Percy Jackson and the Olympians My Fanfic

athenachild13 posted on Aug 14, 2013 at 10:12PM
Chapter 1

I stared out the window of my mother's bright blue convertible. "Mom, are we almost there?" I asked for the hundredth time.
She sighed. "Josie, please stop asking! It'll be another ten minutes." I groaned dramatically.
My brother Ben stirred in his car seat next to me. Slowly he sat up and rubbed his eyes. His movement woke Genevieve and soon enough their chatter, screams, and random loud singing were enough to drive me crazy.
Finally we arrived. "Well, here we are! Welcome to Providence!" Mom announced brightly, although I failed to see anything bright about the situation. I let it pass, though, because I knew that mom was just trying to forget the fact that my dad had passed away just last year. Genny and Ben could forget that quite easily, but I had been very close to him and only Mom felt the lots harder than I did.
Pushing those thoughts away, I stared up at our new house. Now that I took a good look, it was actually pretty sweet. There was an awesome attic loft room I could just see myself sleeping in.
We walked inside as Mom gave us a "tour". In addition to my bedroom, there was actually a basement workshop that my mom had added especially for me. I never knew she cared so much!
Once we had brought all our boxes in from the moving truck, we all collapsed on our beds, too exhausted to do anything but sleep.
* * * *

About a week later, school started. I woke up dreading the first day. After a quick bowl of cereal I raced up the street to the bus stop. There was already a girl there about my age. She stated at me for a few seconds, then finally spoke. "Nice hair!"
"Thanks..." I mumbled and day on the curb to wait. I heard the girl muttering to herself behind me. "Hmmm, haven't seen the blue hair, I'll ignore it for now. Not very social, so couldn't be Aphrodite or Demeter... Maybe Dionysus? No... not Mr D, that's just weird..." Somehow I knew she was talking about me. Maybe the "blue hair" was a clue? * Stop, Josie, don't go all sarcastic or you'll have even less friends. * S the his screeched to a half in front if me and I sighed and climbed on. The girl got on beind me and we bumpily speed off towards catastrophe.

Percy Jackson and the Olympians 4 replies

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over a year ago oodango said…
Good start! I like it! Oodango appoves! :D Will you continue it?
over a year ago athenachild13 said…
Yes if i ever get around to it...
over a year ago athenachild13 said…
Chapter 2

I slid into my seat in Ms Davis' homeroom. Luckily she was doing role call by last name so I wasn't marked late. "Josephina Wilicott?" I raised my hand. "Here." She nodded and made a mark with her pen and put thesheet away. "Good, now that we're all here, let's play a name game!!" she announced in a voice dripping with sappy friendliness.
Ten minutes later was first period. For me, that was Greek history. I had never seen any use for it so I was glad to be able to get it over with. I chose a seat near the back and pulled out a book from my bag. I was flipping through to find my page when the girl next to me gave me a nudge.
"Aren't you going to listen to him?"she hissed incredulously. I recognized her as the girl from the bus stop that morning.
I shrugged and kept reading. She rolled her eyes and then hissed at herself, "Smart, Vi, now it'll be even harder to convince her to come to camp...
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago oodango said…
Have you heared of fanfiction? It where you rite and pubish and review your fanfic. You can also create or make forums.
athenachild13 commented…
what's your account on it i joined as born2write13 over a year ago