Random Zombie RP

Strawberry0020 posted on Feb 16, 2012 at 10:19PM
This RP takes place in Washington DC, while on a trip gone horribly wrong. The government facility has accidentally infected a test subject with a biochemical substance turning the patient ill. That one patient escaped to the outside world and the contagion has spread the Western U.S. and the death toll is skyrocketing! Most of the town is dead and the rest is in a full scale panic! All that's left is the handful of survivors, the Mercenaries, and the living dead.

Rules and Conditions-
-The water and food is safe.
-NO god-modding
-NO killing off other characters without permission.
-You can have as many OC's as you want, just keep track of them all!
-Don't ignore people who actually have legit post. It's rude. >-<
-If you join late, ask before you join so the other players can get you caught up. ^-^
-Weapons are allowed but not to extreme. (I mean machine guns, Gatling guns, etc.)
-No powers, magic, immunity, regeneration, etc.
-Rate PG-13. Just to be clear,this includes Swearing, MILD (kissing) sexual themes, a mild violence. Please don't go overboard. xD

That's it. xD ^-^

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over a year ago Strawberry0020 said…
(I'll start off.)
~The museum~
Hazel: *Taking pictures* That's beautiful!
Christian: Oh my god, get a picture of this with me in it. *Leans on a statue, with a silly pose* Katie you get in too!
Katie: *Laughs and poses with him*
Scott: What in the world are you doing? *Laughs
over a year ago dxarmy423 said…
*At a super market*

Chilly: *loads a bag full of food* All right, you find anything over there?

Claire: nothing, no ammo, no batteries nothing

Chilly: well at least we got food

Claire: and there aren't many zombies around this area

*A voice comes over the radio*

Alice: *on the radio* Hey claire, you got a couple zombies walking into the shop, stay alert

Claire: right *to Chilly* lets go

Chilly: yes

*On top of a building*

Alice: *looking through the scope of a sniper rifle* you see anything?

Cole: *has MP5 on his back, looking through a set of binoculars* Nothing but those zombies you spotted, seems to quiet

Alice: it does
over a year ago Strawberry0020 said…
~The museum~
???: *Trudging through the museum*
Hazel: I wanna be in!
Evangeline: *Walks in with soda* In what?
Hazel: The picture, come on! Get you ass over here, Angie!
Lance: *Sneaks in and makes a girly pose*
Katie: *Laughs* Wow!
Scott: Eh fine, I'll get in too. *Shrugs and walks over in front of statue*
Hazel: (???) Hey. Can you take our picture?
???: *Blankly stares at her*
Hazel: You there? *Giggles*
???: *Walks towards her*
Hazel: *Holds out camera* Aw! Thank y-
???: *Grabs her arm*
Hazel: Hey, let go! Dx
???: *Gets ready to bite her*
Evangeline: *Grabs the zombie by the shirt* Yo! What's wrong with you?
???: *Tackles Evangeline snapping at her*
Evangeline: *Pushing his face away* Get off!
Scott: *Punches zombie in the face*
???: *Falls on face, snapping neck*
Katie: D8
???: *Head lifts up, neck broken*
Hazel: *Shrieks loudly*
over a year ago dxarmy423 said…
*In the street*

Chilly: ok lets get to the roof and sort out our next plan

Claire: right

Alice: *on the radio* Claire, a group of about 6 zombies are running towards you from the north

Claire: right

Chilly: incoming

*6 zombies run at them*

Claire: crap! I left my gun at the safe house!

Chilly: *takes out two pistols and starts shooting the zombies in the head*

Claire: Damn your good
over a year ago Strawberry0020 said…
~The Museum~
*The museum is being taken over by zombies and everyone's running for their lives*
Christian: Come on, Hazel!
Hazel: I'm trying to! These shoes are killing me!
Scott: This way! *Points to the emergency exit*
Katie: *Trips* Ah!
Zombie: *Trudges over to her*
Katie: *Eyes widen*
Evangeline: Katie!
Katie: *Reflexes and kicks zombie in the face*
Lance: *Helps her up* COME ON!
*They all run outside to the tour bus*
over a year ago dxarmy423 said…
*On top of a building*

Chilly and Claire: *run up the fire escape*

Cole: you guys have to see this....

Alice: what, I can't see it *looks through the scope of her rifle*

Claire: hold on *gets her P90 sub machine gun*

Cole: looks like some kids running from zombies on a tour bus

Chilly: what?.....
over a year ago Strawberry0020 said…
~Charter bus (Sorry I meant to say Charter bus)~
*People are scrambling to get on the buses, and some of them aren't even students*
Jimmy (The chaperone, and Katie's step dad): Come on! Quickly... Children first!
Katie: *Sitting squished in the back of the bus*
Lance: *Standing up*
*More buses pull up and cops come to evacuate all humans and to try to work on defeating the hostiles*
Evangeline: Mr. Miller! Come on, drive!
Jimmy: *Takes wheel* Everyone sit tight!
over a year ago dxarmy423 said…
*On top of a building*

Cole: I didn't even know that there were that many people in the museum

Claire: must have been hiding out there

Alice: *puts her sniper rifle on her back* well lets get going, we have to get moving to Florida then take a boat to the caribbean

Chilly: ok but lets stay here for the night

Alice: ok fine....

Cole: well those buses are not going anywhere, the streets are full of zombies and wrecked cars

Chilly: think we should help them?

Cole: Maybe...but if any of them are bitten....you know the drill

Alice: eliminate...on sight
over a year ago Strawberry0020 said…
~The road~
Jimmy: *Driving*
Katie: *Squeezes to the front* What was that? Dx
Jimmy: Some type of epidemic!
Katie: We have to get back home, now!
*The car is stopped when they reach a quarantine*
over a year ago missracoon said…
-----At Greenbrick high school-----

Mr. Oak: So today class we will be...

Mr. Oak Picked up the maths book and flicked open the pages, Dawn yawns and ties her knotty hair in a black ponytail before tapping her Friend Matt on the shoulder.

Dawn: (whispering) Jeez this is boring, lets gtfo as soon as class ends eh?

Matt: (whispering) Dawn you're still in trouble from the last time you did that.

Mr. Oak: Dawn Leed and Matt Port, detetion for the two of you.
Matt: But sir!
Dawn: Oh well wasn't palnning to do anything anyway.
Matt: (whispering) i hate you so much.
Dawn: (whispering) If you love me just say so Matt!

At detention.

Dawn is toying with her "Hetalia" keyring and Matt is scrawling "I will not talk in class" in his maths book.

Radio: BZZZZZZT!....BZZT!...Listen.....zo..bies..­.ki­ll.­..i­ng.­..r­uni­nng­...­...­he.­..s­cho­ol.­
Dawn:Eh? What wrong with the radio?
Matt: I don't know but the sound its making is more loud than you, i think i will turn it off.

Matt turns off the radio, then Dawn walks to the window.

Dawn: Hey...whats that...oh my...
Matt: Dawn?! Whats wrong?
Dawn: *laughing* wow those people are so ugly!
Matt: *rolls eyes* Well we can't all have dyed black hair and a lovely face filled with gothic makeup and nose pierceings can we now?
Dawn: Shut up! It's called emo! *hits with bag*
Matt: Ow! Ow! ok! ok! *pushs Dawn away* lets just go now shall we?

The two walk side by side out of school, but then one of the "ugly" people lunge at Dawn.
Matt quickly kicks the person in the face and yells.

Matt: what are you? Some perv? Back off!
Dawn: thanks...
Matt: *blushes* whatever

The two look carefully at the guy, his skin is clammy and theres something thats just not right about him.

Matt: I have no idea what that was about but you should stay at my place tonight Dawn, i will let your parents know you are ok.
Dawn:...fine but you better not be perving over me too!

The two friends bicker back and forth for a while as they head to Matt's place but little did they know what was in store for them next...
(Sorry got a bit carried away! xD)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Strawberry0020 said…
~The Quarantine~
*The Charter bus is being evacuated*
Jimmy: Hey! What's going on?!
Cop: It's unsafe here beyond this point.
Jimmy: You don't understand... My wife and two sons are in Ohio! I have my stepdaughter with me and-
Doctor: Are any of you infected?
Katie: What do you mean infected? Why are all these people going so insane?
Evangeline: Is there some type of rebellion going on?
Doctor: No. People are devouring each other!
Scott: Cannibalism?! D8
Hazel: Ew!
Lance: Those people look sick. I don't even think they're people anymore... They're like zombies.
Jimmy: That's ridiculous!
Scott: I agree with Mr. Miller. That's just stuff from movies!
Lance: Jimmy, they are! Don't you see? They don't walk normal, they don't talk, they look lifeless, and they're eating each other!
Christian: I just wanna go home! >-< I don't wanna be stuck out here!
Doctor: We're still trying to confirm it... They might be zombies after all.
Katie: Can't you guys get some sort of help?!
Jimmy: Please tell us you can...
Doctor: The government might declare martial law on some states. Now they're working on evacuating them.
Katie: So where will we go?
Doctor: For now, the shelters. We're working on moving all the survivors towards the East.
Jimmy: *Sighs* Fine. -_-
Hazel: *Wraps arms around Christian* Oh my god... What are we supposed to do? I'm so scared!
Christian: Me too! What if we get eaten?!
Jimmy: Just calm down, class. None of us are getting eaten!
over a year ago dxarmy423 said…
*on the roof of a building*

Alice: looks like the government built a road block

Cole: so there is no way out of the city....great

Chilly: *reloads his Dual Pistols* just wait til tomarrow

Claire: might me to late by then

Chilly: just wait

*at the check point*

Zombies: *break down the fence and start attacking people*

Random Person: ahhhh! everybody hide in the city! *runs*
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Strawberry0020 said…
Katie: *Wakes up, by Evangeline and Hazel in the tent then rubs her eyes* Wha-? What's going on?
Evangeline: *Wakes up* What the hell? Dx
Katie: *Shakes Hazel* Hazel...
Hazel: *Yawns at sits up* What?
Jimmy: Come on! We have to go! They're here! Come on, get on the bus!
Katie: *Quickly jumps up*
Jimmy: *Let's them out first* Hurry!
*The place is going up in flames*
Scott: GAH! D8
over a year ago dxarmy423 said…
*On top of a building*

Cole: they need help

Alice: no...its to risky

Chilly: Alice is right

Claire: what if they could help us?

Alice: what if they're useless and get us killed!

Cole: I'm going to help *jumps down a fire escape and runs to the check point*

Alice: dammit! Cole you f***ing idiot! *runs across the roof tops*

Chilly: ugh *runs after cole*

Claire: *follows chilly*
over a year ago Strawberry0020 said…
*Cops are shooting at the zombies, but they keep trudging forward*
Hazel: *Shrieks as the get closer*
Katie: *Picks up a leg from a broken table, clutching it in fright*
*The scientist leave with their bus*
Jimmy: >8U Hey wait! Wait a second! A**HOLES!
*Zombies start to eat the cops that are near by&
Katie: D8
Cop: *Yelling, being attacked by multiple zombies*
Hazel: *Shrieks*
*The guns start shooting out of control because of the rapidly spreading fire*
Evangeline: *Covers ears* AH!
Scott: Get down! *Pulls Evangeline down with him*
*Everyone runs behind stopped cars until the shooting stops*
Scott: *Peaks head up and sees the mob of zombies dropping dead* Whew...
Jimmy: *Hides behind a car and suddenly feels gasoline leaking on his hands* SH*T! *Gets up* GAS LEAK! RUN! EVERYONE GET OUT OF HERE!
Katie: *Looks at the gasoline leaking and the flames following its path* GAH!
*The entire class start running out of control*
*The cars explode as people get on the ground and dive away*
~An hour later~
*The entire class is standing there. Some are crying, some are panicking, and the rest are just staring at the site dumbstruck*
Katie: O8
Jimmy: ._. They took our bus and left...
Scott: DUDE! We have to get out of here! Another mob could be on their way!
Lance: We might not even make it! Our stuff was on the bus!
Hazel: *Crying, hugging Christian* I'm gonna miss you Christian... TT-TT
Christian: *Sobbing* I'm gonna miss you too, Hazel!
Jimmy: *Shouts* EVERYONE! Calm down! We're not gonna get eaten or starve to death... Or whatever! She have to try to out run the epidemic! All we need is another bus, or a few cars. We might have to hike to the next town... So we're making a buddy system. *Takes off book bag, grabs clip board and starts taking attendance* Brandon...
Boy: Here!
Jimmy: Lacey!
Girl: Here!
Jimmy: *Keeps going down the list* Lance!
Lance: Here!
over a year ago dxarmy423 said…
*At the Check Point*

Cole: *jumps over a fence*

Zombie: *tries to attack cole*

Cole: *shoots the zombie in the head* too easy

Alice: *on the radio* Cole you crazy bastard, what the hell are you thinking

Cole: *on the radio* that they could help us

Alice: *on the radio* make it quick, I got you covered but not for long

Cole: *on the radio* got it

Chilly: *catches up to Cole* ugh man, you have to think clearly!

Cole: yeah yeah, where's Claire

Chilly: with Alice

Cole: ok lets go find these noobs

Chilly: yeah
over a year ago Strawberry0020 said…
Jimmy: I have bottles of water in the book bag from the quarantine. Everyone line up in alphabetic order please. *Goes down the line passing out water* Now... I'm not sure how long it's gonna be until we find a ride, so make this last until then. We're about ten miles away from the next town. Does anyone not have a partner for the buddy system?
Evangeline: *Raises hand*
Lance: *Raises hand*
Scott: *Raises hand*
Christian: *Quickly takes Katie's hand* YOU'RE MY BUDDY! >-<
Katie: *Nods*
Hazel: I don't have on either. *Holds up hand*
Jimmy: Evangeline, you're with Scott. Hazel, you're with Lance.
Evangeline: Eh... Fine.
Hazel: *Crosses arms* -_-
Jimmy: Now, men. It's your job to keep the ladies safe, you know what I mean. *Laughs a little*
Hazel: Yeah right... >-<
Jimmy: Ladies... Make sure us men don't do anything stupid. You guys know how guys are, right?
Hazel: *Immediately looks at Lance* <-<
Lance: What? Dx
over a year ago dxarmy423 said…
*At the check point*

Chilly: *sees the group* oh god with that joker leading them, they're gonna be dead by night fall

Cole: yeah, they have no idea what the hell they're doing

Chilly: let go

Alice: *on the radio* hey guys move it! More zombies inbound

*A giant group of zombies runs at the group and attacks everybody but Hazel, Jimmy, Lance, Scott, Evangeline, Katie and Christian*

Cole: *starts picking off zombies with his MP5*

Chilly: *runs up to the group* hey noobs, move or die your choice!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Strawberry0020 said…
*The students see the zombies and shake in fear*
Katie: CRAP!
Jimmy: I have an idea! *Digs into book bag*
Katie: Dude, Jimmy! A clip board isn't gonna fend off this many zombies! Dx
Evangeline: Well, it was nice knowing you all...
Jimmy: *Pulls out Glock* (He's an army veteran.)
Scott: What the fu- D8
Katie: You brought your gun? O-O
Lance: Bro, you could get fired!
Jimmy: I'd rather be jobless then lose you all. *Cocks gun back* Everyone get down.
*The Class covers ears and get down*
Evangeline: Does he even know what he's doing?
Katie: *Shrugs* He might be a bit rusty...
Jimmy: *Killing off every zombie on by one* 1...2...3...4... Ha! *Keeps shooting*
Scott: D8 Is he okay?
Katie: I honestly don't know... ._.
over a year ago dxarmy423 said…
Chilly: *to Scott, Katie, Lance, Evangeline and Hazel* Move now!

Chilly: RUN TO THE FLARE AT THE TOP OF THAT BUILDING! *points to the city*

Cole: *still popping zombies*

Alice: *on the radio* You guys better move!

*At the Safe house on the roof*

Claire: Why aren't they moving?

Alice: those kids are scarred, they're as good as dead
over a year ago Strawberry0020 said…
Jimmy: Run! I'm gonna hold them off!
*The rest of the class is in shock, and they're too frightened to even move*
Scott: Come on!
Katie: No.
Evangeline: What?
Katie: I'm not leaving without Jimmy, or the rest.
Evangeline: Why not? It's their own fault they're too scared!
Lance: I can't go either.
Scott: Why not?
Christian: Well... I don't want to leave Katie behind.
Evangeline: Come on! Cut this corny sh** and let's go! This isn't a time to be the hero!
Katie: I'm not trying to be! My Uncle Jay always told me never to leave your team behind, and so did Jimmy! So go run like a little punk if you want! I'm not all that brave, but I'm not leaving!
Christian: *Gulps and stays in his spot* Dammit...
Jimmy: *Keeps eyes on targets head sweating a bit, because he really wants them to go*
*Zombies start getting closer to them*
Katie: *Hugs Christian, Hazel, and Lance, her eyes closed tightly*
Jimmy: *Runs out of bullets then fumbles around in book bag to get more, but then drops them at the foot of a zombie*
Zombie: *Reaches out for Jimmy*
Jimmy: Damn!
*The zombies see flare and start walking in the other direction*
Jimmy: What the-?
over a year ago dxarmy423 said…
*At the Safe house*

Claire: uhh the zombies are coming over here

Alice: s*** the flare is attracting them like moths to a flame

Claire: Across the roof tops! *runs*

Alice: right behind you! *runs*

*At the check point*

Cole: they're leaving

Chilly: good!

Chilly: *to the group* you guys aren't going to last 5 more minutes out here if we didn't help you

Cole: now is anybody bitten?

*4 kids raise their hands*

Cole: great....you four leave now and never come back.....

Chilly: now as for the rest of you *points to Katie and the others*

Chilly: we have to move to the second safe house, down the street on top of the old parking garage

Cole: lets move, if you get bitten, leave or your dead. Sorry but its the rule
over a year ago Strawberry0020 said…
Evangeline: (Cole) Hey! No need to be so blunt about this. >.<
Jimmy: *Walks out into the woods* You four... follow me.
~30 minutes later~
Jimmy: *Serious, and angry* Those four, kids are alive now... I left them water and gave them my lighter. But eventually, they'll be one of those. Everyone pay your respects, yet be aware that that'll happen if we're not careful enough next time this happens.
Katie: *Looks at her feet, sad*
Lance: Man... This is crazy... *Runs hands from his bangs to the back of his neck*
Evangeline: That's f*cked up, man...
Hazel: *Sniffs*
Christian: *Shakes head*
Jimmy: I know. If it ever comes down to this again, I want the rest of you to leave, no matter what happens! You got that?! I don't care if I'm stuck here or not.
Jimmy: Now let's go.
*Everyone except walking*
Katie: Wait. *A bit pissed off* We should go to the city instead of these strangers' "clubhouse" first.
over a year ago missracoon said…
(Just so you know Matt lives with his older brother Toby i dont plan on mentioning his parents)
Matt: *opens door with key* heya Toby you there?

Matt's older brother Toby opens the door.

Toby: Hey Matt *glances at Dawn* hey Matt's hot friend
Matt:*rolls eyes* can Dawn stay over? She can borrow my clothes?
Toby: Sure

After Matt explains what happend, while Dawn takes a shower.
Then theres a knock on the door.

Matt: Eh? Who could that be?
Toby: Bah, lets just ignore it.

The knock at the door continued, for a while intill Toby lost it.

Toby: fine! I'm coming...

over a year ago thenewtitans3 said…
Can I join please please