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Something few people really know.
I have a pet turkey and she means so much to me. I am just trying to help her kin.
ITF posted over a year ago
 ITF posted over a year ago
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AnimeFan66 said:
I'm not a big fan of animal abuse or slaughtering. I do admit that I do eat meat, but it's not like I'm a fan of killing animals or anything. :( In fact, it's too cruel. But to hear about turkeys and how much torture they go through makes me even madder. God bless them- they are amazing, beautiful birds!
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I'm not a big fan of animal abuse or slaughtering. I do admit that I do eat meat, but it's not like I'm a fan of killing animals or anything. :( In fact, it's too cruel. But to hear about turkeys and how much torture they go through makes me even madder. God bless them- they are amazing, beautiful birds!
posted over a year ago 
Did you read it?
ITF posted over a year ago
No, but I am pretty sure I understand what they are going through. It's the same stories I hear everyday and over and over. Like elephants continue to be slaughter for ivory. It never stops and I don't think it's ever going to stop.
AnimeFan66 posted over a year ago
And it will have to stop if enough people protest.
ITF posted over a year ago
rkebfan4ever said:
I read both of them,but it got to be too much I couldn't finish the 2nd one.It's VERY sad and DISGUSTING how they are treated.I feel so bad for all the turkeys I've eaten over the years.Now,with this information planted in my head,I will skip eating turkey from now on.
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posted over a year ago 
Thank you for reading them.
ITF posted over a year ago
Animal abuse/slaughtering is one of the causes close to my heart,and I too eat meat,but that doesn't mean I enjoy animals being killed for it either(like the person below me).It makes me VERY mad when I hear things like this.Those people should get a taste of their own medicine and see how they'd like EVERYTHING those turkeys,including the baby ones go through!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
rkebfan4ever posted over a year ago
boytoy_84 said:
I think it's horrible the way they're treated and the way these a**holes kick them, stomped on their heads, boil them alive! I hate these cold-hearted people that don't care how those poor helpless turkeys feel. That is such a horrible death for them. There is so many people that are evil. and don't realize what the turkeys are going through. It's sick!
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posted over a year ago 
there aren't enough vile,disgusting names to call them.They should be put through what the turkeys are put through.There's enough senseless deaths(human and animal kind) in the world as it is,DON'T ADD TO IT!!!!
rkebfan4ever posted over a year ago
^^ You're right, Cheri. I eat meat but don't like to see a horrible death of any animal like cows, turkeys, chickens or anything that has feelings. It's too sad. my mother hates videos like that, she can't even kill a bug, ether.
boytoy_84 posted over a year ago
ShadowFan100 said:
Wow..... sadly, I do eat meat. But however, I still have a soft spot for animals. Granted, turkeys aren't my favorite--but would I want to murder one just for food? No, I could eat other things.

See, this is one of many differences between us and wild animals.

Wild animals only hunt basically cuz they have no other option. Which sucks, but true.

Human's HAVE a choice. We could eat lots of different foods that aren't meant. I do wish that meat didn't have to come from animals.... I mean, come on, why? It's just stupid.

Animals may be bound by their "instincts" but humans are not--we have free will.
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posted over a year ago 
frostedgirl1 said:
I'm vegetarian so I don't eat any type of meat but I'll tell my not to eat turkey this year!!
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posted over a year ago 
Why are you a vegetarian?
AquaMarine6663 posted over a year ago
That is great. I am also a vegetarian.
ITF posted over a year ago
AquaMarine6663 said:
1. Livestock? Pssh. They're meant to be eaten. Why treat them like kings/queens? But, there's a difference between preparing for slaughter houses, and just being a dick to the livestock.
2. Animal cruelty. I'm totally against it if it's someone abusing their pet. Makes me wanna treat them the way they treated their pet.
3. I love my steak.
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posted over a year ago 
So... you think that this is okay? Livestock? These are living creatures with as much feelings as a dog, cat, or other "pet". They are not meant to be eaten any more then you, me, dogs, or cats. They have their own lives to live.
ITF posted over a year ago
In China dogs are considered "livestock" and people eat them. So who should be treated like kings/queens? There are not many creatures as deserving as turkeys. They are kind, smart, love to be petted and hang around people. They are way better "pets" then cats. At least they seem to like you better. Also, there is vegetarian steak. And no animals have to die for it.
ITF posted over a year ago
I'm grossing you out, aren't I? Easy to do once you learn how to hate other people who judge you on your own thoughts....
AquaMarine6663 posted over a year ago
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