Random Listen to the song above your post and give your thoughts on it!

deathding posted on Jan 07, 2017 at 10:46PM
Everybody posts a song they like and users have to listen to the song above their post, while afterwards they give their thoughts on the song in their post. Let's get a fun conversation going here, I'll start it off! :)

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over a year ago ThePrincesTale said…
K hello how does this forum work. Jumping in on the party. I love that song lol and I reckon her vocals are absolutely on-point, even more so than her other stuff. She has a great, strong voice and it's obvious in this song. Also "Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone" <-- great line.

(Below: don't usually listen to 80s/90s music but this has been stuck in my head for daaays. Song about giving land rights to Aboriginal people by a very famous Australian band)

WHY AREN'T URLs EMBEDDING TODAY wtf fanpop get your shit together - every possible url gets a complaint that "this doesn't appear to be a valid or complete URL". Will try again later. Here's the bare link for now, sorry. Nvm I'm a fucking noob lol
last edited over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
You have to remove the s from the link. Leave it being http. It should work that way PrincesS !!!! over a year ago
ThePrincesTale commented…
LOL thanks. Been here for 6 years and still don't know how to use this website properly xD over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
No roadtrip. You need 80's music for a road trip. The last one my family went on was accompanied by Journey. Funny story about that too; My mom is all like "don't listen to Don't Stop Believing. Weird things always happen when you do." It's like a family myth now. And the worst part is; so far she's right. Like it was a short road trip but we were listening to the song and this biker dude is making all of these weird gestures at my dad (we didn't know what any of them meant but he was getting really mad???) and then he zooms around us. About an hour later we were listening to the song ANd tHE dUDe sHoWS uP aGAIN!!! Like the same motorcycle bro. It was bizarre. And at the same time we were passing a house that was on fire??? The firetrucks were already there. And motorcycle guy didn't even seem to notice??? My mom was all, "kay, that's enough Journey for today." over a year ago
over a year ago TheLefteris24 said…
I really loved it. It was pretty catchy and the classic vibes all around it felt pretty refreshing. Now, I'm interested in doing some research about this Band actually !!!!
ThePrincesTale commented…
Yay glad to get it out there then! Would also recommend "Blue Sky Mine" if you liked that. Context of the song: "blue" refers the blue asbestos that caused various fatal diseases in its workers, the song's about the mining companies that knew this but covered it up. Most of their songs are about environmentalist, anti-nuclear weapons or indigenous causes. over a year ago
ThePrincesTale commented…
Fun fact: The lead singer retired from music and became a government minister lel. It was a rather unconventional career path. over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
^ I see. Looked it up and I really liked what I found. Really appreciate works like these. That fact seems like quite an irony XD !!!! over a year ago
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
The Hobbit & LotR has one of my favorite sound tracks. This is such a good piece, very solemnly soothing. I have to listen to the soundtrack again.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago uploaded900 said…
It's a pretty song. It definitely has the fall/winter aesthetic going on.

over a year ago zanhar1 said…
I do like this a lot. What country is this song from? I'm getting lowkey Bollywood vibes. The video is really pretty. I like her accent. The chorus is very catchy.
last edited over a year ago
uploaded900 commented…
It is Bollywood! The song is in Hindi and yea great song over a year ago
over a year ago uploaded900 said…
It's not my style, but I like the oceanic vibes.
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
I listened to this song a while ago. I like the video a lot for the sheer oddity of it. I didn't hate or even dislike the song or anything; it just wasn't my cup of tea.
over a year ago uploaded900 said…
I really dig her voice, it sounds unique. I like how it has the gothic vibe going on with a tint of folk in it.

TheLefteris24 commented…
Those were some nice Swedish goods. Just saying !!!! over a year ago
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
I didn't care for the video but the song itself was catchy as hell. It has almost an old school trance/techno vibe and reminds me of my middle school taste in music. I like it well enough.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago TheLefteris24 said…
I could say the same about yours. It really gave me a Trance/Techno vibe as well. Found it pretty soothing and mesmerizing. I actually really felt like I was put under a trance lol. Nice one !!!!
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
Oh shit dude, I'm seeing this band in concert (if nothing goes south by then)! This puts me in the mood for sure. This was one of my favorites by them alongside the one they did with Charlotte Wessels from Delain.
over a year ago uploaded900 said…
Butterfly is my favorite bubblegum dance song and hearing it like this is a wild ride! It's so beautiful, especially with the traditional Japanese instruments. Me gusta.
zanhar1 commented…
They have a whole new album, dude. But I think it's just the one singer alone now. over a year ago
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
I like the atmosphere of this song. I like the lyrics too. In general I like this song, it's got a good beat and vocals. I loved the outfits too.
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
This is everyone's reminder to not forget about this wonderful forum.
CokeTheUmbreon commented…
I won't :) over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
PREACH !!!! over a year ago
over a year ago CokeTheUmbreon said…
I can get down with this. I like the dark intro. It matches my aesthetic tbh.
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
I liked the drop in this one. It's got a pretty catchy beat. I didn't care for the vocal samples, but everything else was cool.
over a year ago CokeTheUmbreon said…
Not a fan of Noisecontrollers tbh.
over a year ago TheLefteris24 said…
Nice one. It is definitely something I would especially enjoy when hearing it on the Beach (Boiii... I really do miss Summer... At least we have Christmas now though). I really liked the rhythm and the melody afterwards went along pretty well. Quite soothing !!!!
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
Not a fan of the anime but I like the song. The guitar riff is nice. I also like the vocals. It kinda reminds me of this song called called 'CA In July' by the Bombpops.
TheLefteris24 commented…
Didn't knew about The Bombpops. Just listened to 'CA In July'. It is a pretty cool Song !!!! over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
Glad you liked it. over a year ago
over a year ago SwordofIzanami said…
This is the song I could listen to whenever I feel depressed. I can feel the mix of sadness and determination. Overall, this song is nice and I like it.

Since I just finished my college semester, so I think the song I posted is a perfect tone of my relieve.
over a year ago TheLefteris24 said…
I found it pretty calming. I can see the relieving for similar reasons. I believe it fits quite well. It also serves as a reminder that I need to watch this Anime at some point lol !!!!
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
I like the instruments in this one but I don't know if I'm a fan of the vocals. They just don't seem to go with them. All in all I think that the song is alright. Pretty catchy.
over a year ago TheLefteris24 said…
It was quite a soothing and mesmerizing Song. The Video certainly amplified that feeling. I really liked its Serenity !!!!
over a year ago Rihanna312 said…
This one`s good. 8/10 will add to my playlist and listen to again.
over a year ago TheLefteris24 said…
I found it great. It really gave me a peaceful but still kinda melancholic vibe. I love such a combination and would definitely listen to that one again as well !!!!
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
This song is very soothing. I like the vocals a lot they set a certain mood; I don't exactly know how to describe it--gently mystical maybe? Whatever it is, I enjoyed the vibe. Kind of reminds me of Bowie's I'll Survive.
TheLefteris24 commented…
Yeah, just listened to I'll Survive and I can see some similarities !!!! over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
Honestly this song is trippy af and if I did drugs I would definitely do drugs to this music video. over a year ago
over a year ago TheLefteris24 said…
I guess, I could say the same about yours. It really has a Mystical vibe. Kinda hypnotic, I must say? The Video certainly amplified that feeling. Quite unique.

I know that I have already posted something similar related to this Song but I just recently discovered this Version and couldn't help but share it. It has certainly become my favorite so far !!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
I always love a good LotR/Hobbit song. It really sets the fantasy mood for me. And ya'll know how much I love fantasy. Don't worry about the similarities; I enjoy these kinds of songs.
TheLefteris24 commented…
Yep, we all do XD I knew you would especially appreciate it !!!! over a year ago
over a year ago TheLefteris24 said…
That was pretty cool. I really liked its rhythm. It is certainly dynamic. As far as I recall, this is the first time I'm listening to Chinese Rap, I believe. I was interested in checking it out for quite a while.

last edited over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
This was actually my first time listening to Chinese rap as well. I've had a chance to look into it more and I'm impressed. over a year ago
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
#Relatable Idk how but it is tho. It is a cute cover/parody.
over a year ago TheLefteris24 said…
I must say that this Song really gave me the chills. I mean, like real chills. The temperature around me felt like dropping if that makes any sense lol (I still mean it in a good way XD). It was a pretty wild and unique one I must say and speaking of which, I got reminded of a particular Song I wanted to show you for a while !!!!
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
I liked that right from the first strum lol. It's got a very unique sound; I have no idea what's going on but I approve. It sounds chaotic and disoriented.
last edited over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
It is sung by Ibuki Mioda. She is from Danganronpa and one of my favorite Characters from the Series. I'm pretty sure you would really like her if you get to know her. Find her pretty relatable as well !!!! over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
Is she in the anime or just the games? over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
She is featured in the Games and the Danganronpa 3 Anime. I know you're not much of the Gaming type but provided you have finished watching the first Animation, you could try watching a playthrough of the Second Game as well. It isn't really any different than watching a Show or reading a Book concerning the nature of this Series. Of course, you can always skip it and go straight to the DR3 Anime. Thing is that you won't get the full experience like seeing the full potential of a few Characters(like Ibuki for example). Many things might seem like they came out of the blue or rushed if you're not aware of certain events in the Games. It is still enjoyable though. In the end, the choice is yours !!!! over a year ago
over a year ago TheLefteris24 said…
I liked it. It had a soothing but melancholic vibe at the same time. The voice was pretty mesmerizing as well !!!!
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
This reminds me of bubblegum dance crossed with metal. I like it :P very unique sort of blend.

This one is from soundcloud so you'll have to follow the link; link
over a year ago TheLefteris24 said…
I always loved that Song. That was quite a kickass and wild version. Really liked its dynamism !!!!
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
I always did like that carol. I like this version a lot more than the original though. I've always been a fan of the epic versions of songs. Tarja's version of this song is amazing too.
over a year ago TheLefteris24 said…
I like it. Found it pretty relaxing. It made me get lost in thought while listening to it !!!!
over a year ago uploaded900 said…
It's pretty darn catchy. A cute but lit cartoonish party song. I know it sounds random, but it reminds me of Old Navy.

TheLefteris24 commented…
I can see a resemblance in a way !!!! over a year ago
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
Oh I love this! Her voice is so elegant and powerful. I'm gonna have to look up more of her music. Didn't care for the male vocals though. That aside; everything else was great.
over a year ago TheLefteris24 said…
Love these two XD The image alone takes me back. That was quite unique. I really liked the powerful and mystical tone in it !!!!
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
Lmao youtube kept recommending me this song but I never clicked it. I guess it was meant to be. I think that I like this better than the original actually. While I liked the character singing it; I was never really able to get into the song but this beat and style just works for it.
over a year ago TheLefteris24 said…

Anyway, found the above Song pretty soothing. I really liked the beat and I believe it fits pretty well into a night background. Nice one !!!!
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
Aren't these the guys who sing the Gay Eskimo song??? Either way around this song is an adventure. Like this isn't the kind of song you listen to; it's the kind of song you experience. It's stupidly catchy lmao.
TheLefteris24 commented…
Nah, Gay Eskimo was sung by Cork and The Juice Pigs. This Song hasn't got anything to do with Tenacious D as far as I know. Due to various circumstances it was mislabeled from what I found out !!!! over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
That's probably why I thought it was by them. I found it via a fanvideo about Sokka lmao. Never bothered to question it. But I'll have to look more into both Tenacious D and Cork. over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
^ You should. They have some pretty awesome Songs besides the ones in here !!!! over a year ago
over a year ago TheLefteris24 said…
Man, I would love to have some Ice Cream right now... Oh, don't mind me. I must say that it really cracked me up XD Found that one catchy as well. Hilariously catchy !!!!
zanhar1 commented…
Same though, the song is a riot and it drives my dad nuts; he thinks its the dumbest thing in the world. over a year ago
over a year ago Riku114 said…
That is... quiet interesting XD Its funny XD
Riku114 commented…
It reminds me of Devil Went Down to Georgia... but rock version XD over a year ago
zanhar1 commented…
Devil Went Down To Georgia is a good song dammit! over a year ago
TheLefteris24 commented…
^ Just looked it up and it is a pretty good song indeed. Just like Beelzeboss goddammit! Or in this case, DEVILDAMMIT! lol I can see the resemblance !!!! over a year ago
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
I'd probably like the non-acoustic version more. But I like this too. Her voice is sweet and strong at the same time. I think that she has a pretty voice at that. The lyrics are intriguing too.
over a year ago TheLefteris24 said…
That was simply great. The Singer's voice is beautiful and has the kind of power that pulls out this Song pretty well. What I've Done has always been one of my favorite Linkin Park Songs !!!!
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
I saw these guys live. They got so pissed at Manson for going over his time lol. I'm always a fan of their work. I love the video for this song too. I especially like the bit at 1:02.
over a year ago TheLefteris24 said…
Kinda hard to describe. It gives me a despairing vibe. Dark in overall. I like it. Especially the fading Song in the background. Can't recall the name right now but I always loved listening to that one. The beat is pretty good too !!!!
over a year ago zanhar1 said…
O shit! This was my jam back in the day! Green Day used to be my #1 favorite band when I was like 8. And this one was one of my favorites.
TheLefteris24 commented…
Same here. It always hits me right in the feels whenever I hear it !!!! over a year ago