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What do you think of perfection?

Is perfection truly desirable? Or is it a standing point where you can no longer achieve even greater things? Many magnificent things have been, and will continue to come into existence... And yet, every last one of them will fall short of perfection's finish...

What do you think of perfection..?

I couldn't help but think of Death the Kid when I read this. Ah! He would say that Symmetry itself is perfect but alas! There is always something that is not symmetrical! :(
RobinFan360 posted over a year ago
8theGreat posted over a year ago
amzel posted over a year ago
 RedPineapple posted over a year ago
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SecraLas said:

Perfection is bullshit end of story.
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posted over a year ago 
Musiquelover said:
I hate perfection because I could never be perfect. :,( Anytime I see someone perfect, I feel some sort of anger towards them but it doesn't mean I hate them. I just envy them a little.
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posted over a year ago 
Psht no ones is perfect
SecraLas posted over a year ago
I see.. however, no matter how perfect someone may one is truly perfect. There will always be a flaw of some sort...well, that's what I believe anyway. :)
RedPineapple posted over a year ago
I know, but when I see a celebrity or something most of the time they look absolutely perfect :\. I know that's probably not how they really look though
Musiquelover posted over a year ago
Bananaaddict said: highly overrated.
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posted over a year ago 
Yes..I agree.
RedPineapple posted over a year ago
Shadowmarioking said:
link obsessed with it.
:3 And so is his link
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posted over a year ago 
I am unfamiliar with them.. ^-^'
RedPineapple posted over a year ago
^That's Manfred von Karma, a prosecuter from the Ace Attorney series who would do anything to obtain the "perfect" case. He had a perfect 40 year win streak until Phoenix Wright came along. Franziska is Manfred's daughter, and has been taught in her father's ways.
Shadowmarioking posted over a year ago
^Ah I see. Thank you for the explanation. =)
RedPineapple posted over a year ago
^You're welcome~.
Shadowmarioking posted over a year ago
XxXLolaXxX said:
Perfection does not exist in this world.
It never will.
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posted over a year ago 
Indeed. Very true..
RedPineapple posted over a year ago
simpleplan said:
There is no such thing as perfection.
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posted over a year ago 
^I agree..
RedPineapple posted over a year ago
ivoryphills said:
Perfection is pie. The arithmetic symbol and dessert! 8-d
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posted over a year ago 
Hehe XP
RedPineapple posted over a year ago
BeastBoyCahill said:
I certainly hope it is (desirable)... Because Heaven is a land of perfection... And if it is not desirable, would that not mean that it is, in fact, not such a good place to spend eternity?
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I certainly hope it is (desirable)... Because Heaven is a land of perfection... And if it is not desirable, would that not mean that it is, in fact, not such a good place to spend eternity?
posted over a year ago 
Perhaps perfection may seem desireable..however, once one has reached perfection there is nothing that may change or be learned, seeing as everything is already perfect. I believe, perfection is a stand point for which nothing is changed and events stay the same. However, you do make a good point..hmm..
RedPineapple posted over a year ago
Perfection is desirable but ultimately unattainable. There. I spared the long ass philosophical essays.
SecraLas posted over a year ago
Unattainable to humans at least.
SecraLas posted over a year ago
RobinFan360 said:
You know I have a saying:

"The world may not be perfect...But that's what makes it beautiful."
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posted over a year ago 
^Nice quote... :)
RedPineapple posted over a year ago
Thanks :)
RobinFan360 posted over a year ago
iamagagamonster said:
I think...

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I think...
posted over a year ago 
8theGreat said:
Perfection is a misunderstood concept. A VERY misunderstood concept.
Everything is perfect in it's own right. I'm perfect, you're perfect, the world is perfect. The universe, even. It's all... perfect.
Perfection isn't the same as lacking flaws. Flawlessness and perfection are not the same thing.
Something that is "flawless" is by no means and should not be mistaken for being perfect. It's very far from it.
Why is that, you ask?
Well, let me knock this in to your skulls...
If something is "flawless", that itself makes it imperfect. Without flaws, without downsides, there is no way to maintain balance, and as I said, balance is true perfection. This law, of course, even applies to balance itself. Things have to be imbalanced as well to maintain equilibrium between balance and imbalance, and sometimes that equilibrium sways, which in itself is a flaw, which in turn makes balance, and I'll say it again, balance is perfection.
And, no, of course not everything in that world can maintain that sort of equilibrium; there has to be SOME black and white to make so many shades of grey, but they are less balanced, thus less perfect. However, it contributes to the bigger balance, the balance of the universe itself, making it a perfect and vital detail. Because if everything maintained equilibrium, it's all the same, and diversity contributes to balance.
Balance is everything, whether it be an asymmetric balance, symmetric balance, or both. We all need balance to survive, we can't deny that. Balance is ultimate, it is top priority, it's everything, and it's nothing short of perfect. Balance is perfection itself, and we couldn't exist without balance. Denying perfection is like denying your own existence, and listening to people say that it doesn't exist or it's not worth any sort of effort irritates me to a horryfying degree, but so many people do because the true meaning of perfection has been washed away through time, and people fail to see how perfect, how beautiful and how symmetrical the world really is!
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posted over a year ago 
Yes, this is long as hell, but everyone, PLEASE read this and think about what I'm saying! The world isn't as imperfect as it seems! Please try to understand that...
8theGreat posted over a year ago
^ I see. You make a good point...and I agree. However, once the world is balanced and things would not be able to come into existence because it will change the balance, once again creating imperfection. I believe once perfection is reached there may be no room for growth or new discoveries..
RedPineapple posted over a year ago
It's a complicated subject, I know, and I may not explain it very well because it's so familiar to me and makes so much sense to me that I sometimes skip basic details that I may not need, but others do... I really hope that makes some sort of sense though...
8theGreat posted over a year ago
XxKeithHarkinxX said:
There is no such thing as perfection, everything always has and always will have flaws~
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posted over a year ago 
Ssmiley_143 said:
I am not a perfect girl, my hair does not always stay in place,I spill a lot of things and I'm pretty clumsy. But when I think about it and take a step back, I remember how amazing life truly is, and maybe.....I like being imperfect.

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posted over a year ago 
SymmaGirl2 said:
Uh...I guess perfection can be boring every now and then. But I guess what perfection is depends on your own views. It changes from person to person. For me, I think that we should keep trying to be perfect. Each time we fail, it's a new lesson learned. But I guess perfection is really something that can't be ultimately reached.
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posted over a year ago 
^I agree with this post. Perfection can be many different things..
RedPineapple posted over a year ago
bakuargirl729 said:
..You remind me if a crazyed Twilight Spakle.
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..You remind me if a crazyed Twilight Spakle.
posted over a year ago 
amzel said:
yeah i think ost ppl wanna b perfect
but nooooooobody will achive such a thing
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yeah i think ost ppl wanna b perfect 
but nooooooobody will achive such a thing
posted over a year ago 
HeitsiTsegin said:
Perfection is diffacult to acheieve, but many people are deluded into thinking it is impossible.
Perfection is simply balance, but you can balance things more than one way. If you take a wooden plank for example and put 3 pouns on one side of it, 1 pound on the other, you can still balance it on a beam by offsetting the weight distrabution or even changing the shape of the beam.
Having a warped piece of wood with 3 pounds on one side, and 1 pound on the other is by itself unbalnaced, and as a result is imperfect, and if you place it on a metal pipe, it will not stay. If, however you offset the weight distrabution on the pipe, you could eventually get it. That is perfection. Take the same scenario and replace the pipe with a wooden beam with a flat top, place the wooden plank on top of that, it may still balance. This is also perfection.
You can apply this pricible to your lives, knowing that perfection is achievable by a variety of means. If you where greedy at one point in your life, you can compensate by being cheritable later on. If your shelf is missing a side, you can put a new one on or even brace it via the back. This is how I see perfection and that it is in fact true.
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posted over a year ago 
8theGreat posted over a year ago
HoneyBadger0712 said:
I find perfection creepy. Who's to say what perfection truly is? Because perfect is an oppinion it changes from person to person, therefore the world could never truly end up perfect. What one person thinks is perfect another might find corrupt. In all honesty it reminds me of science fiction books that end with the whole world deluded and all around fucked up
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posted over a year ago 
zanhar1 said:
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posted over a year ago 
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