Portal 2 Ask the portal charictars! ( PS: DON'T MENTION CHELL TO GLADOS!!! )

carlie445 posted on Aug 03, 2013 at 01:42PM
Ask anyone anything!

Portal 2 3 replies

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over a year ago carlie445 said…
Hey.... uh, It's me, wheatley... And um... on thing... DO NOT MENTION GLADOS TO ANYONE!!! She will RAGE AND BREAK THE SYTEM!!!
over a year ago NyanWheatley said…
Alright, [never liked her anyway ;)], sooooooooooooooo, Who made you (give me a name), what else did you do, are you an *actual* moron, did you say "hi" to the Hubble space telescope, what does it look like from you're angle and how does it feel, can I test my hypothesis about you're corruption, where do you live [I'm in MI too :)], did you meet anyone else, aaaaaaaannnnnnnnd, nothing...quoted you :) I'm a fan, big fan. Thanks! spaaaaaaaaaaaaace! randomness too :)
over a year ago carlie445 said…
Ok, so i'm guesing that's for Wheatley, so i'll set up the chat...

Not_A_Moron👿: Ok, so, chat link astablished, let's start...
1: I'm honestly not sure who created me, really.
2: Well, besides my obvious genius, I also had a small part in manufacturing.
3: Well, if you consider a moron a GENIUS, then yes..
4: Hmm, I haven't yet, but I will when I pass it!
5: Well, right now, it's dark. Looking away from the sun.
6: I suppose... if it involves getting me down.
7: In space, where else?
8: Actually yes, I ment Ellen DeGeneres- ARE YOU BLOODY MAD?! IM IN SPACE!