Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Sky Rp

LukeElite posted on Jun 01, 2012 at 07:05PM
Gender: (if your Pokemon has one)
Partner: (can be another person)
What you evolved from: (if you've evolved)
(Why you joined the guild should be in the bio)

Name: Nova Storm
Gender: Male
Rank: Ultra
Age: Unknow
Partner: Rosa
Team name: Super Nova (like the sun exploding)
Nature: Kind but relentless
Species: Rayquaza
What you evolved from: N/A
Bio: Nova joind the guild just from a dragon pup he was rased up by wiglytuff himself now a commbat speshilist he trains the new teams avanced commbat and only trables by him self evryone calls him "Lown Dragon" (anyone want to be my partner)(Image of what he looks like)
Gender: (if your Pokemon has one) 
Partner: (can be another person) 
last edited on Jun 17, 2012 at 04:52PM

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 238 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 238

over a year ago Rebecca_Orlando said…
(Sorry it took me a while!!!!!!!!)
Partner:Nova Storm (If it's okay.)
Species:Serperior (I think that's how you spell it.)
Evolved from:Snivy and Servine.
Bio:Born and raised in a forest far away. She moved after her father disappeared. She later joined Wigglytuff's guild.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LukeElite said…
(oh its ok^^)(and thx)
Nova: "relaxing at the beach after a long jorny to the Time Tower 99F""smiles""laying agenst the sand"
over a year ago Rebecca_Orlando said…
Rosa:*looking around Wigglytuff's guild* Why can't I find a decent job to do?!?!?!?! *slithers out of the guild and looks around to find a job*
over a year ago LukeElite said…
Nova: "tail in the water" hmmm wonder what rosa is up to?
over a year ago Rebecca_Orlando said…
Rosa:*sees Nova and slithers over to him* Hey Nova! What's up?
over a year ago LukeElite said…
Nova: "opens one eye and looks""smiles and calls you down" (i gtg soz i be back soon)
over a year ago Rebecca_Orlando said…
Rosa:*slithers down to the beach and relaxes for a minute*
over a year ago LukeElite said…
(back for alitle bit)Nova: so what have you been up to?
over a year ago Rebecca_Orlando said…
Rosa:I was plaining on doing a job..... But I couldnt find a good job.
over a year ago LukeElite said…
Nova: I just came back from time tower it was fun but ok let's ask around town for jobs home I don't freak out anyone "grins"
over a year ago Rebecca_Orlando said…
over a year ago LukeElite said…
(back^^) Nova: "walks with you to the town"
over a year ago Rebecca_Orlando said…
Rosa:*asking random Pokemon if they need help with anything*
over a year ago LukeElite said…
Nova: "just looking around keeping a dragon eye on envrythink"
over a year ago Rebecca_Orlando said…
Rosa:*asks a Umbreon if anythings happened lately*
Umbreon:Well.... A Dusknoir took my most prized item....
Rosa:Really?! Not many Dusknoirs live in this area.
Umbreon:Yep.... It took my moon stone.
Rosa:Gosh!!! Thats really mean!
Umbreon:He ran off to Wish Cave by the way.
Rosa:*slithers over to Nova* Nova I think we have a job.
over a year ago LukeElite said…
Nova: hop on my back rosa i get you there in a no time "ready to fly"
over a year ago Rebecca_Orlando said…
Rosa:*hops on his back*
over a year ago LukeElite said…
Nova: "shots to wish cave" here we are "lands and lets her off" whats the plan
over a year ago Rebecca_Orlando said…
Rosa:Find Dusknoir and get the moon stone!
over a year ago LukeElite said…
Nova: and if it isent that eazy we need a plan B just in case and a plan C it needs to end perfect no distreactions and no suprizes in and out
over a year ago Rebecca_Orlando said…
Rosa:Yep..... Plan B would be find another moon stone and give it to the Umbreon, and Plan C would be give up. And I really don't want it to end in plan c.
over a year ago LukeElite said…
Nova: oh...i was thinking when we get to the end they will be like an end boss and somethink will go wrong but ok lets go
over a year ago Rebecca_Orlando said…
Rosa:Okay! *slithers into the cave*
over a year ago LukeElite said…
Nova: "fights evil Pokemon" heh I'll got them you start your search
over a year ago Rebecca_Orlando said…
Rosa:Alright! *looks through the cave*
over a year ago LukeElite said…
Nova: "srounded by them" oh 10 on 1 how fun "grins and takes them all out with a swipe of my tail"
over a year ago Rebecca_Orlando said…
Rosa:*slithering along looking for the Dusknoir*
Dusknoir:*sneaks up on Rosa and uses shadow sneak*
Rosa:*turns around and looks around* Who's there?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Dusknoir:*laughs maniacally* Your worst nightmare! *uses shadow ball*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago LukeElite said…
Nova: rosa! "runs to here and tackles dusknoir" rosa get the moon stone i got this!
over a year ago Rebecca_Orlando said…
Rosa:Okay! *sees the moon stone, picks it up, and puts it in the treasure bag* I got it..... What do I do now?
over a year ago LukeElite said…
Nova: get outa here...ill keep him down to give you saft trip out of this place
over a year ago Rebecca_Orlando said…
Rosa:*nods and slithers out of the cave*
over a year ago LukeElite said…
Nova: now you be a good litle ghosty and stop being nasty to other people or i be sure to pay you a visit and it wont be a nice one "growls at him""lets him go and leaves""looks back and shouts" keep that in mind...i will get you! "flys back to town"
over a year ago Rebecca_Orlando said…
Rosa:*back at town* Umbreon! I have your moon stone!!!!!
Umbreon:*gasps* Thank you!!!!!!!!!! Thank you!!!!!!!!!! Thank you!!!! *hugs Rosa*
Rosa:Um... Any time?!
over a year ago LukeElite said…
Nova: "lands next to rosa" your very welcom umbreon^^
over a year ago Rebecca_Orlando said…
Umbreon:I don't have any money..... I can give you a revived seed if you want it.
over a year ago LukeElite said…
Nova: "smiles" we dont ask for much only the smiles of evry pokemons face but if you want to give is sometink anythink woud do^^
over a year ago Rebecca_Orlando said…
Umbreon:*hands Nova a reviver seed* Here the least I could give you is this.
over a year ago LukeElite said…
Nova: "smiles" thank you litle one ever need anythink just ask us "pats the umvreon on the head and walks off""puts seed in bag"
over a year ago Rebecca_Orlando said…
Umbreon:Wow!!!!!! When I get older I hope I can join an exploration team!!!!
Rosa:Follow that dream kid! *follows Nova*
over a year ago LukeElite said…
Nova: we could always give his name to the guild master and watch his dream come true
over a year ago Rebecca_Orlando said…
Rosa:That's true. Maybe we should do that! For his sake.
Umbreon:*hears them talking about him* I wonder.
over a year ago LukeElite said…
Nova: "smiles" will make him so happy "looks at umbreon and gives him alitle wink and a smile to say that his dream might come true"
over a year ago Rebecca_Orlando said…
Umbreon:*eyes light up, and he starts bouncing around town*
Rosa:Let's do it!
over a year ago LukeElite said…
Nova: yes lets "goes back to the guild but it has been so long as I left about 2 weeks ago on my mission to wish cave"
over a year ago AmuXIkuto1 said…
Name: Tsubomi Hana (flower bud)
Gender: Female
Rank: Normal (new apprentice)
Age: 13
Species: Bellosom
Nature: Yandere
Partner: Cyndaquill named Benny
Bio: Tsubomi became an orphan (parents kidnapped by evil pokemon) and joined Wigglytuff's Guild destined to someday find her parents. She met Benny, a small Cyndaquill who was wondering on the beach.
over a year ago AmuXIkuto1 said…
" Really? T- there's room for two more recruits? Awesome!"
I high five my partner Benny. " Were in!"

" On one condition!" Wigglytuff says. " You must get me a week's supply of Precious Apples!"

*sweat drop*
" R-really....? Chatot-sensei! Do we have to?"
over a year ago LukeElite said…
Nova: rosa I'm just going to see wigglytuff (bay amuxlkuto1 could u be wigglytuff^^ I came back from a long mission just see where we got to in the rp) walks in" hay I'm back oh "looks at the new recruits" welcom "smiles" recruits hey? Well I'm nova and I be teaching you the combat skills you need to well survive but I won't give all away my tricks "chuckles"
over a year ago AmuXIkuto1 said…
(ya sure)

" Wow.... a Rayquayza! I've never seen one up close before!" I said.I took a flower off of my head ( another one popped right back) and handed it to Nova.
" Glad to be of acquantance!"

Benny just stood there, still complaining to Chatot about the apple situation.
" Do we really have to do this?" he asked.
over a year ago LukeElite said…
Nova: I kinda like dark stuff as you can tell but thx anyway litle one"pats her head" hay chatot I'll take cear of the apples "winks at him which always makes him shiver"
over a year ago AmuXIkuto1 said…
Wigglytuff: Yes! I want more Precious Apples!!! Get me more Precious Apples! More More More!

Chatot: I believe your first mission could be to get Wigglytuff some Precious Apples..... Nova-kun, could you show them around?