Pokémon Secrets of The Unknown Forest

dargox posted on Jul 08, 2013 at 06:32AM
[Welcome friends to the Unknown Forest, the only undiscovered forest were pokemon from all kinds can live and play together without the fear of getting caught by humans, Now most of the credit to our protection goes to the high jagged mountains that boarders the forest's edges while leaving gaps and tunnels for only pokemon find and enter threw. So that's the tour and before I leave you to explore, may I ask...What pokemon are you?] -Celebi

1) No God Modding
2) No Killing
3) No Trainers or Humans
4) No Fan-made Pokemon
5) Keep It PG-13
6) Legendarys are Non-player
7) Just have fun!

List of Pokemon: (link)

Pokemon Info:
Birth/Given Name:
last edited on Jul 08, 2013 at 05:45PM

Pokémon 128 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 128

over a year ago dargox said…
(Here's my star pokemon)

Birth/Given Name: Rexas
Species: Houndour
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Level: 23
Nature: Brave
Backstory: Rexas came to The Unknown Forest to escape the painful cries of his former pack in the johto region which were leaded into dark times by a houndoom that he once called "friend" only to be betrayed by that same houndoom who became drunk with power.
last edited over a year ago
(Here's my star pokemon)

Birth/Given Name: Rexas
Species: Houndour
Gender: Male
Age: 17
over a year ago hikari_hiwatari said…
(thank's for the invite!)

Birth/Given Name: Blare
Species: Flareon
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Level: 26
Nature: quiet
Backstory: Blare came to the unknown forest because she was also alone she has been so lonely no Pokemon would go near her not even trainers and all because she can't control her powers all most Pokemon and trainers think that she's dangerous all she wanted was peace or to at least have 1 friend maybe even more if that was possible
last edited over a year ago
(thank's for the invite!)

Birth/Given Name: Blare
Species: Flareon
Gender: Female
Age: 16
over a year ago Ayaka said…
Thanks for the invite :)
Pokemon Info:
Birth/Given Name: Skye
Species: Dragonair
Gender: female
Age: 19
Level: 35
Nature: calm
Backstory: Skye was released into the wild by her trainer Alice for she was captured by team Rocket and released Skye, her favorite pokemon. From this act of kindness and love, Skye evolved from a cute and tiny Dratini to a Dragonair, the pokemon Alice always wished for. Because of this, Skye has refused to evolve into a Dragonite for the sake of her old partner.
last edited over a year ago
Thanks for the invite :)
Pokemon Info: 
Birth/Given Name: Skye
Species: Dragonair
Gender: female
dargox commented…
Um, Ayaka...you only need one nature to describe Skye over a year ago
dargox commented…
Also may I suggest that you should pick gentle for Skye's nature since it fits your pic? over a year ago
Ayaka commented…
okay sorry over a year ago
over a year ago dargox said…
(Okay, we just need to wait for Riku & Wantadog or two more to being the Story)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Ayaka said…
Sure sure :P
over a year ago Riku114 said…
(Lol trying to predict the common comers who you invited eh dargox? Anyways as you know, almost every rp you invite me to I join....... Now what pokemon should I be......)

Pokemon Info:
Birth/Given Name: Ritchet
Species: Lairon
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Level: 38
Nature: Bold
Backstory: Back as an Aron, he was in a pokemon team for a Team Aqua Grunt (who is now an X) but was later thrown out for not being 'strong enough'. After journeying he came across the forest which seemed one of the best places to train. He longs for the day that he can crush his trainer for saying he was too week and destroying a lot of his pride.
(Lol trying to predict the common comers who you invited eh dargox? Anyways as you know, almost every
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Birth/Given Name: Fleara (Lol i cant think of a female *future* blaziken with anyother name now XD *those who know the pkm trainer academy rp will know)
Species: Combusken
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Level: 31
Nature: Brave
Backstory: Her original trainer got her in hoenn as a starter pokemon, but instead of keeping her traded her for another pokemon, and that trainer and several others after him did the same to a point that it took a while for her to actually grow an attachment to anyone. At the end one of the trainers all the way in Sinnoh released her off in Snowpoint City not thinking of best habitat but more of most convenient for himself. Luckily for Haruka, she was fire type in an ice type area and she had the advantage and could probably protect her self as she journeyed to a more comfortable area. She traveled for about a year when she came to this forest.
last edited over a year ago
Birth/Given Name: Fleara (Lol i cant think of a female *future* blaziken with anyother name now XD *t
over a year ago vegeta007 said…
Birth/Given Name:Cy
Backstory: Cy was injured as cyndaquil and a trainer found him. His trainer named him Cy and he always loved the name. He went on to be his trainer's most powerful pokemon until team rocket jumped his trainer and took his pokemon. They found out they missed one and went back but his trainer already released him and from then he never wanted another trainer because he thought he could never protect them.
Birth/Given Name:Cy
Backstory: Cy wa
over a year ago dargox said…
(AWESOME!!!!!! WE HAVE A FULL PARTY!!! Now let's being)

"I'm a Houndour." Rexas answer Celebi while begin startle out of the deep haunting thoughts that plague his mind which in turn took his focus off the lecturing tour, only to be snapped back into reality by the simple yet silly question as he now stares into the eye's of forest guardian who is floating only few inches in front of him while some the other pokemon in the group chuckle and giggles at the comical scene.
Riku114 commented…
do we all answer the question? over a year ago
dargox commented…
Nope, the question was just for Rexas since Celebi saw he wasn't listing during the tour. over a year ago
dargox commented…
but if you want to answers, then by all means go a head. over a year ago
over a year ago wantadog said…
(Heck ya! This sounds epic.)

Birth/Given Name: Shino
Species: Dewott
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Level 25
Nature: Serious
Bio: He was alone for most of his life until he was caught by a particularly kind trainer. Eventually the trainer gave up and released all of his Pokemon. Dewott ran off and shortly found an injured Rapidash and her child. The rapidash was badly injured and asked Dewott to take care of Ponyta for him. Since then they have been travelling together.
(Heck ya! This sounds epic.)

Birth/Given Name: Shino
Species: Dewott
Gender: Male
Age: 18
over a year ago wantadog said…
Birth/Given Name: Artemis
Species: Ponyta
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Level 15
Nature: Timid
Bio: She grew up being taught that speed was everything. Her mother hated Humans and believed that being captured by one was tantamount to death so she and Artemis never stayed in one place too long. Eventually Rapidash was injured. She told Artemis to stay close to Dewott from then on and that is exactly what they have done.
Birth/Given Name: Artemis
Species: Ponyta
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Level 15
Nature: Timid
Bio: Sh
over a year ago Riku114 said…
(Na i just wasnt sure. And dargox. Good prediction skills. You got both me and wanta correct *probably wasnt all that hard though*)

Fleara looked at Rexas and Celebi and chuckled a bit while on the other hand Ritchet was unaware of the situation and looking around for somewhere that may lead to a good training area.
over a year ago vegeta007 said…
Birth/Given Name:Todo
Backstory: He was always a wild pokemon who loved to teased to trainers, whenver he saw them he jump in front of them and start dancing and before the trainers could send out their pokemon and battle he'd send a water gun to their face and start running and laughing. His times ended when he was nearly caught by an evil team and after that he decided to stay away frpm trainers
Birth/Given Name:Todo
Backstory: He w
over a year ago wantadog said…
Artemis looked around nervously. She had followed Shino's lead in coming to this place, but it sure didn't look very spectacular. She'd seen many forests like this. Could it really be a haven from humans?

Shino was following Celebi, observing everyone to determine if any of them were a threat.
over a year ago vegeta007 said…
Todo was rolling in laughter"gettinng called like that, too good" he fell to the floor and hit his "ow!" he rubbed his head and continued to laugh.

Cy looked up"Dude, c'mon he wasn'tpaying attention but there's no reason to laugh" and lay down again
over a year ago dargox said…
"Good, just making sure you didn't get hit with a hypnosis" Celebi reply with a smile while she pats Rexas on head as she floats upward into the treetops. "Well, that was embarrassing." Rexas states under his breath while walking off as the group of pokemon begins to disband and take to their own paths.
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Fleara took into the trees with a jump and she jamed her claws into the trunk of the tree and began to climb up it till she was high in the tree.

Fleara: This is a rather nice view...... *took her claws out and swung up onto a branch rather relaxed*

Ritchet immediatly walked off into the bushed for a good training area that not many people would find unless he himself showed them to it.
over a year ago wantadog said…
Shino and Artemis looked around before choosing a direction to head in.

Artemis: "So do you think this place is really as amazing as it's supposed to be?"

Shino: "We'll see. Remember, we won't be staying here."

Artemis: "I understand."
over a year ago Ayaka said…
Skye slithered around the lake and relaxed in the warm waters. It had been a long and tired night since a horde of Beedrills had tried to sting her. She was in pain but was slowly healing
over a year ago vegeta007 said…
Cy was relaxing when..
Todo:Cy bro! what up?

Cy:Todo, go annoy someone else

Todo:you're no fun
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Fleara looked down from the tree to see Shino and Artemis.

Fleara: A Dewott and a Ponyta? Thats an interesting combo. *she jumped down from the tree and next to the two* Hey there!
over a year ago wantadog said…
Artemis seemed slightly startled, but not afraid, while Shino's reaction was to yank out the shells he used as weapons and hold it out threateningly.

Artemis: "Whoa."

Shino: "Who are you and what do you want?"
over a year ago dargox said…
Mean while Rexas continue to walk down the path he picked out to follow before disbanding from the other pokemon that he enter the forest with, which soon Rexas stumbles across a massive fossilized tree where located near it's roots an trio of oddly marked pokemon stands guard at three ground level openings while other pokemon of all kinds gather around the tree to trade and sell lost items for berries. "Wow, this place quite busy!" Rexas said to himself while watching all the fast pace action of different species interacting with each other.

(Note: the tree guards depicted in this post are the Kanto Clone from Mewtwo Strikes Back)
last edited over a year ago
Mean while Rexas continue to walk down the path he picked out to follow before disbanding from the ot
wantadog commented…
Anyone who doesn't recognize the Kanto clones from Mewtwo Strikes Back doesn't deserve to be on this club or this rp. over a year ago
Riku114 commented…
Lol I agree. It was the first thing i thought when I saw this post. not that it was by Dargox or anything. I even own the movie on CD over a year ago
dargox commented…
Yet pokemon never showed them ever again after the movie was done. over a year ago
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Fleara: *sweatdroped and put her arms in the air as if to surrender* I come in peace. My name is Fleara and as you can see I am a Combusken. I wanted to say hi. Over my long journey I have never seen a Ponyta hanging out with a Dewott. I found it rather interesting........ Did you share the same trainer or something?


Ritchet walked past Rexas into the area to look around.

Ritchet: This is a very interesting place....... Very few places that are actually hidden from other pokemon though.....
over a year ago wantadog said…
Shino spat to the side. "Bah! Humans are worthless, pathetic creatures."

Artemis: "Don't you know? They're dangerous! Humans'll...they'll....do bad things if they ever capture you...."

Shino: "And don't think I'm gonna blindly accept your statement of being friendly." *Still had his guard up* "I've met enough Pokemon who've said those very words and then attacked."
last edited over a year ago
wantadog commented…
I'm not entirely used to using nicknames for rp pokemon XD over a year ago
over a year ago Riku114 said…
(Psh. Nickname your pokemon more often in rps XD)

Fleara: *looked at Artemis* Do you know the several trainers I went through before I was freed? I hatched and was basically caught immediately. *looked over at Shino* I see you arent very friendly and trust giving yourself. *sighs* Anyways...... Whatcha up to?
over a year ago wantadog said…
(I was on Skotos and in the first day I found.

Jungle Temple
Witch House
10 Volcanoes
Mushroom island
0 mob spawners (Fantastic!!!)

Shino didn't respond so Artemis took the lead.

Artemis: "I'm Artemis, and this is Shino. We heard a rumor of a forest that was safe from Humans. A utopia for pokemon. So we came here."
over a year ago Riku114 said…

Fleara: Same here, I wanted to escape the trading cycle more though
wantadog commented… It's a pvp server though... over a year ago
Riku114 commented…
meh over a year ago
over a year ago dargox said…
"Well....can you blame these guys for trying to keeping this place to themselves?" Rexas asked Ritchet while sitting down as he trys to befriend this pokemon he never met or seen before.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago wantadog said…
Artemis: "It seems horrible...to be captured by a human." *Shivers*

Shino: "Don't think about it Artemis. That will never happen. I won't let it."
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Ritchet looked at him

Ritchet: Who are you?
over a year ago dargox said…
"The name's Rexas" The Houndour answer with a friendly while lifting his back end off the ground as he walks over to Ritchet's right side.
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Ritchet: What do you want?


Fleara: It really does suck *yawns* being free is million times better
over a year ago wantadog said…
Artemis: "I agree. So what do you think of this place?"

Shino: *Lowers his weapons, but still seems to be on his guard.*
over a year ago dargox said…
"Just trying make some friends that's all, but if you don't want to then I'll understand and leave ya alone." Rexas reply while turning from Ritchet to being walking away.
over a year ago hikari_hiwatari said…
Blare looked around the forest as she was curious on where this place was she tilted her head as she looked over to see Rexas she sat down while tilting her head
last edited over a year ago
dargox commented…
Um...kari not to bust your bubble but....the group already disbanded. over a year ago
dargox commented…
here's the locations: Rexas is talking to Ritchet near the central tree, Fleara is talking to Arternis & Shino, Todo & Cy are just hangin out, and Skye is swimming around in some lake. over a year ago
hikari_hiwatari commented…
that better? over a year ago
over a year ago dargox said…
Rexas just sigh in quite while once again taking off into the brush to leave Ritchet alone. "Man, I hate feeling like outsider!" Rexas complains to himself out loud while he begins to search for a spot to build a den as he moves threw the tall grass every quickly.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago dargox said…
(Hello, anyone up?)
over a year ago Ayaka said…
(Came home from School sorry :D)
Skye came out of her relaxation pool and flew around, landing near Totodile and Quilava. "Are you two new here too? Pleased to meet you both" she smiled warmly as some ice crystals formed upon her landing
over a year ago Ayaka said…
Pokemon Info:
Birth/Given Name: Mike
Species: Shinx
Gender: male
Age: 15
Level: 21
Nature: hyper
Backstory: Brought up in a family of delinquent Luxrays, Mike the tiny but cunning Shinx became a popular target for pokemon poachers. He came across the Unknown Forest in attempt to escape one of them and ended up lost and alone, away from his luxray brothers.
Pokemon Info: 
Birth/Given Name: Mike
Species: Shinx
Gender: male
Age: 15
Level: 21
Nature: hyp
over a year ago Ayaka said…
(figured we might need an electric type X3)
Mike walked around with a sack of apples on his back, he then saw a large and old tree in the middle of the road and heard some other pokemon talking. He approached them in caution but hid in the shadows since this was his first time alone, he was scared
over a year ago vegeta007 said…
Todo jumped from behind mike
Todo:whatca doing ?
over a year ago Ayaka said…
Sparks flew over Mike's body as he jumped back and bumped into the totodile "Don't sneak up on me like that!!" he hissed like a cat as yellow sparks continued to flow.
over a year ago vegeta007 said…
Todo snickered
Todo:You're fun I like you, I'm Todo what's your name
over a year ago Ayaka said…
Mike's fur stood on edge, he was still spooked from the surprise but he cleared his throat and stood still "You'll give me mini heart attacks if you keep doing that" he laughed "Nice name Todo. Name's Mike" he looked around and got an apple from his sack "So where were you from?"
over a year ago vegeta007 said…
Todo:I'm from Johto, I hatched in daycare center and left before anyone knew my parents had egg, I don't know why but I just did
over a year ago Riku114 said…
(Hum..... we have (counting multitypes as more than one) 5 fire types, 1 rock, 1 steel, 1 fighting, 2 water, 1 dragon, 1 electric....... Im gonna make 2 buggie)

Pokemon Info:
Birth/Given Name: Rakka
Species: Spinarak
Gender: Female
Age: 10
Level: 12
Nature: Calm
Backstory: Rakka lived here in this forest since she was born and currently lives around a swarm of Ariados and Spinarak still that live closely to a swarm of Galvantula and Joltik. Rakka's swarm lives in the leaves of the trees and the Joltiks in the bottom of the trees
last edited over a year ago
(Hum..... we have (counting multitypes as more than one) 5 fire types, 1 rock, 1 steel, 1 fighting, 2
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Pokemon Info:
Birth/Given Name: Nizle
Species: Joltik
Gender: Male
Age: 9
Level: 10
Nature: Timid
Backstory: Similar to Rakka, Nizle also lived in this forest since he was born living in a Galvantula and Joltik swarm underneath a Spinarak and Ariados swarm (Rakka's). The two spider species working together basically claimed off an area for themselves. The Ariados and the Galvantulas can get to a point of aggressiveness if someone enters the area.
last edited over a year ago
Pokemon Info: 
Birth/Given Name: Nizle
Species: Joltik
Gender: Male
Age: 9
Level: 10
Nature: Ti
over a year ago Riku114 said…
Ritchet: *sighs* I think I was a bit cold to him...... I think Ill go talk to him later and apologize......


Rakka: *swong down from a web infront of Rexas appearing right in his face* Hey there! You seem to be moving rather fast. If I were you I would slow down.

Nizle was on the top of the branch that Rakka came from trying to be as unnoticable as can be.
wantadog commented…
Response? over a year ago
Riku114 commented…
XD i was thinking about that over a year ago
wantadog commented…
boooorrrreeedddd over a year ago
Riku114 commented…
and I forgot again..... over a year ago
over a year ago dargox said…
"May I ask why?" Rexas asked the two spiders while tilting his head up to look at Rakka as he was stopped in his tracks.