Percy Jackson and the Olympians Rise from the Underworld

Vulcanus posted on Nov 01, 2012 at 06:33AM
here is my version of what happened after the war. ill do my best to post when im not busy, plz no swearing and Enjoy :D

its 100 years after the war, they had put gaia back to sleep, but sadly the seven of the prophecy didnt make it and they put a statue of them in the middle of camp there had been less sightings of monsters and also less demi-gods since gaia was defeated, there hadn't been many quests so a lot of the kids from camp took up monster hunting.

Heros of the book

Vanessa-Daughter of Boreas
Helen-Daughter of hecete
Thantos (his name has nothing to do with thanatos the god of death) -??????
Horace-Son of Thanatos
Carter-Son of Ares
Rachel Dare-oracle

here is my prophecy


five will journey over the edge
the great twist they must descend
the book of death they will defend
they will be betrayed in the end

All rights go to Rick Riordan, i take no credit in his work. plz do not steal my ideas (and if you are going to take an idea plz talk to me about it first) thanks!

Percy Jackson and the Olympians 45 replies

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over a year ago Vulcanus said…
Chapter 1
Thantos had been at camp for a couple of days and he hated it, two demi gods had found him in an alleyway and brought him here, nobody really liked him and no one wanted him on there team for sports, they had a good reason if they new what he had done, “thantos”, I snapped back into the present, we were having monster training
“i asked if you new the answer to my question”
“what is the question?” a few people snickered, the teacher rolled her eyes and said
“do you know who Echidna is?”
“ya she is half women half snake, the waist down was the body and tail of a black serpent with speckled yellow skin, her eyes are like humans but when she gets mad they turn red like blood, she was said also to be the mother of all monsters”
the teacher looked stunned, some of the kids there had there mouth open and were starring.
“how do you know all that?” she asked
thantos looked around and answered quickly “read it somewhere.”
the teacher let it pass and continued on with the lesson.
The class continued for another half hour before the teacher let them out, and told them to go to have dinner because they would have capture the flag after.

They burnt offerings to the gods and then had dinner, all the kids were talking about laughing about how fun capture the flag would be tonight, i had almost finished eating when a boy sat next to me and started eating his hamburger, i tried to remember his name but couldn't figure it out, I picked up my pizza and was about to take a bite when the boy looked up and through a mouth full of food said
“sup Im carter”
I looked at him and said
“im thantos”
carter took a sip of coke and said”i don't have many friends here hope you are on the blue team”
“ya I guess” I looked up just as the camp director Chiron said “ok capture the flag in ten minutes, meet at the edge of the woods with your armor and weapons”
every one got up and ran to there cabins for there things, I looked at carter and asked
“we use real weapons and armor for this”
he grinned “ya its awesome”
we walked back to the hermes cabin.
all I had for armor and weapons was a leather chest plate and double swords that strapped onto my back, carter had full leather armor with two boot daggers a sword at his waist and a 2.5 foot staff slung on his back that when he flicked turned into a 6 foot spear with an electrical tip. We got are stuff and headed for the edge of the woods.
The teams were divided and they gave me a blue helmet. We headed of to are side of the woods with the blue flag, a guy from Athena's cabin told us to put the flag on zeus fist and then he got to kids to set up some traps around it, he was working on the defenses when a kid walked over to me and said
“ok new kid, you and carter go to the edge of the border, try not to let anyone pass”
then he left to give orders to someone els.
Me and carter walked to the river and looked around, there wasn't anyone in sight, I could hear people running around but that was it , carter climbed up a tree and I went and hid behind a rock.
Five minutes into the game we heard the first sounds of fighting, then kids started yelling, there was a little explosion to the the left of them and then a kid that looked about seventeen charged through the river and onto there side.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Vulcanus said…
i no its not the best start but it will get better
over a year ago flamemouth27 said…
It's pretty good! Kinda sad the Percy and annabeth and other peps died, lol I reckon you should add like an underworld scene where the 7 of the prophecy were spotted in the esylum or whatever the name was for the heroes section in the underworld. Sorry you don't really have to listen to me just a suggestion :P
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Vulcanus said…
lol thats a good idea
over a year ago Vulcanus said…
ill try to post tomorrow.
over a year ago Vulcanus said…
ill prob post later today, plz comment
over a year ago flamemouth27 said…
When you postin??? I'll try my best to post like 3 chapters tonight coz its Saturday today. :)
over a year ago Vulcanus said…
ill prob post tomorrow, sorry im sick
over a year ago Vulcanus said…
Chapter 2
As the guy from Zeus's cabin rushed over the river I saw Thantos get up and draw his swords, I thought he was crazy cus this guy drake was a really good fighter, but Thantos didn't seem to care, he slowly advanced toward drake. 20 feet away drake noticed him and drew his sword and lifted his shield
“you have to be kidding me, this is the best defense you guys have” he laughed and charged thantos.
As the two met, drake swung his sword but thantos fell to the ground sliding under his leg and then got up and swung his sword but drake spun around and parrying his attack went for a shield slam, I jumped out of the tree and looked up just as thantos rolled out of the way of drakes sword, I ran to help thantos but five more guys on the red team burst out of the tree line and three of them went to help drake, the other two charged at me.
My instincts and training took over I grabbed my stick and with a flick of my wrist turned it into a 6 foot spear with an electrical tip, the first guy swung his sword, side stepping the swing I tripped him with the end of the spear then I turned in time to block the second guy while pulling out my sword I slammed the butt of it into the guys head causing him to crumble to the ground, I turned around and sheathed my sword, then pulling out my boot knife I threw it at the guy I had tripped hitting him in the head with the butt of the knife and making him crumble, I looked over at thantos and saw that he wouldn't last much longer against four guys, I drew my sword and started running toward him but stopped when a girl and guy that I had met earlier from are team ran out of the tree line and stopped 20 feet from thantos, the girl raised her hand I think her name was vanessa, and one of the guys hand started to freeze, he tried to move it but the frost started spreading up his arm, he turned and ran threw the river back onto the red territory screaming like a baby, I starting running to help thantos again and so did the other guy, the two remaining guys helping drake turned around to face us. I took the guy on the right and horace took the the left, the guy swung his sword and I rolled out of the way, then parrying his second attack I pulled out a dagger from his belt and cut his arm, the guy stumbled back and I hit him in the head making him fall on a rock knocking him unconscious, I moved toward the guy horace was fighting but he looked at me and said “go help your friend I got this guy”
I turned just as thantos trip over a root, drake looked down and grinned
“you really thought you could beat me? Iv been here for five years”
drake raised his shield and was going to slam him in the face so I did the first thing I could think of, I yelled “hey drake” then I threw the dagger
he turned around and raised his hand, thunder rumbled, and a lightning bolt shot down from the sky hitting the dagger and making it fall to the floor. He raised his hand again, It started to get dark, thunder rumbled, but before he could do anything there was a flash from the side, something dark hit him right in the chest and sent him flying into the river.
over a year ago Vulcanus said…
aaa still no comments
over a year ago Vulcanus said…
ill post when someone comments
over a year ago Vulcanus said…
no 1 is commenting?
over a year ago Vulcanus said…
really? still no comments? just some 1 tell me should i stop posting
over a year ago Vulcanus said…
ok some one tell me what to do...i wont post tell someone comments
over a year ago Vulcanus said…
still nothing?
over a year ago flamemouth27 said…
Hi sorry I've been super busy but post!!! I bet it's Hades or something but anyways is drake a son of Zeus?
over a year ago Vulcanus said…
yes drake is and ill post today or tomorrow
over a year ago Vulcanus said…
Chapter 3
i smiled as I blast drake into the river, I had been at camp for two months and my 16th birthday would be in a month, I had been claimed by hecete the same day I arrived, I had found a spell book in the back of the weapon shed and also a staff that helped me cast spells, I couldn't cast very good spells without the staff so I always kept in handy, the handle was dark and at the top there were vines covering half of an orb that changed colors, though most of the time it was darker colors. Horace looked at me and siad
“great timing”
I looked over at the river and saw that drake was getting up
“why you littl....”
but before he could finish vanessa raised her hand and an icy glow flew from her hand hitting the water around him and turning it to ice, he pulled out his sword and screamed at the sky causing lightning to hit the ice around him setting him free, he looked at us
“five against one, lets change that around” he looked over his shoulder and shouted an order, a few seconds later nine guys burst out of the tree and came to stand next to drake, I walked past thantos who was the closest to the river and drew a line in the dirt and smiled and drake,
“pass it and you die”
then all at once vanessa unsheathed her two handed sword, thantos bent down and picked up his swords which he dropped when he tripped over the root , horace clicked something on his arm guard and it turned into a shield, carter picked up his daggers and then drew his sword and picked up a shield from the ground.
Drake looked uneasy but raised his shield and yelled “lock shields, advance” the nine guys locked shields with drake and they started to move slowly toward the line.
carter thantos vanessa and horace moved to the front of the line while I stayed back and started chanting something, I finished the spell and shot it five feet in front of drake and his pals, the ground rumbled and three skeleton warriors crawled out of the ground and charged. the first two warriors turned to dust as drake and a guy next to him stabbed at them the third warrior attacked at the side and got a lucky shot slicing one of the boys arms before getting turned to dust. drake ordered them to attack and the shield wall broke, drake and another guy went for thantos then two went for carter another two at horace and the last two guys ran around the fighting and went for me.
As the two guys came at me I said “stop” they slowed to a walk but kept coming closer, I continued “you wouldn't hurt a girl would you?”
they laughed and charged I raised an eyebrow “don't say I didn't warn you”
I swung my staff threw the air and a purple wave of energy hit the first guy, I then twisted my staff and slammed the ground causing it to shift so the second guy triped and hit his head, the first guy was getting up again but I muttered something under my breath and invisible ropes wrapped around him making him stumble backward and fall to the ground. I thought this could be my chance, the others were doing okay so I sprinted threw the river and into the cover of the trees

I had been looking for ten minutes and still couldn't find there flag, battle was ringing all around me but I didn't run into anyone. I was just about to give up when I walked into a clearing and there flag was sitting in the middle of it “it can't be this easy” I said to myself. I walked forward and three guys jumped out of a tree, the biggest looking one stepped forward and said “turn around and leave and you don't get hurt”
I smiled
“thanks for your concern but I think you are the one thats going to get hurt”
the guy shrugged and the three of the charged, I raised my staff and said a spell causing the ground under them to turn to quicksand making them fall chest deep into it, I muttered a spell and the ground hardened trapping them, I blew them a kiss and picked up the flag
“see you guys later” I said, I turned around to leave but screamed when.......
To Be Continued
over a year ago flamemouth27 said…
big smile
Damn you with yr cliffies...just like me lol
over a year ago Vulcanus said…
lol its more fun when you do that :D
over a year ago Vulcanus said…
ill try post but it might be a day or 2 cus im busy today and tomorrow and maybe the day after that 2
over a year ago Vulcanus said…
Chapter 4
I turned to leave but screamed when a chimera crashed threw the trees and roared, I stumbled back and he let loose a jet of flames forcing me to roll to the side, I got up and he shot fire at me again but this time I was ready, pointing my staff at a tree I made a pulling motion and sucked all the water out of it creating a wall of water in front of me, the flames hit the wall and created steam cutting my vision of the chimera. When it cleared the chimera was running away threw the trees toward the river, I picked up the flag and dashed after him.
I arrived at the river and I hadn't been stopped once, I looked around for the chimera but it seemed to have vanished, I started to wade threw the river but stopped when the water in front of me started to rise creating a wall, I spun around and saw a daughter of Amphitrite (wife of Poseidon) she had her hand extended, she put it down and the wall of water fell splashing my back, she drew a sword and smiled at me “give me the flag and I wont have to hurt you”
I raised my staff “come get it”
she charged and while she ran at me the river exploded behind be throwing me onto her side, I got to my feet and raised my staff blocking her first strike, then I jumped back and muttered a spell shooting a fire ball at her, but she rolled to the side, I shot another one but this time she raised her hand and water from the river flew in front of her, I thought this was my chance I said a spell and the ground beneath her shot up and enclosed her in a shell just before it covered her I thought I saw a scared look on her face, I laughed, “she better be scared of me” then I turned around and stood face to face with the chimera, I jumped back but it swiped me with its paw throwing me 20 feet causing me to slam into a tree and I started to see stars.
As I got up I saw the chimera advancing slowly, watching me, I new if I ran it would chase me and there was no way I could out run it so I started to back up slowly, then I heard carter shout duck and a few seconds later a spear flew past my face and buried itself in the chimeras neck, it stumbled backwards and roared, then it crumbled to dust. I turned around and saw carter smiling,
“thats how its done”
I smiled back at him “thanks, where did he come from anyw...” before I could finish carter yelled “watch out”
I started to turn but then something slammed into my back and the last thing I saw was a horrified look on carters face before I hit my head and everything went black.
over a year ago flamemouth27 said…
Dude just sayin, I thought CHB was meant to be monster-free apart from the occational dragon and stuff in the woods... Oh welll... Post soon!
over a year ago Vulcanus said…
thats the point
over a year ago Vulcanus said…
sorry i havn't posted in forever, been busy but ill try post this week
over a year ago Vulcanus said…
Chapter 5
I disarmed the last guy and horace knocked him out. Horace and I met at school, and when monsters started attacking us we went on the run for a little less the three months before a satyr had found us and brought us to camp, in the three months we were on the run, we had grown really close but then a few days after we got to camp I saw less of him, anyway he knocked out of the guy and I smiled at him, he gave me a quick smile but it faded when we heard carter calling for help, horace sprinted toward the sound of carters voice and thantos and I were right behind him.

When we got to the river I saw helen on the floor unconscious then in front of her carter was trying to fend of a hellhound, I thought how did this thing get in here, but I didn't have much time to think about it because the hellhound knocked carter aside and walked toward helen.
Thantos and horace charged the hellhound and I ran over to help carter, he had a cut on his forehead but he didn't look to bad, I saw that his eyes were rolled back into his head so I left him there and went to help the others. Thantos and horace were doing ok until the hellhound got a lucky shot hitting horace with his paw sending him flying into the river horace jumped at him shield razed but the hellhound swatted him aside and returned his attention back to helen. Without thinking I shouted “over here you fat hot dog” it sounded stupid but it was the best I could think of and it got his attention, he growled and then he charged at me, I back down to the water and just as he jumped I threw myself into the lake splashing water everywhere and then freezing it creating four-six foot long sharp ice lances the hellhound landed on it letting out a quick yelp of surprise and the crumbled to dust. I tried to get up out of the water but saw I had frozen my foot, I raised my hand and all the ice melted falling back into the river, I got up and saw that carter was starting to come to, I walked over to him and helped him up, he shook his head “where is helen?”
I looked behind me, thantos and horace were trying to feed her some ambrosia. I walked over to where they were
“is she ok?”
horace looked up “ya shes fine, and you did good with the hellhound”
my face turned red but I hope he couldn't see that, “thanks”
I heard a rustle and drew my sword from my back, thantos also stood up but relaxed when chiron galloped threw the bushes “what happened?”
as I told him the story thantos and horace got helen up and she was now walking back to the cabins with carter. As I finished my story chiron looked troubled, “we are going to have to have a night patrol watching the forests, do you think you could go spread the news?”
I looked around, everyone had forgotten about capture the flag and were now in groups whispering about what just happened, I looked back at chiron “sure ill tell them”
then I walked of toward the cabins.

The sun was almost gone by the time I had told everyone. The assignments for the patrol would be announced dinner today so I didn't have anything to do for an hour, I headed for the beach but stopped when I saw thantos heading for the woods. I started to follow him, hiding behind trees and bushes so I wouldn't be seen, as we got into the forest I found it easier to follow him without being seen, I lost him once or twice but the I would hear a rustle or a twig snapping and continue on. After 20 minutes of walking I found out that I had lost him again. I listened and heard voices, I walked slowly toward the sound and almost walked right into a clearing, I saw thantos kneeling down, his back was toward me and he was talking to someone. I looked behind me to see if anyone had followed me but saw nothing so I turned back toward the clearing and thantos was gone. I got nerves and I turned to leave but I heard a weapon being pulled out of a sheath and then there was a sword to my neck. “what are you doing here” thantos growled
“i followed you” I said as he sheathed his sword.
I continued “who were you talking to?”
“nobody” he growled
and that put an end to are conversation.
over a year ago Vulcanus said…
ill post when someone comments
over a year ago flamemouth27 said…
Sorry who's Boreas? Coz I've never herd of him before. I'm guessing either thalia's pine got chopped down or the Golden Fleece had been stolen... Btw new page have cake :P
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Vulcanus said…
Boarea, god of the north wind, you read about him in the lost hero
over a year ago flamemouth27 said…
Oh right...
over a year ago MJC2000 said…
big smile
Post again soon you're such a good writer. 8D
over a year ago Vulcanus said…
sorry iv been busy, ill try to post soon
over a year ago totolove said…
Interesting story . I've been working on a story like this wat a coincidence I just keep asking myself if I should post it but your story is giving me a feeling like I should post it .
over a year ago flamemouth27 said…
Post soooonnnn!!!!! Sorry I've been away for the past few weeks but post pleaaassseeee!!!!!
over a year ago Vulcanus said…
ok sry, been busy, ill post soon
over a year ago Vulcanus said…
for some reason my internet is being annoying so i cant post right now but ill come back and post later, i already have the chapter finished
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Vulcanus said…
Chapter 6
I had been assigned to be one of the guards tonight, I walked to the arena to train before dinner, it was a place I could think, I tapped my arm guard and it changed into a shield, I drew my sword and started to hack at the first dummy, I stabbed it threw the neck and then moved on to the second one slashing it across the face, I went for the third dummy but then I saw people walking toward dinner so I tapped my shield and it shrunk back into an arm guard. I sheathed my sword and ran to catch up with vanessa who I saw had come out of her cabin. As I got closer she saw me and slowed down so I could catch up.
she looked at me “hi”
It looked like there was something troubling her but I didnt push for details so we walked in silence. vanessa had blond hair and frosty blue eyes, she was beautiful in a icy way, I kept staring at her until we got to the tables, then she gave me a quick wave and went of to sit on the boreas table with her five other siblings and I went to sit at the hermes table cus for some reason I hadn't been claimed yet, chiron got up and gave a toast to the gods then we all went and scraped part of are food into the fire as an offering to the gods, when it was my turn I whispered “dad, who ever you are can you please send me a sign”
I scraped a portion of my food into the fire and then went back to the table and ate.

When we had finished the apollo cabin started a sing along, I watched from the side and was about to leave when someone to my left gasped, I looked over and saw he was staring at me, I looked confused until vanessa turned toward me and said
“look you..” her voice trailed off but she was pointing above my head, I looked up in time to see a symbol of a torch upside down fading, chrion walked over
“this isn't good” he muttered
he looked at me and said, “I need to have a talk with you, come to the arena in an hour”
then he galloped of leaving me to wonder what was wrong, vanessa walked over and took my hand leading me away from everyone and out of earshot
“whats going o..” she raised her hand to silence me
“your a son of thanatos”
I looked at her blankly “a son of thanawho?”
“thanatos, the last one went into a power frenzy killing 6 people and injuring 13”
“you think im evil?” I asked
“no, im just saying to be carful” she took my hand
“i want to show you something”
she closed her eyes and the temperature around us dropped drastically. A shiver went threw my body and I tried to pull away but a thin layer of ice had formed around both are hands, a small blizzard started to form around us, it picked up speed, the icy wind clawing at are clothes, then just when I thought it couldn't get any worse vanessa opened her eyes and the blizzard exploded around us, I closed my eyes and then we were shooting threw the ground

I opened my eyes to find my self in a gave, crystals hung from the ceiling and others came out of the floor and walls, vanessa was standing next to me, she started leading me threw the cave and I noticed the crystals were made of ice
“wow, what is this place?”
she took out a mini looking crystal out of her shirt and said “i can draw energy from the crystals threw this” she tucked it back in her shirt and continued “when I draw power the crystals melt, the more I draw the more melts, it was a gift from my father”
She started to move threw the cave again and led me to the back of the cave where there was a work bench, a shelf with tools and a few weapons, on one table there was a sword that had a cold glow to it, as I got closer I saw that there was only half a sword, not as big as a 2 handed sword but a little larger then a 1handed sword, the blade looked like it was made of ice.
“i can make swords out of ice” she said as if reading my mind
“this one is taking a lot of power to make, I call it stormbringer”
I looked at her “why are you showing me this?”
“cus I know your not evil, I know I can trust you”
she picked up a dagger and handed it to me
“if you ever need help use this and ill be able to find you”
she handed it to me along with a sheath and walked over to stormbringer, she moved her fingertips along the blade and then her hand glowed a ghostly blue, as her hand got brighter one of the crystals near by melted, when I looked back at the sword I saw that it had gotten a little bit bigger, almost unnoticeable
“all that energy for such a small thing?” I asked
she turned her head to look at me “in order for it not to shatter I need it to be strong, adding more power to it so it doesn’t brake uses a lot of energy” I nodded and she took my hand
“we better get back before people start missing us” the temperature started to cool and a tiny blizzard
encircled us, then there was a flash of white and I was sitting on my bead in the hermes cabin with snow in my hair.
over a year ago Vulcanus said…
no comments ?
over a year ago flamemouth27 said…
Thanatos isn't least in the Son of Neptune he wasnt but ya know what a hundred years could do to a person/god :P post soon! :)
over a year ago Vulcanus said…
i never said he was, i said his sons. and im kinda stuck on the next chapter but ill post when im finish
over a year ago totolove said…
How many chaps are you doing ?
over a year ago flamemouth27 said…
When you gonna post?
over a year ago Vulcanus said…
sorry been busy, but im working on the next chapter, kinda stuck
over a year ago Vulcanus said…
and totolove im not sure sorry
over a year ago totolove said…
s'ok ! I think its awesome anyways :D