Random Gripe Section

jedigal1990 posted on Dec 05, 2009 at 12:30AM
do you have something you want to get off your chest is something really ticking you off well science has proved that bottling things up inside is not good for yu so here is your place to get things off your chest.

this idea came after i wrote the article things that tick me off or something like that. after writing it i felt better and decided to make a forum to let everyone else vent their frustrations and get support from those who feel the same way

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over a year ago robothor1111 said…
Ok-here's what is really ticking ME off right now-hypocrites! I'm surrounded by them and they are just so...so...gosh darn, I have to use nice words on this site, don't I?
over a year ago jedigal1990 said…
hahah i feel your pain