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EVRY ONE HAZ A TALENT!!! wats urs!!!!!

LOL do U think life is a dream?
amans15 posted over a year ago
i'm pretty much the same with you, but i honestly don't really care!
life_is_a_dream posted over a year ago
I love 2 sing laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Jenny27876 posted over a year ago
 amans15 posted over a year ago
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1-2vampire said:
Writing. Though I love it and want to be an author, 98% of authors dont make it. There are many kids who dream of writing stories as a living, some of them don't put the work in, some of them just can't write, and some of them will make it. I don't know which catagory I'll come under. (if I have any mistakes I'm sorry it's like 3:00 am, I can only write the way I do late at night), but I correct the errors and change some words in the day.

Talent is 1% insperation 99% persperation << the guy who either invented the telephone or the lightbulb, I really can't think.

But I know it sounds rude to say so, but a lot of the wanna-be writers I come across can't write. My friend for example, she's writing a story and she asked me to read it over, and the plot is badly constructed, she jumps straight into it, and her characters don't have any essence. I had to tell her this, and she said "Ok, thanks for telling me the truth so that I wouldn't waste any more of my time." but I still felt rude. I know this may sound vain, but I do honestly belive that I have a talent for writing, music and other things. my brain works three-ways, which is almost unheard of -- I excell in music, creative writing, and maths. (can't say I enjoy maths but I'm kinda good at it)
The big-shots put a whoole lot of effort in.

You're right, everybody has at least one talent, but some people have more than one.

And if you do have a talent, you need to shine. If you don't, people would look straight past your burned-out flame in the dark and search for the brightest light.

Don't let your flame flicker and it won't go out. Just keep it growing.
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posted over a year ago 
may I just say, that unless you're good, writing stories is not a talent, it's a hobby!
1-2vampire posted over a year ago
lano500 posted over a year ago
true! but i dont get how those little kids books get published. (dora) 98%?
KishuandIchigo posted over a year ago
hellomia said:
here is a video i love singing send me a message if you like it if not send me maybe some
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posted over a year ago 
Kanji said:
professional lazy ass
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posted over a year ago 
LMAO! You and me both Hun.
Abilei posted over a year ago
cool its mine to
satoyuki posted over a year ago
kanji is actually kool hes japanese!!!!!!
amans15 posted over a year ago
alucard768 said:
my talent is annoying my friends and one of them even says i'm emmbaresing also spelling words wrong and losing stuff and not being able to think of what to write
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posted over a year ago 
i love annoying friends
sashlow posted over a year ago
no guys!! im da professional at annoying my
amans15 posted over a year ago
mrs_diviney101 said:
i can put a tube of lipstik between my boobs and apply it without smudging
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posted over a year ago 
Vamp_Biatchh posted over a year ago
sashlow posted over a year ago
lol. i hoppppeeee shes not!
amans15 posted over a year ago
c_j_clark said:
Hmmm. Art and writing stories are my talents. I have a story spot on Fanpop : link

There are Damon and Elena Stories on there for fans of Delena!!! :D
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posted over a year ago 
I love Delena <3
emmett posted over a year ago
amans15 posted over a year ago
what made you lol? :P
c_j_clark posted over a year ago
i always lol randomly
amans15 posted over a year ago
lead said:
writing books and stories.
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posted over a year ago 
IVE BEN THINKING 'BOUT WRITING A BOOK but i dnt kno if i cann do it!!!!! :(
amans15 posted over a year ago
of course u can!as long as u have a idea u can write cuz everything will follow
lead posted over a year ago
lol. ok
amans15 posted over a year ago
Sonamycutiepie1 said:
My is ACTING!!!! I loved it so much!!!! I want to be a actress when i grow up. FOR t.v shows, movies and even cartoons!!!! ^-^
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posted over a year ago 
ME 2!!!!!
sherrilyn posted over a year ago
cool my bff wants to be an actor too it fun to act^^
purplesherlock posted over a year ago
i loveee 2 act. rite now im acting like i actually care
amans15 posted over a year ago
boltlover said:
I can draw Dragons, Fish, Horses, Dogs, Pokemon (Animal type), and dresses. I can also write storys, link
(Like that one ^-^)
And I have a really good memory on music.
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posted over a year ago 
lead posted over a year ago
same here but i mostly draw sonic characters
purplesherlock posted over a year ago
just kidding
amans15 posted over a year ago
melikhan said:
singing,making movies(home movies)drawing in computer and and(idk if it's a talent or not)seeing 9 episodes of a tv show!
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posted over a year ago 
cool! lol
lead posted over a year ago
What episodes?
happyfreak posted over a year ago
no it's just some pictures of my family that i make it to movie
melikhan posted over a year ago
EalasaidWooster said:
What's the definition of talent?? I'm not sure what to include!

In think my talents are art, writing (of any kind), photography and I'm also quite musical. Well I used to play the clarsach (a type of harp) and I was good at it.
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posted over a year ago 
lead posted over a year ago
That's so cool. I really wish I was able to play an instrument. But I completely suck with them.
Babygirl92 posted over a year ago
I haven't played the clarsach for years - I probably don't know how anymore!! :)
EalasaidWooster posted over a year ago
Twilightluv3r said:
my talent is singing writing stories and drawing!!!! :)

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posted over a year ago 
lead posted over a year ago
amans15 posted over a year ago
HaleyDewit said:
My talent is writing.I write books,songs,fanfictions and quotes. :)
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posted over a year ago 
1-2vampire posted over a year ago
amans15 posted over a year ago
2468244 said:
singing, dancing, always being able to guess the temperature right. lol
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posted over a year ago 
Aimee147 said:
The things I think I'm good at are drawing,playing keyboard,writing stories and creating movies on Windows Movie Maker. Basically creative stuff ^_^
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posted over a year ago 
awsome u know wat suks? my computer has a freakin' virus and i cant use moviemaker no more and now im mad>:(
purplesherlock posted over a year ago
GarageGlamour said:
I can peel a banana with my feet. lol
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posted over a year ago 
i dont think its really a '' talent '' , more of a party trick lol
GarageGlamour posted over a year ago
yeah... i think its a talent!!!
amans15 posted over a year ago
sassikassi posted over a year ago
Unknown_End said:
My Talent Is Is That I Can Make My Upper Lip Stay Above My Teeth. :D
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posted over a year ago 
amans15 posted over a year ago
amans15 posted over a year ago
sassikassi posted over a year ago
me too
deedeemx posted over a year ago
Jammy5195 said:
Well i can play saxophone :)
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posted over a year ago 
amans15 posted over a year ago
thespikedturtle said:
Almost any kind of music is my talent, singing, playing instruments, keeping beat, anything.
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posted over a year ago 
me too :)
emmett posted over a year ago
amans15 posted over a year ago
no spick u suck
amans15 posted over a year ago
ravenclawgirl5 said:
I'm pretty good at art. And I'm not a bad writer, either.
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posted over a year ago 
zanesaaomgfan said:
Art, singing, dancing and best of all, dissing.
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posted over a year ago 
the proflie pic kinda looks like demi lavoto.................................
amans15 posted over a year ago
i dnt like her!!
amans15 posted over a year ago
sorry i was in a bad mood and i dnt lkike demi
amans15 posted over a year ago
sapherequeen said:
Drawing and writing. =)
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posted over a year ago 
reneemonique said:
i'd say my talent was dancing,its the only place where i feel safe,on stage:)xx
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posted over a year ago 
I agree with you :)
hildur96 posted over a year ago
amans15 posted over a year ago
Snugglebum said:
drawing. seriously this is one of my fanarts:
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drawing. seriously this is one of my fanarts:
posted over a year ago 
Cool! ;)) My one friend art work is really good too!
KazukiTheSkunk posted over a year ago
1 of my frends draws he draws pple tho!!lo,lol
amans15 posted over a year ago
Y? ur not implying she went to the mental hospital because she saw naruto?
Snugglebum posted over a year ago
orangeturnip said:
i have a talent for confusing peaple?
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posted over a year ago 
* do i plle say im confusing BC you can NEVER tell wat im
amans15 posted over a year ago
you got a dirty mind
orangeturnip posted over a year ago
awww shes not annoying shes my frend, u just hav 2 get 2 kno her :)
amans15 posted over a year ago
hildur96 said:
Totally dance ! I love dancing (:
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posted over a year ago 
MadamOcta13 said:
Writing. I'll also say arguing (or, a more polite term: debating). I see it as a gift and a curse.
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posted over a year ago 
KazukiTheSkunk said:
Reading books... Singing.. ^^' And I quess just made new songs...
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posted over a year ago 
lead posted over a year ago
kool squigley did u uze a cell fone?
amans15 posted over a year ago
sherrilyn said:
mine is writing,singing and drawing and my biggest is acting i go to acting school!!!
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posted over a year ago 
lead posted over a year ago
Mrs-Grint said:
Hm, I don't think all of them are what you might class as talents, but I'll give a few:

- I can write (Lots of stuff, poems, I've worked endlessly on my "novels". Once one of my poems got published in a book of children's literature.)
- I can play the saxophone, piano and a BIT of the cello. (I entered a Young People's Music competiton at age eleven and came fourth.)
- I can act. A bit.
- I can get people annoyed really easily! =D
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posted over a year ago 
if one of your poems got published then that is deifinately a talent and not just a hobby.
1-2vampire posted over a year ago
yoshifan1976 said:
I can play the Piano =D
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I can play the Piano =D
posted over a year ago 
MEE TOO!!!! :)))
tatajackson posted over a year ago
i can 2 all of us have something in common!!!
amans15 posted over a year ago
a-jforever posted over a year ago
yoshifan1976 posted over a year ago
Queenoftard said:
I has skills at being death eater.
I is joking.
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I has skills at being death eater.
I is joking.
posted over a year ago 
I drew this, by the way.
Queenoftard posted over a year ago
purplesherlock posted over a year ago
Fucken epic
brooke9878 posted over a year ago
lermanlover said:
I am play the french horn, cello, viola, piano, and finally, trumpet 'fluently'. I don't like the violin sound, my teacher says I have a viola ear, meaning I can't take the violin pitch... too shrill for me. But my favorite instruments are the viola, piano, and the french horn.
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posted over a year ago 
On my bucket list is to play three more instruments, when I asked my parents...they broke down laughing hysterically. (They only triped over the cases once or twice...or five times.)
lermanlover posted over a year ago
*wow* lol.....................i think....................?
amans15 posted over a year ago
XxemoeeveexX said:
I am astounding at keeping quiet and drawing
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posted over a year ago 
lol and that's why we wuv u X3
amethyst44 posted over a year ago
mchuddymerderek said:
My talend is on taekwondo!I'm practicing it for 6 years and i've got many 1st places in and out of country championships!
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My talend is on taekwondo!I'm practicing it for 6 years and i've got many 1st places in and out of country championships!
posted over a year ago 
WOW that's coool!!! XD
amethyst44 posted over a year ago
tatajackson posted over a year ago
Shepard14 posted over a year ago
amans15 posted over a year ago
hunter51 said:
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posted over a year ago 
SARCASM!!! XD amazing! ^-^
amethyst44 posted over a year ago
hunter51 posted over a year ago
im sarcastic....when needed
amans15 posted over a year ago
twilightrox43 said:
Singing and writing stories, ost likely.
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posted over a year ago 
Free_Spirit said:
have absolutely no ideea. My talent isno talent. I'm kinda mediocer (spelling definately not my talent) at alot of things. I'm good at writing and okay at singing but then again thats just my opinion. someone may think i'm a horrible writer and singer so yeah i have no clue
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posted over a year ago 
Book_freak said:
PLaying my Oboe. And clicking my tounge in tune and folding my tounge in two places at once :P
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posted over a year ago 
I play oboe too :D got a scholarship for it.
emmett posted over a year ago
WHOOT! Your only the second oboeist I've met online, lol!
Book_freak posted over a year ago
And an Aussie too!!!!! Maybe we'll b in the SSO togethor one day :)
Book_freak posted over a year ago
TeamGalacticFan said:
I'm not sure what I would classify a "Talent" but I am good at video games,singing,drawing,dancing,writing...oh also I am good at imatating Commander Mars from Pokemon
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posted over a year ago 
4 a girl i think im good at video games too^^
purplesherlock posted over a year ago
WayToDawn said:
Ummm well i'm pretty okay at drawin and makin things plus i'm rather kick ass at play Xbox and PS but i don't think that counts as a skill lolXD
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posted over a year ago 
course it does!! you be the Xbox and PS Champion!!! *long roll of echoes*
amethyst44 posted over a year ago
Coolio yay!!
WayToDawn posted over a year ago
Matsy23 said: talents are drawing,dancing,singing,and uh.....being random(LOLZ!!!!),and researching stuff XD
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posted over a year ago 
i almost forgot!!!! im also good at taking pictures!!!!!!!!! ^^
Matsy23 posted over a year ago
awesome!!! XD
amethyst44 posted over a year ago
amethyst44 said:
My talent is not being sure how to answer questions like these... ^.^' lol
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posted over a year ago 
emmett said:
Just for fun, I'm going to say Fanpop ;)

~ Music (playing it(I'm good at a range of diff instruments), writing it(songs, scores) etc)
~ Poem Writing maybe... my teacher said I had a talent for that :)
~ Singing. (I'm a little self-concious about it but it's something I enjoy and a few people that have heard me sing say I'm good :)
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Just for fun, I'm going to say Fanpop ;)

~ Music (playing it(I'm good at a range of diff instruments), writing it(songs, scores) etc)
~ Poem Writing maybe... my teacher said I had a talent for that :) 
~ Singing. (I'm a little self-concious about it but it's something I enjoy and a few people that have heard me sing say I'm good :)
posted over a year ago 
tatajackson said:
my talents are..
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my talents are..
posted over a year ago 
swiftluver said:
I'm still finding it :)
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posted over a year ago 
mona_me said:
drawing and talking!
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posted over a year ago 
Abilei said:
Mkay Ive already answered a question similar to this one but I gave a stupid answer. So I guess I'll give a real answer this time. My talents aren't very good but here they are anyways....I can read like no bodies bussiness, faster than fast. And I've always been able to solve social problems, and if I can't fix them completely I fix them well enough to get by.

But I guess everyone can do those things so I guess Im not that talented. Oh well.
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posted over a year ago 
rj1995 said:
singing, playing piano, and ice skating.. wbu??
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posted over a year ago 
Shepard14 said:
Mine are acting, I'm patient....OH and I can grasp languages easily. Right now I am studying Latin and Spanish. I want to move onto French, Japanese, and German too!
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posted over a year ago 
DJ_Squeaky said:
I'm very good at drawing (so I've been told O.o)
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posted over a year ago 
frylock243 said:
I'm a young artist. Here's one of my best pictures:
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I'm a young artist. Here's one of my best pictures:
posted over a year ago 
Duncan-superfan posted over a year ago
thats awsome!!!!!
amans15 posted over a year ago
happyfreak said:
I fall everyday. Trip on flat surfaces. Yell at people cause I find it fun. Stretch so far back that I fall and nearly gave myself a concusion. So white that I am called albino (i do not tan. i burn then peel). And making the wrong decisions. And with all of this I am doing cheerleading next year.
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posted over a year ago 
Usually the ones like you (tripping alot) would be stunt doubles! It's really true. I hope I didn't offend you in anyway.
lermanlover posted over a year ago
lol wow yeah o burn and peel but it haznt hppnd yet this year!!!lol
amans15 posted over a year ago
Duncan-superfan said:
Singing and Drawing Anime! <3

Did this on Paint.Net! I do better on paper. x3
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Singing and Drawing Anime! <3

Did this on Paint.Net! I do better on paper. x3
posted over a year ago 
I guess I gotta talent for writing stories too.
Duncan-superfan posted over a year ago
how do you do that on paint with a mouse ?? although someone painted the mona lisa with Paint...
1-2vampire posted over a year ago
purplesherlock posted over a year ago
GalacticGirl200 said:
Drawing, Computers, Singing, Science, Writing Stories
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posted over a year ago 
billiejean559 said:
I can do the splits and the standing splits and i am on the drill team
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posted over a year ago 
frosti529 said:
Singing is my best talent for sure!!!
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posted over a year ago 
amazingXmooses said:
saying stupid shit. (:
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posted over a year ago 
Twilight_Dream said:
collecting morning dew from human skulls.
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posted over a year ago 
lalagirl714 said:
im an awesome hula hooper :p and a decent song writer
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posted over a year ago 
jblvr said:
My talent is that I can sing just like the chimpmunks and I can sing realy great
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posted over a year ago 
teamalice_0 said:
I can mimic animal sounds

Dog, cats, kittens, horse, goat, sheep, parrot, and parakeets
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posted over a year ago 
bookworm12345 said:
I say my talent is words being stubborn and explaining things (most of my friends will get a consept in lit on English after I exlain it)
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posted over a year ago 
xneville_rocksx said:
I can draw...and I am good at math

I can't find any of mine (on my computer) so here is a pop art painting of Lady Gaga my friend made:
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I can draw...and I am good at math

I can't find any of mine (on my computer) so here is a pop art painting of Lady Gaga my friend made:
posted over a year ago 
Woah, epic pic!
BellaCullen96 posted over a year ago
twilight0girl said:
Uhm, i'd have to say im really good at drumming. My teacher (Phil) said im ahead of what i should be able to play, and he think's that because music has alway's been a huge part of my life.

Drawing: Me and my friend Michelle both were chosen to draw a banner to represent our class.And i think they kept it up for a year and a half. And people have sometime's stoped and asked me how i drew some thing's (I was in Chicago and had a binder of my art.)

Writting: I think i suck at writing. But im only listing it because my english teacher has told me i have promise when it come's to writting. And she also nomminated me for a United State's Achienement Academy Award, that will give me $10,000.00 toward's my colledge. (Im going to school for film directing.)


Photography: I think im good at it. I really love taking pic's of people and nature and sometime's nature when there's a thunder storm. And im listing this 'cause my Cooking teacher Mrs.Malone told me i'd be good at Director of Photography or a photographer.
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posted over a year ago 
salamence42 said:
Math and Soccer. Yeah, I know: Two polar opposites. But I excell at both. I do math 5 years ahead of my level.
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posted over a year ago 
MidnaTikal8223 said:
I can dance fairly well(but I'm such a klutz that I always fall), and can draw.People say that I can sing...
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posted over a year ago 
emostan said:
singing and acting
i dream of making it too the big time soon
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posted over a year ago 
SasoriFan05 said:
I'm talented in writing, everyone who I show my writing to says I'm a creative genious and I not kidding...I can read 60 books at a time.
How I do it is I read a chapter of one book, switch to another and so on.

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I'm talented in writing, everyone who I show my writing to says I'm a creative genious and I not kidding...I can read 60 books at a time. 
How I do it is I read a chapter of one book, switch to another and so on.
posted over a year ago 
jazz411 said:
burping loud and long.....*buuuuuuuuuurp*
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posted over a year ago 
lol i have lottsa frends that can burp.....LOUDLY!!
amans15 posted over a year ago
lexirae26 said:
sing'n is my talent and when i'm famous in 2 yrs(minimum)you can all come 2 my cocert.heeheehee.
that cartoon is me!:)
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sing'n is my talent and when i'm famous in 2 yrs(minimum)you can all come 2 my cocert.heeheehee.
that cartoon is me!:)
posted over a year ago 
Rebecca1117 said:
I love to right. That might be becuse I absolutely adore reading. I can read up to 24 at a time. That is why I don't have any friends at school. Anyway, back to the writing topic. My sister always compliments my writing and parades my work to all her friends at school. I geuss that means that i am good. I also am really good with pastels. My Teacher said that they were so good, thatt if I were to draw more, I get to have my own section in our Art Show at school. My parents say that I am an amazing violinist. I take private lessons on teusdays and everyone says that I am great, but I don't know. I don't feel good at any of them. But if everyone says I am...then I am? I haven't figured it out yet, but I'll let you know when I decide.
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posted over a year ago 
Heya said:
If you listen to Butterflies and Hurricanes By: Muse, and you get to the piano solo, I can play piano like that. I actually just compare myself to Matthew Bellamy!!
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If you listen to Butterflies and Hurricanes By: Muse, and you get to the piano solo, I can play piano like that. I actually just compare myself to Matthew Bellamy!!
posted over a year ago 
Heya posted over a year ago
Babygirl92 said:
I'm a good singer and I kick ass when I drawl. But sadly, I can't draw what really matters. =[ It's hard to describt what I do drawl though. Like, hearts with a devils' wing. And other things on it....It sounds weird, but they're good.
Or words in a certain fashion.
But that's it. Sadly, I wish I could do more, but I can't. I don't think.
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posted over a year ago 
MrssBieber320 said:
Siing.Dance.Model.Track.Soccer.Kickboxing.Karate. <3 :) :]
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Siing.Dance.Model.Track.Soccer.Kickboxing.Karate. <3 :) :]
posted over a year ago 
Model? Hmhm, yeah, that's true..........Why would you post a real picture of yourself on the internet, anyways?
Heya posted over a year ago
amans15 posted over a year ago
Penguin11 said:
drawing, writing, acting, and singing ^^

I know I sound like a jackass for including so much stuff, but its true ^^

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posted over a year ago 
VioletSunset said:
I have no talent :|
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posted over a year ago 
lano500 posted over a year ago
paloma97ppb said:
First of all I dance lol Im number #6 of 446 people who are in the competition. I sing and Im a song composer. I play 4 songs at the piano , Im learning new ones. In editing videos and pics Im an expert lol (Thats what my dad says)
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posted over a year ago 
Mrs_Ashford said:
mine is being random I came up with the randomest question EVA IN HISTORY! do you get tea bags pushed through your door? and then "have you ever seen a leprechaun?" lol I just say whatever comes into my head no matter how random
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posted over a year ago 
peetarocks999 said:
I can talk nonstop(i did that once for 6 hours) and i love to draw.
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posted over a year ago 
lano500 said:
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posted over a year ago 
ClownsAreEvil said:
Uhh. Well,I can play the guitar and the piano, and I surf and swim. =] Oh,and I like photography. ^.^
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posted over a year ago 
crazy_frog222 said:
world domination
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posted over a year ago 
alanna1 said:
my talent??its got to be beating my brother at mario karts on the ds!or my laughing fits!!hahahahaha!!!hahahahahahahaha!!!
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posted over a year ago 
Cutebutcrazy-- said:
Singing acting and dancing. thats my life.
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posted over a year ago 
Confuzzle said:
I use dots and silver sharpies to make those weird dotty thingies.
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posted over a year ago 
ginny_potter_97 said:
I specialize in tripping over my own feet, falling out of chairs, and running into things. thats my talent
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posted over a year ago 
purplesherlock said:
i guess my talent iz:
drawing cartoons
sports (especially dodgeball)
i guess i culd right a story but im too lazy and dont have the time
Laziness!!! im also good at that!!
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posted over a year ago 
sassikassi said:
drawing, singing, dancing, sports, guitar, being awesome
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posted over a year ago 
midnight-stars said:
I'mma make a long one...


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posted over a year ago 
maybe can sing and draw
midnight-stars posted over a year ago
Jenny27876 said:
SINGING laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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posted over a year ago 
jeydonfan101 said:
singing is my talent
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posted over a year ago 
meow_girl said:
Well I'm pretty good at making stories,but I'm terrible at putting them into words...Sigh I really need to get better at doing that. -_- Plus sometimes I get really self conscious about the stuff I come up with....
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posted over a year ago 
g_a_g_a said:
im talented at lying

and being lazy

and being pretty

and being forgetable.

OK FINE I'LL ADMIT IT! I don't have any cool talent :'(
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posted over a year ago 
dsprtpenguin said:
My talents are sketching, painting, sculpting, playing the guitar and singing.

I wanted to post one of my sketches, paintings and sculptures here but we don't have a scanner and somehow I can't upload my sculpture and painting photos here.

I also wanted to post a vid here of me playing the guitar and singing, Jump Then fall by Taylor Swift but I just don't have the f-ing time!
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posted over a year ago 
abitofaLunaTic said:
Mine is fixing faulty electronic equipment entering my hands. And alliterating.
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posted over a year ago 
energizerbunny said:
uh, i can juggle, if that's a talent
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posted over a year ago 
Kelsje said:
My talent would be....playing soccer haha.
People always say that i'm good for a girls (which is code for you kick my ass) xD

And I learned myself to play te keyboard so i consider that as a talent too!

Oh and don't forget webdesign, to make all of these pretty and detailed fanart like banner, icons etc. Took me long enough to master xD
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posted over a year ago 
BabyBlud said:
Well not sure if these are talents but here goes

-pole dancing
-playing the violin
-playing the drums
-playing the piano
-able to hold a pint of beer on my breasts without using my hands
-able to remember Hamlet by William Shakespeare without having to refer to the book
-touch typing
-oh and i can cook pretty good though i guess that would be more of a hobby then a talent LOL
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posted over a year ago 
nisrn said:
i don't think i have a talent. umm i like singing, sometimes my voice is good and then it sucks right after that
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posted over a year ago 
VampireQueen12 said:
I'm a good writer... Or a least I think I am lol
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posted over a year ago 
CourtneyKatara said:
Singing & a photographic memory if thats a talent :D
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posted over a year ago 
eatafish said:
i'm srry, but that's classified.
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posted over a year ago 
facebookrocks said:
well mine is roller skating i am really good i am the only person in my family who roller skates i love roller skating it is really fun i wish more people could do it.
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well mine is roller skating i am really good i am the only person in my family who roller skates i love roller skating it is really fun i wish more people could do it.
posted over a year ago 
zanhar1 said:
Singing, writing, drawing, and swimming.
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Singing, writing, drawing, and swimming.
posted over a year ago 
brooke9878 said:
Well... according to my bf I have several:
Writing stories
Writing poetry
Faking accents
Making people happy
Being a great friend

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posted over a year ago 
shadjinx said:
i am good at singing...i really want to be a singer like p!nk and i can paint really good
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i am good at singing...i really want to be a singer like p!nk and i can paint really good
posted over a year ago 
deedeemx said:
- i'm doble jointed
- i can eat a lot of jalapeños
- i can mimic accents
- i can drink 5 litres of water
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posted over a year ago 
Amulover said:
speaking english, drawing, singing,,, um maybe just that
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posted over a year ago 
natasajackson said:
my talent is the drawing:) i always loved to draw,it's a part of my life you can say
and since i can draw,i have drawn mj in some of my drawings.HERE IS ONE (people who don't like mj ,just plz don't comment)oooh and also i know how to play piano ;p for singing and dancing i'm not sure ,but i'm workin' at it
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my talent is the drawing:) i always loved to draw,it's a part of my life you can say
and since i can draw,i have drawn mj in some of my drawings.HERE IS ONE (people who don't like mj ,just plz don't comment)oooh and also i know how to play piano ;p for singing and dancing i'm not sure ,but i'm workin' at it
posted over a year ago 
Well you are really good at drawing!
Sammisaurus posted over a year ago
thank you very much :)
natasajackson posted over a year ago
No problem ^_^
Sammisaurus posted over a year ago
jb4000 said:
SINGING!!!! Denfinetly singing I LOOOOOVE singing!I love just listening to music!Music is all I have right now.

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SINGING!!!! Denfinetly singing I LOOOOOVE singing!I love just listening to music!Music is all I have right now.
posted over a year ago 
Bond_Of_Fury said:
I have a really great Schwarzenegger imitation. :)
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posted over a year ago 
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