Sawyer and Juliet Season Final Specualtions

xDHmadx posted on May 12, 2009 at 08:21PM
Somebody seriously needs to fill me with some optimistic theories, people.
After watching the new promo - i have a HORRIBLE feeling in the pit of my stomach.
They wouldn't honestly kill either of our fave characters off would they?! =(
And I know i keep saying i don't mind if they're not together but i've come to realise i really really DO want them together!!!!


Sawyer and Juliet 22 replies

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over a year ago courtney7488 said…
I haven't watched the promo, but I do have a bad feeling about both of them. I've had this gut feeling that Juliet's gonna die ever since the third season finale, and this feeling gets worse every time a season finale rolls around.

I don't know if I could take either Juliet's or Sawyer's death right now. I'm still not over Dan's death yet! I just don't know if I could take the deaths of two of my favorites characters in two weeks.

Sorry for the lack of reassurance. Just think- our minds will be at peace over this in just over twenty-four hours.
over a year ago sahour95 said…
Ohh hun courtney I'm so sorry Dan died. I totally forgot he's one of your fav characters

I'd like to have an optimistic idea too but it just doesn't work !!! *crys* I don't think I can take it anymore I can't watch one of them dying please it's not faire at all. I'll die if sth happens for eitheir of them.
Sorry no optimistic ideas I guess I'm just making it worst but I can't think about anything but that! *never stops crying*
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
*hugs sahour* Stop crying! Save your crying for later just in case something really does happen to either one of them.

I bring some optimism! I don't know why I didn't think of this before, but my motto on my profile certainly applies here. It's from my favorite musical, Les Miserables- "Even the darkest night will end, and the sun will rise." Basically, if one of them dies, just remember that they will be reunited at some point, even if it's not here on Earth.

Also remember all the happy times that they had together (even the ones we didn't get to see lol). Go back and watch some of their scenes together if you feel the need to do so. If they die for each ("Romeo and Juliet" style), remember that they each experienced great happiness with one another that they would not have experienced otherwise. 'Tis better to love than not to have loved at all.
over a year ago sahour95 said…
Agree with you I think I should follow your advice I'll try to think about this. Thanx hun I feel better now
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
I don't think I'd be anywhere near as distraught if all the 77 died ( a theory that's been jumping from forum to forum recently ) but if one of them died I'd have to watch the others reaction and i just couldn't take it.

Oh well ... this time tomorrow we'll know for sure. I hate that I live in the UK! I have to wait til thursday morning :(
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
I agree. Somehow the possibility of all the characters dieing is much less upsetting than the idea of just one or two characters dieing.
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
I'm glad im not the only one who thinks that!!

OKay ... they CAN'T die ... they beat SKATE AND JATE in the abc showdown of the quadrangle!!!! The kitchen scene BEAT the cage scene which shall not be named lol! and now we've beaten JATE too!

It's not much but it's the optimism i need right now!
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
They're pretty much the only quadrangle couple that's not hated at this point (though they do have their haters, it's not nearly as bad as any of the other quadrangle couples).

You should check out this video: link. Maybe it's just her personality, but somehow she makes me feel better about all this.
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
big smile
I've seen it before ... awwh I love EM she's one of my fave actress's!!

When i watched it I was filled with hope for her as a character ... I dont no what to think nowww !!!! lol!

Have you watched the doc jesen interviews with darlton on DARKUFO?
The 3rd part is all about Suliet ... actually after watching it i feel a hole HELL of a lot better!!!!!!!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
big smile
No, I have not seen those interviews. I'll have to check those out later.

EDIT: I just watched that video. It's so nice to hear them say such positive things about Juliet and Sawyer.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago bellelena said…
Nothing bad can happen to Juliet and Sawyer! I have alreadly had to deal with crap with one of my favorite pariings this week, I simply can't take any more!
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
Watch the doc jesen video!! I feel a lot better about it now ... still scared but not dreading it as much lol!!
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
I can officially say i spent the last ten minutes of the episode SOBBING.
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
It's so eerily quiet in here today ...

Can you tell me if Elizabeth Mitchell will appear on Lost in season six? She was my favorite actress on the show, and I think after last night, I may have died a little on the inside. Thank you!
Sources confirm that Elizabeth Mitchell will appear on Lost next year. But does that mean Juliet's alive and a going concern on the show? Well, we're meant to debate all summer who lived and died in the Lost finale, but you will note that she fell hundreds of feet into the waiting arms of a hydrogen bomb. You'll have to do your own calculations about her realistic prospects for survival—there are many variables to include in your equation!—but we've been asked nicely not to show you our answers. Good luck.


Locke fell way further than jules and halli ho he's two people now lmao! (Y)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago smoore23 said…
OMG my heart broke when Sawyer started crying because he lost Juliet. :(
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
I believe Juliet is alive! If she is dead, then they're all probably dead, and I don't think the writers would kill off so many characters at once. I'm thinking/hoping the detonation worked in the way Dan and Jack thought it would, and Juliet is probably wherever everyone else is.

xDHmadx- You're right about Locke surviving just as big of a fall- perhaps the flashback to his fall this episode was foreshadowing Juliet's survival? Also remember that Desmond survived the hatch implosion, and Juliet pretty much experienced the same thing here.

"Sources confirm that Elizabeth Mitchell will appear on Lost next year."

Yay! I hope she's still a regular next season. She really is the best actress on the show, and I think her scenes this episode proved that.
over a year ago sahour95 said…
Agree with you hun! I hope you're all right about he coming back next season.
God I cried so much last night. I wasn't in a mood to do anything. But I shoud've seen this forum before, to have some hope. seirously I wanted to kill the writers the scene was so beautiful and heart bre4aking. I really hope she's alive
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
I didn't even cry because I was too shocked and angry over her "death". Seriously, I think I missed some key scenes afterward because I was so angry... I don't even remember Ben killing Jacob. I don't even know if I'll be able to re-watch this whole episode again to catch anything I missed because I don't know if I can watch the "death" scene again. It was so beautifully acted- it was so heartbreaking, and that's what made it so painful to watch. I was SO relieved to see her alive in that final scene (which was awesome, by the way).
over a year ago sahour95 said…
Yeah I really hope they'll find her a twist. Like they travelled in time or the bomb didn't explode or sth any thing . Just please please don't kill her. I can't think of anything now, Just hope she's fine ...somehow.
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
I really think that if they bomb had exploded we'd have seen it. Could you imagine? The last few seconds before an 8 month hiatus to be a nuclear explosion!!!
They wouldnt have set half the season up using white flashes of light to associate with time travel, then use it for something else and expect us to believe it wasn't them flashing to the present day! Jules is alive ... she can't NOT be. I think we'll be lead to believe she is dead for the first 3 or 4 episodes then BOOM - we'll see that big beautiful blue eye open up and she'll be aliiivee!!!
Season 5 mirrored season 2 ... desmond turned the failsafe key and he was FINE!
over a year ago sahour95 said…
big smile
yeah yeah yeah perfect idea hun!!!
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
Well, we thought Jin was dead for the first few episodes of season 5, so the same thing could happen with Juliet. Plus, all this time we've been led to believe that Locke rose from the dead but it turned out he didn't, so it's an interesting parallel. We thought Locke was alive and then found out he wasn't; we thought Juliet was dead and then found out she wasn't.