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Resident Evil Question

Who else here thinks Alice's character helped ruined the RESIDENT EVIL films???!!!

your all wrong Alice was in Resident Evil game in the 1st one but she was a clone and later she died in a lab explosion they were supposed to keep her alive but they didn't and thats why they said lets put her story and make it a movie franchise to show the audience what happened if she lived since she was supposed and they killed the other twin.
jc7279 posted over a year ago
I have always felt that she ruined it. But blame capcom. They didnt want the movies to be like the games
Shadow1997 posted over a year ago
 ForsakenMoon19 posted over a year ago
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Resident Evil Answers

Marionexis said:
I dont know about u but... I really like her. All that dont agree with me please see Resident Evil Afterlife 3D. Milla Jovovich acts great, and if u think that she doesnt stand a chance without her powers u r... TOTALLY WRONG. She kicks zombie asses, even Wesker. Oh, and dont worry,if Chris and Claire appeared Im sure Leon will.
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I dont know about u but... I really like her. All that dont agree with me please see Resident Evil Afterlife 3D. Milla Jovovich acts great, and if u think that she doesnt stand a chance without her powers u r... TOTALLY WRONG. She kicks zombie asses, even Wesker. Oh, and dont worry,if Chris and Claire appeared Im sure Leon will.
posted over a year ago 
Even if they do put leon in a movie they're probably going to screw him up. Leon is too awesome for them to screw him up though so either they ruin him or theyre gonna make some one up again like alice and her lame powers.
Moonfire8 posted over a year ago
Your opinion not mine... I still think Alice is cool.
Marionexis posted over a year ago
Marionexis posted over a year ago
weirdcandy said:
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posted over a year ago 
Totally, she thinks she so hot slaying zombies while looking like a street tramp and god is she stupid!!! I'll never forget how she acted in the first film like a skank on drugs!!! There's zombies everywhere and she's acts like some invincible ditz!!!! Can't stand her, wish they never put her in the movies!!! Should have killed her off after the second movie!!! Now we all have to watch her ruin the next film!!!!
ForsakenMoon19 posted over a year ago
weirdcandy posted over a year ago
danafan said:
It's sad seeing so much hate toward an amazing character, i hear the same shit everytime "SHE'S NOT IN THE GAMES" who cares!!!!, she's cool and she is interesting, Alice is not going anywhere!
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posted over a year ago 
yeah thats the spirit! :D
InvaderRena posted over a year ago
Alice is in the first game. Play the games before you comment, you dumb idiots
juggla22 posted over a year ago
WUT. Calling people idiots even though you have completely incorrect information? Alice is in NONE of the games.
onemorefinal posted over a year ago
InvaderRena said:
i'm not gonna hate k?
cuz your a hater.
and haters be hatin'.
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i'm not gonna hate k?
cuz your a hater.
and haters be hatin'.
posted over a year ago 
WADM said:
I think the way RE was made absolutly ruins it, Extremely exagerated, no horror at all, characters and storyline totaly neglected and the Alice character is the personalization of that.. and to me it all became worse after she lost the powers.. well just to back me up, a chick jumps 1000 meters underground shooting and slashing people, If it isnt a japanese anime, it makes absolutly no sence.
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posted over a year ago 
Angelow88 said:
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posted over a year ago 
I can't stand her!!!! She's soooooooo annoying, hate Alice!!!!! She's not even an interesting character let alone even in the games!!!!
ForsakenMoon19 posted over a year ago
weirdcandy posted over a year ago
lololololol i made my account to reply to him too!
onemorefinal posted over a year ago
honbear said:
I hate her sooooooooooo much I need Jill Valentine
& Wesker
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posted over a year ago 
oh i agree all the way
cherry7878 posted over a year ago
Same here!!
ForsakenMoon19 posted over a year ago
Fauk,i couldn't agree more >.>
secretmusician posted over a year ago
Leon-S-Kennedy said:
Yeah. Her being in the movie and not being in the game ruined the story enough. But her acting makes it all the worse. I want Leon in one of them.
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posted over a year ago 
Yes Leon, Claire (though i don't care for Ali Larter), Chris, Jill and Wesker!!
ForsakenMoon19 posted over a year ago
I think Jill already appeared... did she...?
Marionexis posted over a year ago
hmm lets see, theres chris, jill, barry, rebecca and wesker and guess what?? youll never believe it... no alice, you prune!!
njinnuity posted over a year ago
viruskeeper said:
Geez very very very much. With all her powers and stuff, she totally destroyed the concept of survival! I HATE HER! Jill and Claire should be the heroines in the movie!
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posted over a year ago 
I totally agree but the actress they chose for Claire was all Wrong!!! She's supposed to be 22 and Ali Larter is like over 30, but not just that I can't stand her acting!!! They should've got a different actress for Claire!!!
ForsakenMoon19 posted over a year ago
What does the age of the real actress has to do with Claire's age, I mean nothing in this world is perfect. Only God is.
Marionexis posted over a year ago
Que mal...
Marionexis posted over a year ago
Serpent_Z said:
Follow this link to see how I feel about the RE movie:

My feelings about Alice-link

My feelings about Paul William Scott Anderson-
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posted over a year ago 
depp-fan said:
i m not gonna watch that movie!
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posted over a year ago 
Well, it's ur problem not mine. I really enjoyed the movie.
Marionexis posted over a year ago
That cuz u have bad taste no ofense:/ BTW Alice totally blows in that movie, Wesker, Chis and West all dominated the show!!!!
ForsakenMoon19 posted over a year ago
NickBoone said:
I don 't.
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posted over a year ago 
I hate you NickBoone. As long as you think that Leon sucks I will Forever despise you.
Moonfire8 posted over a year ago
agreed, who the hell could hate Leon???
ForsakenMoon19 posted over a year ago
Lucy64 posted over a year ago
Moonfire8 said:
I'm not sure if she has cuz I haven't seen all of them but I think they should have used a character from the resident evil games instead of making up alice. I mean c'mon they could've used claire or jill or even rebecca if they wanted a butt-kicken zombie slayer chick.
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posted over a year ago 
or leon. he beats ALLLLLLL!
Lucy64 posted over a year ago
just ask david cassidy:)
Lucy64 posted over a year ago
leon rules....when is hunk gonna appear ? He is epic
Luismarquez130 posted over a year ago
Zealotman2012 said:
Alice did i dont know where she suddenly came in
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posted over a year ago 
roxyroller said:
I think it's important to look at both as great series. I mean if the movie was just like the games it would make it predictable. The Alice character I think brings a new challenge to the series. Someone infected that survived and is trying so hard to get away from what makes her survive. I think that now that she doesn't have powers it will make it super instresting because she'll be badass with no stupid virus help.
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posted over a year ago 
Not actually predictable. The Resident Evil Universe goes along with our real time. Besides the Movie was so stucked up with the Racoon City (Zombies) incident while the Video Game series have already been to Las Plagas and Uroboros.
oinky posted over a year ago
nva_mario97 said:
I don't really know, but it would be cool and epic if all of our own Resident Evil character would be in the movie and in the game, too.
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posted over a year ago 
IM-A-DEPP said:
You Know What !!!
I Just Hope that Leon Will Finally Eat The "Jill-Sandwich"

Here you Can See Leon With Alice in RE - Retribution!
so leon is in the Movie,Jill & Ada also in :D
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You Know What !!!
I Just Hope that Leon Will Finally Eat The "Jill-Sandwich" 

Here you Can See Leon With Alice in RE - Retribution!
so leon is in the Movie,Jill & Ada also in :D
posted over a year ago 
pisces_lilly85 said:
She was cool in the first movie but after the 2nd, it kinda got ridiculous to me. They gave her those stupid powers and it ruined it for me. I didnt mind that she wasnt in the games but in my mind, Jill and Claire kicked a lot of ass and didnt need super psychic powers to be strong and survive.
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posted over a year ago 
Flameking97 said:
Dumb character,horrible movies, useless slow motion 3D. This character is bad but not horrible, she is interesting at times but other then that the story and character is just awful.
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posted over a year ago 
randomtoe said:
i dont i think the movies are great.. people will always HATE! oh boohoo they arent exactly like the games.. i bet most people havent even played all of them lmao.. i have even the super assy ones like operation raccoon city.. anyways i hope the movies stay as is whats the point of them being exactly like the games you want to experience the games story?.. then play the fucking games! xD if you want to see leon in a movie in all his video game glory watch RE:Degeneration and RE: Damnation Ive yet to watch retribution but have seen all but that one..
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posted over a year ago 
robotwit said:
just to say in resident evil retribution leon does come in and so does agent wong both charicters from the game
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posted over a year ago 
juggla22 said:
You guys are so stupid alice is in the very first resident evil Game ever made.
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posted over a year ago 
were not stupid, you obviously clearly havent played the game moron.
njinnuity posted over a year ago
Mego129 said:
Alice was trained by umbrell so she was already a badass, after the first movie she was genetically modified and was put in "project alice" thats why she has all the powers theres only 2 times in any movie were those powers are usef
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posted over a year ago 
i hate the movies, god they make my blood boil, none of the characters look at all like they do in the games i was gutted when i first saw alice, not a mention in the games but star of the show!, why?? then i saw carlos ii mean i thought he was mexican?! after that it was jill what the hell? then chris in what looked like a cheap costume from toys r us and not enough muscle, to ada i mean come on!! and when did leon turn weedy lookin?? and the final straw is the fact that rain is back. hell i thought she was zombified in the first film. these movies are cheesier than the original resident evil intro on the ps1 and the characters and dialogue were a damn sight more believable then than they are now, and thats saying a lot. i mean come on i followed the franchise from the beginning of the games and it feels like hollywoods taken a dump on the whole franchise. why cant everyone else see it?!.
njinnuity posted over a year ago
ooh yeh and when was barry in his 20s?? and why the hell does he have to die in the new movie. he was one of the unsung heroes of the games.
njinnuity posted over a year ago
everybodyhatesu said:
Leon sucks.
Chris sucks.
Jake sucks.
Ada sucks Leon but she's cool.

Now, I will admit, I do like the games. Resident Evil has be a staple of the gaming world for quite some time, but look at the characters, they're just soldiers: limited, common, and expendable. Is the world going to miss any of them? No, they'll just send Peter, Paul, and Bob to replace them.

Ada escapes my wrath only because she has a bit of reputation in her backstory along with that hook thingy that looks kind-of cool and because she occasionally wears something that looks a little bit interesting.

Alice is what makes resident evil work on film, what would you rather see:
1. People shooting guns and dying.
2. People except one person who's idea of a fun Saturday evening is to run down the sides of skyscrapers and who shrugs off bullets like they were slightly-toasted marshmallows.

Alice puts resident evil on par with The Matrix (the first one, that is; not the gimpy sequels). Without her it's "just another zombie movie."
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posted over a year ago 
WeskersGal84 said:
For me it's not Alice per say, I like her only for the simple fact that she is a female kicking ass but as someone who loves the RE plot from the Games, Alice does ruin it but the blame for that is Paul Anderson. He had the great chance to bring the RE plot from the games onto the big screen but instead he ruined it with his own ideas for the universe. The contradictions is really sickening and I won't go into detail since it would stray away from the topic at hand. Paul Anderson did so much to divide the RE community, from those that love RE from Games only to those that love RE from the movies, and those that like both.
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posted over a year ago 
Arushee said:
Let me tell you that if she will not be in the films,there will be no fun as much because SHE IS THE MAIN CHARACTER.How can you be annoyed with her? :/
She's the best actor i've ever seen in my whole fuckin life.She is the only reason why people watch resident evil movies you idiot.
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posted over a year ago 
Armannn said:
I don't think so. Honestly, I prefer K-Mart and Rain over Alice and those 2 should have been in the games.
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posted over a year ago 
CooCooBird said:
Alice is shit and the movies are GARBAGE!
Paul Andersen and Milla Jokeabitch have NEVER played the games and it shows!
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posted over a year ago 
Wrything said:
In all honesty, yes, her character has ruined the franchise but not in a way most people think. Her character completely abandons the original essence of the games and storylines by focusing on the fanatic, convoluted system of "gender equality" that Hollywood deems bankable to the general public. Instead of telling a story steeped in psychological horror and the ethics of B.O.W.S. and their misuse; we are force fed sexist propoganda that slaps us in the face and says"Hey, fuck the soul of the original game. Lets all make a film that empowers women and degrades men!" Not sexist, however have you noticed that most men in the film either die outright or are downplayed for screen time? Hmmm I think we need the real Jill Valentine and crew to prove that video game movies can hold something more of substance than some pointless ideology. No hate please just an observation.
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posted over a year ago 
I love it Wrything. If you had to post this in a gazette I would deem it a professional and sincere review. It is sickening how the male figure is being abused. And no one seems to care. Unless men start showing off their God given cohones and spit on the ground these vile feminists walk on, this abuse will continue and increase.
Delavega posted over a year ago
ToughMuffin2110 said:
The movies are dumb! Stick to the games!!!
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posted over a year ago 
JRP491 said:
Let's think of all the reasons to hate the movies. Resident Evil is survival horror, Alice being extremely super human defeats that entire point. (Survival horror is to have extreme horrible conditions stacked against the character. Far easier to imagine or relate to a human than a super human!) Wesker is a good guy. Wait what? Before he was a good guy he was the CEO of Umbrella. Wait what? Jill, Chris, Leon, Claire's back stories are terrible. Did I mention the Nemesis has a heart and cares about people. HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE ALICE AND THE RESIDENT EVIL MOVIE'S
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posted over a year ago 
Monkeyman64 said:
Bitch is too OP and boring.
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posted over a year ago 
Delavega said:
Nemesis is good! Nemesis is baaaad. He's fast, he's terrifying, he's so badass he uses his rocket launcher as a baseball bat. Even the way he holds his hands two fingers in three fingers straight. He is the pinnacle of dominance! I'm of course talking about the game. What did the movie producers do? They turned him into a 50's robot and gave him a minigun! He doesn't need a minigun he's got a firetrucking rocket launcher! There are some people who said the acting is good, I'm certain there are movies where Milla would be suited for, Quintin Tarantino would certainly be able to fit her in I mean he's a genius in making bad actors look good.Truly I loved her in The fifth Element (I actually really did, I was young and my hormones were raging! I remember thinking: Bruce you lucky bastard). But as a starring actor in an action movie! She's too insecure for that, I mean between the stuttering and the shaking I don't know which shows the most. Moreover, Carlos is a juvenile playboy not the posterboy for maturity. So how did it get so many hits? Well who hates the resident evil game the most? You guessed it - THE ZOMBIES!!! Annnd that's why they love the movies so much!
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posted over a year ago 
atomiclithium said:
As a standalone character in a separate Resident Evil universe yes, I like Alice as a character. I am a giant fan of the video games so seeing the movies deviate from the original concept is pretty disappointing.
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posted over a year ago 
trueshadowwolf said:
The Resident Evil movies aren't so bad in my opinion, but all I can say is my least favorites are Retribution and Afterlife
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posted over a year ago 
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