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What's your opinion on uniforms?

And I mean, like uniforms in genral, no specific kind. IMHO, I hate uniforms....then again, I hate any kinda "dressy" clothing -_-
 ShadowFan100 posted over a year ago
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YunoGasai said:
I like them. Well, I usually do, at least... unless they're super ugly or something. Uniforms serve a specific purpose in society.

In regards to what you've been commenting... I kinda get what you're saying... but let me outright tell you, it's a bit wrong. Uniforms help keep order.

Say something happened to you, and you need to find a police officer.
Well, what helps you differentiate that officer from everyone else? Their uniform.
If they didn't have that, and wore regular clothing, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between them and a wacko that might murder you.

Say someone goes to a specific school, and they wear a uniform for that school. There's a reason for that. That uniform helps the adults in that school tell the difference between a student, and someone that doesn't belong there- which is a HUGE threat, because that someone could be a psycho hiding a gun or a knife in their jacket.

When it comes to school or a job, most of the time, you need a uniform, for those exact reasons. No one is forcing you to wear a uniform outside of school or your job, so you can dress however the hell you want when you get out of a place where uniforms are necessary.

Uniforms don't "destroy individuality", they are protection.
Plus, if your "individuality" isn't strong enough to shine through clothing... then I don't know what to tell you. A uniform doesn't really dictate your tastes, or personality. So, even though everyone's wearing the same thing, individuality can still be present.

Buuut, I guess everyone's opinions differ...
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posted over a year ago 
Wow...I adimt u made several points. I have no issues with others wearing em (sorta) but as for me? I personaly wouldn't wanna be seen in any uniform: wether its school, police or military uniform. I just...don't like them
ShadowFan100 posted over a year ago
Aww, dude, it's okay not to like them. You have to admit they're important but I bet not that many people enjoy wearing them. Unless they're really cute uniforms.
YunoGasai posted over a year ago
8theGreat said:
I'm a bit uh... overly fond of uniforms myself. Of all kinds.

It's kind of been my dream to go to a school with uniforms, but there aren't any around here.

Then again, I have a bit of a thing against casual clothing and I am also extremely backwards. So maybe I'm just a peculiarity.

Now for the most fitting song for this moment in the history of perfectly fitting song for moments.
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posted over a year ago 
Lucky me I never went to an actual school :D *was homeschooled* I'd kill muyself if I were a uniform. I believe in individuality and there can't be any if I'm in uniform.
ShadowFan100 posted over a year ago
coriann said:
well...uniforms kind of serve to...well...destroy our individualism :\ im sorry that's just the way i feel, and most of the time(not all the time) most of the time, there are very strict rules to prevent us from being ourselves and make sure everyone looks the same. But other than that i think uniforms could be useful, sometimes they're very sexy and cute and...well nothing beats sexy girls in uniform ^ ^
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well...uniforms kind of serve to...well...destroy our individualism :\ im sorry that's just the way i feel, and most of the time(not all the time) most of the time, there are very strict rules to prevent us from being ourselves and make sure everyone looks the same. But other than that i think uniforms could be useful, sometimes they're very sexy and cute and...well nothing beats sexy girls in uniform ^ ^
posted over a year ago 
See? This is what I mean: They kill our human right as an individual. us humans are meant to be our own unique poerson, not look like everyone else. Sexy? I don't care about "sexyness" I care about my right as an individual
ShadowFan100 posted over a year ago
ha ha i hear ya Shadow, but i think uniforms aren't always bad...yeah, the sexiness thing ;P
coriann posted over a year ago
She is very pretty
SeeUV3 posted over a year ago
AlOoOosh said:
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posted over a year ago 
Agreed. But why do YOU hate me? I hate em because they go against being an individual.
ShadowFan100 posted over a year ago
yes same here and I have another reason that they don't often go with fashion lol plus I hate it when mw and everybody around me are wearing the same thing .
AlOoOosh posted over a year ago
coriann posted over a year ago
hetalianstella said:
I actually think it would be cool.
You don't have to spend time thinking of what to wear.
You don't have to spend a bunch of money on school clothes.

I think it would be easier. I mean, my family doesn't have much money and I can't afford to buy much clothes. Sometimes I will have to wear the same thing a couple days in a row. It would be a lot easier this way.
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posted over a year ago 
Wearing an outfit more than twice a day wouldn't be bad either, but not a UNIFORM. Yeah, it may be easier that way but uniforms take away individuality, which is something humans shouldn't have to give up. We have a right to be different, be unique, be our own person. Humans shouldn't be forced to be like everyone else.
ShadowFan100 posted over a year ago
Well true. But there are other ways to express yourself.
hetalianstella posted over a year ago
Well most people who are answering this ARE in school and you need to look at THEIR at their point of view.
hetalianstella posted over a year ago
Skittlez2345 said:
I hate them :(
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posted over a year ago 
Well said! *high fives you* but how come though?
ShadowFan100 posted over a year ago
cuz my skool was really pickey about our unifoms and it was really stupid
Skittlez2345 posted over a year ago
Me-Iz-Here said:
i really like them, personally!!
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posted over a year ago 
Why? Don't u care about being your own person?
ShadowFan100 posted over a year ago
uniforms dont mean you cant be your own person, there are still ways to express yourself. besides, i wear the same general thing every day anyway.
Me-Iz-Here posted over a year ago
juurizero said:
i hate uniforms my style is my.... i'm not a robot but this is cool as a uniform
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i hate uniforms my style is my.... i'm not a robot but this is cool as a uniform
posted over a year ago 
yeah, it might be "cool" but I still couldn't wear that thing
ShadowFan100 posted over a year ago
XD so true
coriann posted over a year ago
@juurizero, and yeah Shadow, you're a boy for one, and i wouldn't either, it's not my style really, but it is hot
coriann posted over a year ago
prophet69 said:
School uniforms? I like it.
The first reason is that with uniforms all the students will look better and orderly because it will look like all the students are clean and intelligent persons who are dedicated for their work in class.
The second reason is that buying uniforms costs less than buying jeans and shirts for school and that is a benefit for the parents of the students that can not afford buying a lot of clothes. Also the students won't have to worry about the clothes that they have to wear to school because they know what to wear. Anyways, school is for learning, not a fashion show.
Third of all, if a student is out of school and the people want to know about what school that the student is going to, then people can know easily if the student is wearing a specific uniform. And uniforms will stop other students by being judged others on how they look. If you are talking about uniforms in general, yeah I like it too. Just as I said before, It looks smart and intelligent with uniform.
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posted over a year ago 
I wasn't just talking school uniforms I meant uniforms of any kind. And I woudn't wanna look "clean and smart" cuz I already AM that. I wanna look like MYSELF, not like everyone else. Who wants to be exactly like someone else? I don't. And I wouldn't care if it costed less...they destroy individuality, simple as that. Plus: I don't want someone choosing my outfit for me, I can do that myself.
ShadowFan100 posted over a year ago
@prophet Agreed!
hetalianstella posted over a year ago
@ShadowFan100: Whatever. That's just your opinion. I have given MY opinion. I haven't asked for your opinion.
prophet69 posted over a year ago
Lady_Rebel said:
I LOVE THEM! School uniforms, military, etc. I think my individuality can come out in different ways when I'm in uniform. Plus I think uniforms hep add a feeling of unity to a group.
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posted over a year ago 
There is no indiviuality if ur in unform, hence "UNIform". And I don't wanna be unified or like everyone else, I want to be ME.
ShadowFan100 posted over a year ago
Book-Freak said:
I love uniforms, both the school and professional variety.

I love school uniforms for a variety of different reasons. Everyone looks the same so you can't get bullied for not having cool clothes. They look nice and smart and school photos look so much better when everyone's in uniform. It makes sure that every day isn't a fashion show and they aren't distracting either. You don't find yourself thinking 'ooh that's a nice top; I wonder where she got it from' when everyone's in uniform. It promotes a sense of unity and pride of the school. I am proud to wear my uniform and know that I am representing my school.

As for professional uniforms; I find myself reassured when talking to a person in uniform. Their uniforms give them authority and if need help then you know who to go to.
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posted over a year ago 
I was never in public school so I was never bullied :D I dion't wanna give up my indivuality just because of bullies....humans are meant to be different, regardless of what others think. And people in uniform? Yeah...if I needed help, I'd never go to them.
ShadowFan100 posted over a year ago
Well, people in public schools ARE bullied because of what they wear. Uniform brings equality. Besides, when a school child is denied conventional individuality by having to wear uniform, it forces them to find other ways of expressing themselves, thereby developing their personalities.
Book-Freak posted over a year ago
Yes, bullying will sadly always happen, but by making everyone look the same, you are eliminating one of the routes the bullies can go down and thereby reducing the amount of bullying they do.
Book-Freak posted over a year ago
Whirlwind586 said:
As long as I, animals, and hookers aren't wearing them, I'm fine with them.
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posted over a year ago 
Siren-Lamia said:
I went to an elementary school that required you to wear uniforms.
I am fine with uniforms.
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posted over a year ago 
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