Pride and Prejudice OMG this guy really reminds me of Wickham!

Jillywinkles posted on Jun 23, 2008 at 01:30PM
Lol well I was thinking about Disney movies like I often do, and suddenly it struck me that the fox from Pinocchio is exactly like Wickham! Remember this guy?>> link

He looks like him, he acts like him....I swear it must be Wickham in another life.

Pride and Prejudice 2 replies

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over a year ago kateliness2 said…
Wow... I've never thought of that, but now that I do... that's completely awesome :)
over a year ago becca85 said…
I wonder if the inspiration of the fox was based on Wickham...

If you also consider what certain animals represent in terms of human traits (ex. sloth = lazy, dog = companionship), Wickham's personality parallels what you would expect of a fox (sly, cunning, fair to look upon, traitorous, etc.).