Sawyer and Juliet Suliet ~ How they became!

xDHmadx posted on May 18, 2009 at 05:15PM
Hey guys! I thought after our tragic finale

*moments silence for THAT if you please*

lol, anyway, that we could all use little pick me up, so i thought we could start a little game or something to see how we all think Suliet came to be :)

I think that they were friends first ... they loved each other but had absolutely no idea until one day, perhaps 8 months into Dharma life say, they have a big massive argument and it ends in the profession of their love - and hot dirty sex to go with it ;-) lmao!!!

How do you all think they got together? :)

Sawyer and Juliet 11 replies

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over a year ago sahour95 said…
big smile
Now I agree with what you've said until the huge fight thing. They have a fight and end up kissing each other then Juliet takes off without saying a word. They don't talk about it for a while until it pops up and they convince to each other thier love!!!!
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
big smile
A fanfic i started writing a few weeks back, let me know what you think! ... there's some other amazing Sawyer/Juliet stuff on there! :)

I can sooo see Juliet doing that - kissing him really passionately then just taking off haha!! And Sawyer's just like ... whaaaa?! lol!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago sahour95 said…
big smile
Exactly what I mean!!!!!!
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
I can just see how level headed she's made him during their three years together. He listens to her on impact, which is nice to see him do.
I felt so sorry for them both during the final when she told him they weren't meant to be. Poor Juliet would rather live a life of dire manipulation on Ben's part than live a life without Sawyer after falling in love with him, and poor Sawyer just goes along with it because he loves her and can see he's not going to change her mind. I really did want him to shout at her for saying that though, simply because i don't think Sawyer thinks they're meant to be, as he said to Jack, he doesn't speak destiny ... so i really think he believes the only way ANY relationship will come about is if you work like hell to keep it. Am I making sense with that? lol

If you think about it he's changed her just as much as she's changed him ... she's much more like the person she was before going to the island. The 'mess' to use her words ... it's like he's made her more human, which i love.
over a year ago Sunshine47 said…
big smile
ITA with Sahour, that's how I imagine that they got together.
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
My version #1:
On the eve of her intended departure from the island (two weeks after their arrival in Dharmaville), Juliet decides to have a celebration in honor of finally leaving "Craphole Island". She invites Sawyer, Miles, and Daniel over to wherever she is staying at that point. However, Daniel is still distraught over Charlotte's death and therefore does not want to celebrate, and Miles feels that it is best if he stays with his friend. So, that leaves Juliet alone with Sawyer. They each drink a little too much Dharma wine. Juliet begins to realize that Sawyer actually is a nice guy AND is hot; Sawyer realizes that Juliet is a much cooler chick than old what's-her-name. Sawyer winds up spending the night, and they have lots of hot, dirty sex. In the morning, despite massive hangovers, they more hot, dirty sex. Juliet then realizes that staying on the island may not be such a bad thing after all. :-)

Version #2:
During their first two weeks in Dharmaville, James and Juliet spend some time hanging out together- neither one of them wanted to hang out with the ghostbuster and mad scientist (poor Miles and Dan!), so they only had each other. During this time, they swapped stories about their previous lives. Sawyer eventually tells Juliet about his parents' deaths and his life as a con man; Juliet tells him about her family, her marriage, and life as an Other under Ben's rule. They realize that they had much more in common than they originally thought. Juliet realizes that James actually is a very nice guy, and James realizes that Juliet is really fun to hang out with. At the end of the initial two weeks, the day before Juliet was to leave on the sub, James cooks Juliet a special dinner; this dinner date makes Juliet realize that staying on the island is not such a bad idea. Over the next couple of months, they grow closer together. They eventually realize that they cannot live without one another.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago sahour95 said…
I liked the 2nd version so much hun!
xDHmadx your fanfic is very very nice I've read the first two chapters and will sink in reading the next but I STRONGLY advice you to post it here sweety!
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
LOL thanks hun! ... where would i post it on here?! LOL
over a year ago sahour95 said…
big smile
You can post it here on oyr spot as an artical. You simply clik on "write an artical" and a page will display. You can copy and past it from the website you've been publishing on it. You can publish each chapter in an artical. Waite a few days and then publish the second!! See it's easy! Don't stop writting I wanna know what will happen next!
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
big smile
Oooh yeah ... i guess i could do that :) Thanks hun i'll post it for you now lol!
over a year ago sahour95 said…
thanx sweety!