comet, & them dancing around eachother was self explanatory that they weren't over eachother). This season, their love is stronger than ever. Ever since luke's epiphany in season 4, he's never been able to be "friends" with Peyton successfully or vice versa. Even in season 3 (before luke's epiphany) brooke couldn't help but notice how luke was with Peyton, choosing her all the time ("for ONCE can you do what I say and put ME above your precious PEYTON? thanks!"). Anyways, we've already been through the seasons debating about events so let's not go back there.

Brathan did not cheat at all, you could try to make it sound as bad as LP cheating but it wasnt. ATLEAST they both were broken up. It comes down to opinion when it comes to which is worse. I won't belittle Peyton's mistakes, and I WILL not belittle Brooke's either: Brooke knew that Neyton broke up and got back together every other minute, so she knew that Neyton would mostly likely reunite the next morning if not the same night, and still she made the decision to sleep with him. Are you telling me that you wouldn't be upset if your friend cut you out when you were finally honest, then you find out that she hasn't been honest with you all that time (nor did she have any intention of being honest with you)? Remember, this isn't simply about equalizing Peyton and Brooke's mistakes toward eachother. Peyton even said it wasn't about Nathan, but about truth and lies. Peyton lied to brooke in s1 ("I don't know what hurts more, you sneaking around behind my back or you lying to my face about it!"), but brooke lied to Peyton too about a similar situation. Kicker is, Peyton cheated & risked her friendship with brooke, but was in love. Brooke risked her friendship with Peyton when she slept with Nathan and lied, but for a fling. Now I'm not gonna debate with you about what's worse; again, that comes down to opinion. So we'll stand where we stand and leave it at that. And it doesn't matter when Mark wrote Brathan's twist. Alot of BLers use that fact like it doesn't count. Yes it was written in s4, but it doesn't change the fact that it was put in to be an event from season 1.

Peyton knew Nathan cheated on her like all the time. Peyton sees him make out with all the girls at the party which is why she breaks up with him, remember? Making out with some girl and SLEEPING with your BEST friend are two different magnitudes of mistakes. I can't believe you'd compare the two as if they were the same.

And why did Peyton act like a mega bitch? it wasnt like that tape effected her realtionship with Lucas, and it wasnt like she cared about Nathan. again, in the end, it wasn't about nathan. it was about breyton. Peyton got cut out for lying in s1, then brooke cut peyton out when she was finally honest, and made fun of her mothers' deaths; but brooke lied from the beginning and never had any intention of telling the truth. and ofcourse peyton cared about nathan. she just didn't love him, that's all.

Even Haley didnt get as mad as she did and Haley was married to the guy Haley was very angry, but obviously it wasn't the "same" angry as Peyton cause Haley and Peyton were in different situations. Haley wasn't even WITH Nathan when he did that stuff. Nor was she BEST friends with Brooke. So it didn't affect her in the same way. Haley was more insecure and embarrassed than betrayed. Heck, she supported Peyton 100% cause she could only imagine what kind of pain she felt.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago kellyerin87 said…
just had to pop in here today and say GO LEYTON!!! lol
over a year ago Leyton4ever said…
omg I feel like I've been gone forever. i haven't read anything on this site in quite some time...i missed it as for that you all know who i love but i don't feel like debating now...maybe later lol
over a year ago loveishard said…
This is a hard choice. While in season one I was firmly rooting for Peyton and Lucas, it all got mixed around as Brooke started maturing. I liked Brooke more and more as she started becoming more classy. But when Peyton and Lucas ended up together in the end, I wasn't disappointed because Brooke got a guy that was perfect for her.

When you have that emotional connection to someone, it doesn't matter what happends, in the end you're most likely to end up with that person. If any of you have ever had say a best friend or your ex that you were in love with. You've remained friends but gone out with other people and you've liked them a lot but in the end, you've came back to them. Well thats basically what i'm saying.
over a year ago loveishard said…
When leyton hadn't talked in a year then Peyton saw luke with Lindsey at the book signing, Peyton was hurt and shocked, but only cause she thought they were together (but they weren't).

I'm confused! Whose Lindsey? Is there a new season or something?
over a year ago abs07 said…
loveishard, did you not watch season 5?
over a year ago onetreehill4 said…
lol, i no, how do u not no who lindsay is?
over a year ago abs07 said…
I wasn't trying to be mean though :P
maybe s5 hasn't aired where she lives...
over a year ago all55husbands said…
Okay since i'm really lazy and i'm so not going to read wat yall wrote previously i'm just going to put my 2 cents in here. I think Leyton makes a good friendship but totally make me want to puke when they're in a relationship. So i guess u can tell i'm a brucas fan. WOO!!! YEA!!! BRUCAS!!! anyways when it comes to brucas i'm not really sure what first made me ship them I mean i know wat makes me stay with them other than the fact that i don't tend to switch shippings cept for when i switched from shipping logan and lulu to johnny and lulu on general hospital but thats another story. I mean it always seems like when i ship things i tend to always go for that old cliche opposites attract, and that was never more truer when it came to Brooke and Lucas. For 3 and a half seasons yall THREE AND A HALF SEASONS!!!!!!! he chased her, and thats wat i call love.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago tvfan5 said…
Leyton <3
over a year ago abs07 said…
For 3 and a half seasons yall THREE AND A HALF SEASONS!!!!!!! he chased herhe chased her for the first 8 episodes in s3...that's hardly 3.5 seasons. pining after her in a good chunk of season 2 is hardly chasing. he never flat out confessed his feelings till the finale. and s4 though he claimed he was gonna get brooke back, he said he hoped they could be friends in 402, then in 403 he said he was wrong, he's not the guy for her. So again, I dunno where you got 3 and a half seasons from.
over a year ago all55husbands said…
chasing...pining same difference and okay maybe not 3 and a half seasons 2 give or take a few
over a year ago abs07 said…
Chasing is actually fighting for someone. Pining is just emotion. and the chasing it didn't even add up to one season. It was barely eleven episodes.
over a year ago saBRUCAS said…
So who cares if he was chasing or pining after her the point is he wanted her!
over a year ago abs07 said…
saBRUCAS, I wasn't disputing that he wanted her (half of s2, all of s3, and like 3 episodes of s4 - so that's like alittle over 1 and a half seasons). I was just correcting all55husbands when she said luke chased after her for 3.5 seasons. so I dunno what you're getting all intense about.
over a year ago kellyerin87 said…
saBRUCAS... there's one keyword in your last post... "WANTED" her! the fact that he wanted Brooke at one point is all well and good, but what matters is who he wanted in the beginning (Peyton), in the end of high school (Peyton), and who he wants NOW (Peyton)!
over a year ago bec_rox94 said…
all im going to say is that peyotn and lucas are always going 2 hav a connection and they should be friends but i hate them wen they are a couple she makes him so depressed just like her. lucas has fun with brooke.
ok bye