Palaeontology Updates

an answer was added to this question: Is there an allosaurus species as big as T-rex? over a year ago by mushupork
an answer was added to this question: Is there an allosaurus species as big as T-rex? over a year ago by dowedolla76
a comment was made to the poll: Which of these is cooler? over a year ago by Kraucik83
an article was added: Warm or Cold-blooded? over a year ago by GabsSaw
a photo was added: Velociraptor over a year ago by jpaddict1993
a video was added: The World of the Dinosaurs - Symphony of Science over a year ago by ChadKumada
a video was added: Prehistoric Park (v02) Trailer #2 over a year ago by ChadKumada
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: FOSSIL QUIZ: This fossil belongs to which dinosaur? over a year ago by jpaddict1993
a question was added: Is there an allosaurus species as big as T-rex? over a year ago by cyst
a pop quiz question was added: DINO DIET: Which type of dinosaur raked food into its mouth using long,needle-shaped teeth? over a year ago by dragonsmemory
a pop quiz question was added: Which dinosaur was found to be a hoax? over a year ago by dragonsmemory
a video was added: jurassic park: dinosaur battles over a year ago by Gin-Sama