One Tree Hill My 2 reasons why S2 was weird!

Leytonfan4ever posted on Dec 28, 2007 at 02:38PM
So i had some problems with S2...Mainly 2 reasons that im going to cover Both include BL, now don't get me intention to make this isn't for bashing BL, im just gonna prove my point=]! So, don't gang up on me BL

I'll start with the 'P. Sawyer box'
**Now at the end of S2 Lucas tells Brooke he wants to be with her and he only kept the Peyton box to remind himself of how much he hurt her and if he got another chance he wouldn't do it again now Where's the Brooke box??? Oh, yeah she didn't mean anything then right?? i mean why would he still have the Peyton box if it didn't mean something? Maybe it meant everything since he wanted everything with Peyton. Even Brooke knows it meant something or he wouldn't have kept it. That's why she didn't end up asking him out and why she told Peyton he kept it. If Brooke was really the girl he loved why didn't he at least get rid of the Peyton box? In season 2 he even tells Brooke he wants to be in Peyton's life more. So, i don't believe the P. box was to remind him of bad things. In my opinion i think he just said that cause' he thought he was gonna lose her right there and then.

Moving on.....

Next the Luke feelings for brooke thing.*This one confuse the sh*t out of me!*
**Ok luke's feeling for her came of nowhere! He ended up going to brooke's door after nate's speech. Mark says that nate meant peyt. Not only that, but when luke is ending things with anna he says "she came before you and she's slipping away" Now when was brooke slipping away?? BL were talking and becoming friends. I think peyt was the one slipping away...peyton pushed luke away and luke got jake to come back cause' he thought peyt was missing jake and luke wanted someone to be there for peyt cause' she was pushing him alittle fashback to S1&3 Lucas admits he was hiding with brooke and he was afraid of getting hurt. In S3 Brooke sleeps with Chris and BL are arguing. Brooke says he slept with Nikki. Lucas tells her he DIDN'T have feelings for her (Brooke) then. So,when the heck did he start having feelings for her? After having 2 conversations with her and after Peyton rejects your friendship? Even when Peyton rejected him he told her whatever you think I do still care about you. Lucas going to Brooke after Peyton rejects him? Hmmm sound familiar????? How do we know he wasn't hiding with her again? Sorry if i sound like im bashing BL..i just don't get it. Anyways i've covered the main 2 so im done.

One Tree Hill 20 replies

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over a year ago Jad555 said…
You sad, sad person...
We get it, you prefer Leyton to Brucas and your trying to manipulate what Brucas fans think. I don't care what you think about Brucas because your pathetic way of thinking means that your wrong!

Enough said. Bye!
over a year ago Leytonfan4ever said…
Umm ok well firstly thankz for commenting=]! Secondly your right i do prefer LP than BL=]! Thirdly im not trying to manupulate what BL fans just trying to prove my point..if i offended you than im sorry for that! And lastly if you don't care than why you getting offended by this??
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Lila856 said…
She`s saying facts & has proof to back them up, you`re just running your skanky-man mouth & don`t even know what you`re saying.

K leytonfan, I SO AGREE. @ the 2nd point i was like OMG HES GOING TO PEYTON & then he shows up at like brooke`s, i was SO confused. it was SOOOO random, it might as well have been like gigi!
the brucas storyline is super weak, it all started weak & ended the same way: because peyton decided she didn`t wanna do anything she would regret & decided to tell brooke her feelings.

i like brooke & all but her character has some sucky points. like she managed to show sympathy towards rachel (cuz cooper dumped her/she smashed the mirror) & haley(teen preggo) who shes known for barely a year but when it comes to her best friend for like 10 years being almost killed/raped by some psycho, she makes jokes about it . totally confuses me!
over a year ago Leytonfan4ever said…
Thankz Lila=]! Oh and yea i agree some characters confuse me too.
over a year ago othgirl_peyton said…
Brooke is my second fave character but i get ur point Lila i agree i am confused too! and i think that Brooke should defo be more understanding with Peyton then any one else! u cant let 10 years just slide away just like that!
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over a year ago ritergrl said…
Completely agree with everything above... apart from Jad555 pointless and retarded post. But other than that, good points!
over a year ago halie_12 said…
i also think that brooke is being a bitch because she's the one who turned luke down and she didn't really do anything wrong except for love someone so i agree with the girls above. i still love brooke though and i loved her with luke but maybe its better that she's with chase now. and luke and peyton were always together and he was always there for her so i think that they were bound to end up together some time. so i think that its all working out. :)
over a year ago xoheartinohioxo said…
I'm sorry but this was just another topic to try and take away anything Brucas ever was to each other... You can say that wasnt your purpose but honestly, yes it was. You made a topic about people bashing Peyton/Leyton for the "wrong reasons" but you always seem to have something to say to take away from BL's relationship.


I'm sorry but no matter what you say, sitting there saying how Lucas's reason he gave Brooke was a lie, and saying his feelings came from nowhere, thats you trying to trying to make it like their relationship was the most random thing.
over a year ago hbanana092 said…
dude i agree with Jad555.
ur just trying to manipulate brucas fans away. :D
and btw ur posts are veryyy long and boringgggggg. so i totally wastedd my time just reading a total load of crap.
and i agree with the person who posted above moi.
<3- h.
over a year ago othgirl_peyton said…
all what leytonfan did was told the facts that were true (Lucas having a Peyt box and going to Brooke when Mark Schwan said that before with the conversation with Nate he was talking about Peyton) and then told what she thought about them i dont see anything offensive about it!
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over a year ago xoheartinohioxo said…
Scuse me? Just told facts???

1.) Where's the Brooke box??? Oh, yeah she didn't mean anything then right?? i mean why would he still have the Peyton box if it didn't mean something? Maybe it meant everything since he wanted everything with Peyton.

2.) Ok luke's feeling for her came of nowhere! He ended up going to brooke's door after nate's speech. Mark says that nate meant peyt. Not only that, but when luke is ending things with anna he says "she came before you and she's slipping away" Now when was brooke slipping away?? BL were talking and becoming friends. I think peyt was the one slipping away...peyton pushed luke away and luke got jake to come back cause' he thought peyt was missing jake and luke wanted someone to be there for peyt cause' she was pushing him alittle fashback to S1&3 Lucas admits he was hiding with brooke and he was afraid of getting hurt. In S3 Brooke sleeps with Chris and BL are arguing. Brooke says he slept with Nikki. Lucas tells her he DIDN'T have feelings for her (Brooke) then. So,when the heck did he start having feelings for her? After having 2 conversations with her and after Peyton rejects your friendship? Even when Peyton rejected him he told her whatever you think I do still care about you. Lucas going to Brooke after Peyton rejects him? Hmmm sound familiar?????
HOW ARE YOU GOING TO SAY SHE ISNT BASHING ON BL. Lucas didnt try to get back with Peyton so how the fuck did he get rejected???
over a year ago othgirl_peyton said…
the fact is Peytons box! the opinion is everything else! i think its not forbiden to tell ur opinion! or it is??

can u deny Lucas had Peytons box??
was right for Brooke to think that Luke has feelings for Peyt becuse of the box?? yes!
i am not saying that at the time he had feelings for Peyt dont get me wrong!
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over a year ago bpd_les said…
i agree with xoheartinohioxo!
btw if u havent realized, lucas wants to be in peyton's life more because she accused him of being a CRAPPY FRIEND!!
luke said brooke was slipping away because of her relationship with felix..get it?
soo biased people.. -.-;;;;
over a year ago xoheartinohioxo said…
^^^ Thank you!!
over a year ago Leytonfan4ever said…
Lol wow so much i've missed....ok look sorry if i offened u BL fans...yea i know i sound like im bashing BL..but im not trying just saying what i feel about the season...and i had reasons why i didn't like S2, but the 2 up there weren't the reason why i didn't like the Season they were just the reason why i thought the seaosn was so weird...felix&anna were the reasons why i didn't like the Season..actually believe it or not the only reason why i watched the whole season was becuz of BL....they were very interesting in the season and for once i actually liked them in that season..probably my fave season of them, but i just thought those things up there ^^^ were very confusing. Anyways bpd_les i give you props for that first reason..never thought of that, but good point.....the second well if you compare peyton to brooke...well peyton was the one really slipping away.
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over a year ago othgirl_peyton said…
honestly i never understood who was slipping away at the time becuse Luke could meant both but later when Mark Schwan himself said that Luke was talking about Peyt i understoodwhy he said that Peyton was slipping away!
over a year ago othbabay said…
just because people have their own opinions on what they think doesn't mean people should start being rude about it. I love brookes character but i am LP all the way. Brooke is a great girl she was to insecure with lucas. I mean i understand why she was because of all that happend with him and Peyton. But it was peyton from the begining. He loved her from like 8th grade. Brooke new about his feelings for her. so i dont see what the big deal is. everybody has their favorites. all of you brucas fans bash on peyton all the time. so dont get mad at us for stating our opinions about brucas or anybody else
over a year ago bugalugs said…
Woah some BL fans seem to get very aggressive.. if you dont like what was said then just leave it, no need to start arguing. I love brooke and i really like BL together when they were going well but i totally agree with both of those points especially the second one, when that happened i was totally waiting for him to go see peyton ( and sooo excited for it) and then he turened up at brookes and i was just like WTF how was she slipping away/
over a year ago Laurra said…
okay brucas fans STFU!!! i dont mean to be rude but you are so you know two can play at that game!!

kimmy made this forum to show her opinion (i agree with everything you guys said BTW) ... bl fans your being disrespectful saying you can have your own opinion about brucas ... so why you bein a hypocrite sayin kimmy cant have hers ?????

like this .. 'just another topic to try and take away anything Brucas ever was to each other' ... err shes not doing that, but we understand that you feel threatened and that its taking away what YOU believe brucas had together!!

to quote my good friend who commented first [sarc] 'enough said. BYE!'
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over a year ago Laurra said…
^^ that sounds r. r. mean, an im tryin to stop all that!!! sooo ...yeah im sorry for the meaness and the context i put it in! but the things i said, i kinda meant!