Pokémon Somnova region rp!

fansommer posted on Aug 25, 2013 at 06:16PM
Yo! After seeing so much rp's I thought about making one
So please join in! (Major Sonic references)
-----------------------------------------­---­---­---­---­---­---­-Ci­tie­s, Gyms and Elite 4 + Champion

Starting - Greenhill town - Professor Tails (starters are any of the starters from kanto - kalos)
After 6th gym - Seasi town

1st gym - Casnighro city
Amy (grass), Marine (water), Blaze (fire)
The Multi badge

2nd gym - Marbillia city
Mina (normal)
The Notecall badge

3rd gym - Lightina city
Knuckles (fighting)
The Defenti badge

4th gym - Crysegga city
Charmy and Saffron (bug)
The bugcay badge

5th gym - Gigpling city
Rouge (ghost)
The spooky badge

6th gym - Turquoise city
Espio (Ice)
The frozen badge

7th gym - Hipala city
Shadow (Dark)
The Dispear badge

8th gym - Botilit city
Mighty (Ground) + Ray (flying)
The Equality badge

Elite 4, you decide the order,

Silver (Psychic)
Sonia (Fairy)
Manic (Steel)
Sonic (Electric)

Champion: Ashura (Multi)

Dressed: (pics are optional, descriptions are accepted)

(Every role for Gym leaders will be played by someone who is talking to them)

Pokémon 187 replies

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Showing Replies 1-50 of 187

over a year ago fansommer said…



Brunette hair with Aquaish highlights, Light blue eyes, Denim blue shirt, Denim Shorts, Green sneakers with yellow stripes on them.

Naive, Optimistic, Cheerful, Hyper, loves Candy or things with Suger in them, Likes Water and trees, hates Ghost pokemon.

Azelea city

Cyan was born in Azelea city, her parents abandoned her in Ilex forest because they couldn't raise her. Everyday on she was raised by the pokemon there as they taught her how to survive in the wilderness.
When she turned 8 she was taken away from her home and sent into Casnighro city with an Eevee, they didn't understand other people and got bullied because of it so they ran away to Greenhill town, Professor Tails decided to raise the two...
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
can i join
over a year ago fansommer said…
Uh.. if you want!
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
Name: carrie
Age: 14
Gender: female
Dressed: wear a colorful shirt with a peace mark on it and white skirt and shoes
Personality: kind and given but can be anger
Hometown: Floaroma town
Bio: being a sick kid all her life her only friend is her Poochyena named pochy she dream of being a trainer and singer
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago fansommer said…
Ok do u want to start the RP?
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
carrie playing with pochy
carrie: i hope big brother reminder my brithday
over a year ago fansommer said…
Cyan: Hey Eevee guess what!

Eevee: Eevee! (What!)

Cyan: we get to start out journey

Eevee: Ee ve ve (Cool!)

Prof Tails: Cyan, I need to ask you a favour

Cyan: What is it Prof?

Prof Tails: Well could you and Eevee help take care of a girl, Her name is Carrie.

Eevee: Eevee ve ve! (Ok Professor!)
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
carrie hug her pochy
pochy: :)
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
can i join too?
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
(up to the marker)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
Name: Leo



Appearance:wears a pink knee length sleeveless frock,and a small brown overcoat.long blond hair and yellow eyes.

Hometown: luminion town

Starter:gardevoir (found an injured one.....)

pokemon team: gardevoir , espion , shaymin

Bio: Leo is a sweet and charming character,though she gets angry real quick.She cares for her friends and pokemon just as much as herself.She has a strange talent for hacking into security system, but doesn't attempt it without a good reason behind it.She is an awesome trainer,though she just started her journey.She gets emotional very fast.

over a year ago misshedgehog said…
(i got a pokemon rp while we wait for the maker)
over a year ago Nojida said…
Can I join?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
(up to the marker but i think its dead)
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
(is it dead)
over a year ago fansommer said…
(Sorry, I was gone for long! Anyone can join!) I just don't hope this becomes dead!
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
over a year ago fansommer said…
So lets carry on! Where were we?
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
(not much)
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
(Can I join as well? I love pokemon rps :D Also, hi misshedgehog and nojida! )
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
carrie hug poochy
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago fansommer said…
Cyan: *leaves with eevee* as you wish!

Cyan: (now where do we find people!?)

Eevee: 'uh... by searching...'

Cyan: I know that, but, where do we search first?
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
eva hope out of her pokeball
eva smiles
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
Here's my character info:
Name: Yvette
Age: 13 years
Gender: female
Appearance: short, somewhat scruffy ginger hair, indigo eyes, lavender shirt with aqua green sleeves, jeans, and a golden lucky-charm necklace
Hometown: Sandgem Town
Personality: caring and loyal, resourceful and logical
Bio: Her past is a rocky one. She has been abandoned over and over, losing all her siblings along the way. However, these tragedies helped her learn to survive in a variety of places or situations. And she found a new best friend along the way: her Piplup Pengo.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
(Yvette and Pengo walk through the tall grass, in the direction of Greenhill Town)
over a year ago fansommer said…
Cyan: *sees Yvette* Hi! *tries to catch up, Eevee follows behind*
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
Yvette: (turns around and sees Cyan) Oh, hi!
Pengo: Pip?
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
eva: eev?
carrie: you ok my cute eevee?
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
(sorry I g2g)
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
(and I am back!)
Yvette: Can you tell me where I could find any Pokémon around here?
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
eva smiles
carrie smiles
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago pipiqueen said…
leo was on her journey when she finds a group of girls............
"hey she shouts"and waves her hand in a hi!
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
carrie: hi
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
Yvette: Hi!
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
carrie: im carrie
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
Yvette: My name's Yvette, and this is Pengo.
Pengo: Pip pip!
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
carrie: this is eva and poochy
eva: eev
poochy wag his tail
over a year ago fansommer said…
Cyan: Yo, I'm Cyan and this is Eevee!
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
carrie: today my first day as a trainer
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
Yvette: Really? This is my first day of my journey in this region.
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
carrie: my older brothers and sister are part of the Elite 4 they even send my a card wishing me a happy brithday
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
Yvette: Cool! So today is your birthday?
(Pengo starts singing "Happy Birthday" in Piplup language)
over a year ago fansommer said…
Eevee joins in

Cyan: aww!
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
Yvette: Hey, you two make a good duet!
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
carrie: yep today the day of my brith and thanks piplup
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
Pengo(in pokemon voice): Hey, no prob!
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
carrie: i hope i can be a good trainer like my siblings
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
Yvette: Sure you will! As long as you're determined, you can't fail! That's what my brother once told me, anyway.
over a year ago misshedgehog said…
carrie: so did my siblings
over a year ago DragonAura15 said…
Yvette: Maybe that's where my brother got the idea from! XD