Pokémon Pokemon Trainer Academy: Attack of the Alpha Shadow CLOSED RP

Riku114 posted on Jun 21, 2013 at 02:26AM
Closed Rp as in no newbies. No one new can join


Okay so for any readers (if we have any XD) out there you may be wondering..... 'What happened to P5? It isnt complete.' Well to answer that, the rp came to a stop for over a week on waiting for Cyrus and we decided to skip to P6. If Cyrus is reading this...... We apologize for skipping ahead but the rp CANNOT die after so long and with approval of wanta and hikari we probably can go back to P5 and finish it up if you want to.


Now that Core has been defeated and fled the school, the school is now in peace right? For now you can say that everything is relaxing and peaceful....... Though the horrors that students and teachers both worried about is true. The era is back. The era in which the school is targeted. Again the school is attacked and chaos breaks out. New pokemon show their faces as well as a woman, whose face may be all to familiar for some. How will this story unfold? Will the school surpass this antagonist or will an antagonist finally overpower the school? Is this school safe any longer? (I truthfully bet you can answer the last two questions XD) Lets carry on to find out.......


Zeng (Riku) Ikari/Shizoro's Son
Tsunade (Riku) Ikari/Shizoro's Daughter
Toren (Riku) Tiako's Son
Roland (Wanta) Hikari/Draco's Son
Nyx (Wanta) Friend of Roland's Family
Zero (Cyrus)
Elizabeth (Cyrus)
Glence (Riku)
Brace (Riku)
Arashi Utsubyo (Cyrus)
Shinata (Riku)
Tempest (Riku)
Kasai Shinoto (Cyrus) Pyros son
Hinabi Mokoyim (hikari) Hikari/Draco's daughter
Iza Namie (Riku)

Mr. Taylor (PE) (Riku)
Professor Mushiin (Principal) (Open)
Tassi Reckea (Ms. Reckea) (Battle) (Riku)
Pyro Shinoto (Cyrus)
Konishi Morioka (Cyrus) (Auras)
Ms. Desceptively Evil Nurse. (Wanta)
Mr Terlum (Wanta) (Mythology
Shizoro Sare (Riku) (Toxins/Poison Specialty) (After school arts program)
Mr. Feran (Riku) (Pokemon Research)
Mr. Bristen (Riku) (Teacher of Shadology)
Jinta Tara (Riku) (Mr. Bristen's Teacher's Aid)
Harvey (Wanta) Pokemon Evolution
Kaya Tan (Riku) Potion/Medicine Making

New Antagonist: (so far)
Eliba (Riku)
Garret (Wanta)
Mr. Bristen (Riku)
Mr. Taylor (Riku)
Flixen *just putting these so I can remember the names XD* (Riku)
Orcanox (Riku)
Vulotan (Riku)
Alpha Shadow *AS* (Riku)

Previous Antagonist:
Shadow Core (Cyrus)
Arashi Utsubyo (Cyrus)
Zero (Cyrus)
Elizabeth (Cyrus)
Brace (Riku)

Nami (Riku) Ikari/Shizoro's Daughter
Kentes Levaer (Riku)

Legendaries Taken:

Legendaries Taken: (Remember only 1-3 legendaries per writer) (Got restarted though past gen still have their legendaries)
Raikou (Hinabi)
Entei (Pyrosis)
Heatran (Zero)
Manaphy (Nyx)

Ranger Union:

(My attempts on not revealing too much in the description)
last edited on Aug 04, 2013 at 04:28PM

Pokémon 1312 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 1312

over a year ago hikari_hiwatari said…
Riku Hinabi is Draco's and Hikari's daughter!
Riku114 commented…
oh i copied this from the other rp XD let me fix it on both over a year ago
hikari_hiwatari commented…
THANK YOU! over a year ago
brian91920 commented…
I am selling a pokemon snap station if anyone is interested I live in NY over a year ago
over a year ago Riku114 said…
(240+ hours were given. Shall we start?)

Glence stood inside Mr. Bristen's class room after the classes were done. Unlike before, this wasnt about how to counter Core's shadow energy, but more of Shadow and Shadow mechanics subject they could both easily communicate about.

Jinta: Glence, you make me look like I have little knowledge in shadowness *chuckled*

Glence: What? Well sorry I know about myself. *chuckled lightly*

Mr. Bristen: Ah you two...... You are both very knowledgable of shadow stuff.
unbreon505 commented…
wait can i join the story message me if you say yes and message me if its my turn to say something cause i forget my turn over a year ago
Riku114 commented…
DAMN IT I FORGOT TO PUT IT! And sorry no. this is a closed rp. over a year ago
brian91920 commented…
I am selling a pokemon snap station if anyone is interested I live in NY email is brian91920@gmail.com over a year ago
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Lol I remember in the begining when i first joined this rp i thought

'Oh fine...... Ill join even in academies arent my type Im just bored....... Anyways at least there is one person who i know there (aka: Wanta)......'

and now im like

hikari_hiwatari commented…
lolz true! over a year ago
over a year ago wantadog said…
Roland yawned. He was exhausted. The fatigue from the whole Core incident was still weighing on him. Repairs were still being made to the island. He hadn't seen Dot since she had given her core to Pyro and disappeared. He wondered if she was really gone.

Nyx, on the other hand, was happy as can be and was playing around with Manaphy. It was pretty clear that manaphy was important seeing as water pokemon bowed to it whenever they passed by.

Manaphy: "Mana mana mana! Phi!" *Laughing.*

Nyx: *Laughing too.*

Roland: "Hmm....I'm gonna head to the cafeteria."

Nyx: "Alright. Cya later then."

Roland: *Walks out of the room and heads towards the cafeteria.*
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Tsunade ran past Roland chasing after Flera

Tsunade: Give me back my bag! Zener!

Zener: Got it!

Flera: Oh crud! *chucked and continued jumping*

Zener: GET OVER HERE LADY! *flew off at a fast pase at Fleara who was jumping away*

Tsubnade: *stopped out of breath* Geez....... I can never keep up with you.....

(Brb for a bit watching powerpuff girls)
over a year ago wantadog said…
Roland: "Whoa. Looks like Flera's in a good mood."
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Tsunade: I dunno.... *sighs and looks at Roland while trying to catch her breath* How are you doing lately?


Fleara made swirls turns leaps and rolls avoiding Zener though Zener managed to keep on her tail

Fleara: You are better than you used to.


(Powerpuff girls became morals, lessons, and educational rushed story...... I miss the powerpuff girls i used to know)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago wantadog said…
Roland: "I don't know. So much has happened lately. It just kinda seems....strange...all this quiet and calm..."
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Tsunade: Ah...... Got used to the chaos of islands being cut and being constantly pestered? Strategizing and everything?
over a year ago wantadog said…
Roland: "Not so much got used to as....fearful. The quiet is unnerving. It makes me think we're just waiting to be attacked again."
over a year ago Riku114 said…
(XD I find that hilarious)

Tsunade: Who knows........ But what is the likliness?

Zener came flying back with Tsunade's bag in one talon and the other he was carring Fleara by her foot.

Tsunade: *takes her bag and returns Fleara* Thanks Zener.

Zener: Welcome. *lands by Tsuandes leg*
over a year ago hikari_hiwatari said…
Hinabi was fiddling her fingers while walking she was confused for some reason not only that but seemed hurt she needed to tell Roland badly was all that came to her head
over a year ago wantadog said…
Roland: "Ya ya. Call me paranoid but I don't feel good about all this."
over a year ago hikari_hiwatari said…
Hinabi looked up as she saw Roland she walked over to him "hey Roland" she said a bit quietly as she rubbed her arm
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Tsunade: Ah whatever. *she looked at Hinabi* Oh hey Hinabi!
over a year ago wantadog said…
Roland: *Looks at Hinabi and instantly sees something is wrong.* "What's up Hinabi? Is something the matter?"
over a year ago hikari_hiwatari said…
Hinabi rubbed her arm "umm I huh...." she was having trouble saying it she wanted to say what she dreamt about because it seemed so real but she didn't want to seem like she's just being a scardy cat
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Tsunade: Come on. Say it already.
over a year ago hikari_hiwatari said…
Hinabi sighed "i....i think i had a vision last night" she said while fiddling her fingers only Roland knows about and Tsunade knows about her powers but she never uses them because she can't really but she looked at them while putting her hands in her skirt pocket
over a year ago wantadog said…
Roland: "Vision? Of what?"

(I'm so alone on minecraft. Boredom extreme.)
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Tsunade: Vision what do you mean vision?

(My PC wont load the tekkit launcher T.T)
over a year ago hikari_hiwatari said…
(sorry Wanta i don't have minecraft DX i wish i could play)

Hinabi looked down "of Dad....and Mum...they were fighting and arguing about something and then Dad just left out the door" she said as she looked up again "i don't know how the fighting and argument started but......it looked scary and a bit ugly..." she was very hesitating while explaining about her vision there was a lot more she could say but she didn't know how to put it in words
over a year ago wantadog said…
Roland: *Seems to close himself off like he usually did when his father was mentioned. He didn't like thinking about it.* "Oh...I see...."

Wingman: *Comes out of his Pokeball and lands on Roland's shoulder.*

over a year ago Riku114 said…
( *hesitates* I cant say what i want to....... Also Wanta...... what happened to liking single player cause no one else is there hm?)
over a year ago hikari_hiwatari said…
Hinabi sighed as she knew this would happen whenever Dad is mentioned she hugged Roland "sorry i shouldn't have brought him up like that Roland it.s just.....it makes me curious..." she said looking down

(*hugs Wanta* it's okay at least you can talk to us on fanpop right?)
over a year ago wantadog said…
(Oh don't misunderstand. I still like single player more, but last time I logged onto single player I found three cave spider spawners right off the bat. -_-)

Roland: "It's....it's okay. I'm not sure if we should ask mom about it though. She gets like me when dad is mentioned."
wantadog commented…
Riku. Pick a color. over a year ago
Riku114 commented…
lol. Unraveled Fabric Black over a year ago
wantadog commented…
Okeedokee over a year ago
over a year ago Riku114 said…
(*glomps wanta* Ill try my best for a little while longer to get the launcher to work. JUST DONT CRY!)

Tsunade: Anyways. Lets lighten the mood. Anyone want to go for a night time camp out? I know the perfect spot where the school, including Mr. Mushiin, would not be able to notice us after curfew.
over a year ago hikari_hiwatari said…
Hinabi scratched the back of her head "ummm okay but i think we should ask Mum she might know something about what happened to Dad she hasn't told us what happened to Dad or what she found out since he left" she said it pained her to still talk about it but she wanted to know what happened
over a year ago wantadog said…
Roland: "Ya. Maybe we should....she's coming to visit in a day or two right? To check on us after all that has happened. We can ask her then." *Smiles at Tsunade* "Sounds fun."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Tsunade: Anyone?

Zener poked Tsunades head

Tsunade: What?

Zener: I think this is an important family buisness....... Shh...... Lets go.

Tsunade: Fine fine. *looks at the two siblings* Well see ya! *walks off*
over a year ago hikari_hiwatari said…
Hinabi smiled and nodded as she looked at Tsunade "okay then so it's settled we'll go to the camp site and ask Mum what happened!"

(WARNING: Flash back is going to happen while Hikari is explaining because WANTA YOU ARE GOING TO HELP ME REVEAL WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO DRACO WEATHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT! thank you all for listening X3)
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Tsunade: Alright. Should I or should I not invite the others? The area seems to have been a tad bit tense for a few after Core. *she turned around*

(Lol I know! BUT I SHALL NOT SAY!)
over a year ago Riku114 said…
over a year ago hikari_hiwatari said…
(WHY AM I ALWAYS THE ONE WHO DOESN'T KNOW ON WHAT'S GOING DX *anime cries* I FEEL UNTRUSTED DX oh well Wanta can explain during the flashback X3)

Hinabi made a thinking look "yeah i think you should invite some others oh yeah and Tsunade" she quickly whispered for only Tsunade to hear "bring some cake" she said while giggling she doesn't forget a birthday because she knows someone keeps forgetting his
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Tsunade: Alright. Im gonna go give some invites. See ya *turns back around and heads off*

(Finally, the talking between protagonist that cy didnt allow GEESH!)
over a year ago wantadog said…
(Lol don't worry. I'm not pulling another Westley. XD)

Roland: *Sighs. He still had a bad feeling.*
over a year ago hikari_hiwatari said…
Hinabi looked around "well I'm gonna head to class kay?"
over a year ago wantadog said…
Roland: "Alright. I'll go see if I can tear Nyx away from Manaphy long enough for us to get to class too. Cya tonight sis!" *Walks off*

over a year ago Riku114 said…
Time skip?
over a year ago hikari_hiwatari said…
over a year ago Riku114 said…
gtg im sick so im sleeping a bit early. Im tired as hell
wantadog commented…
Okeedokee. Get well soon. over a year ago
over a year ago wantadog said…
over a year ago hikari_hiwatari said…
over a year ago Riku114 said…
20 minutes before curfew.......

Tsunade: *sent a mass text to all whom she invited (basically everyone who participated in the attack on core's tower....... well the students......) to meet up at the court yard before curfew* Okay now we wait.......

Fleara: *carrying some bags of stuff* Why are you bringing so much stuff!

Zener: *holding what Fleara wasnt* Yeah this is heavy for a chick!

Bone Barrer: (Vullaby) Im not carrying too much.

Tean: (Dodrio) I feel like a camel......

Tsunade: Well Im holding a cake, you are too reckless.

Fleara: What cake? You are empty handed.

Tsunade: Its in my bag protected. Also I needed to bring logs for the fire. Zener you are holding those along with rocks marshmellows chocolate sticks gram crackers and hot dogs. Fleara you are holding the large logs that i got for us to sit on. Bone Barrer you are holding tents. Tean, you are holding the sleeeping bags for everyone.

The four: *sighed* Whatever......

Tsunade: You guys go ahead drop off the stuff.

They nod and go off. Bone Barrer, who was now unable to fly picked a ride on Tean.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Hey Hikari do you play any of the pokemon games?

Also Wanta? I was thinking...... Wanna play Pkm Heartgold/Soulsilver from the begining? Like we did with B2/W2?
Riku114 commented…
D/P is also okay i guess over a year ago
over a year ago wantadog said…
All of my REALLY hard to get pokemon are in my soul silver and my mom has STILL not ordered the 3ds that she said she was going to 2 months ago. -_-

Roland: *Manages to drag Nyx away from Manaphy long enough to attend the daily classes.*
over a year ago Riku114 said…
(XD Alrighty!)
wantadog commented…
I suppose D/P could work if I can get Pokemon Pearl working. over a year ago
Riku114 commented…
link over a year ago
Riku114 commented…
brb over a year ago
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Tsunade: *sits at a bench in the courtyard*

Zeng: *walks up* Sneaking out for camping today. Seems like fun. *sits down and joins Tsunade in the wait*

Tsunade: Yep/.
over a year ago hikari_hiwatari said…
uhh yeah but i don't know how to connect to other players and my ones are the old games
over a year ago Riku114 said…
(Oh GBA? Like Ruby Saphire Fire Red Leafe Green Gold Crystal Silver Red Blue Green?)