Sawyer and Juliet Predictions for season 6

courtney7488 posted on Jun 01, 2009 at 02:38AM
So, we've got eight months until the next season begins, which gives us lots of time for speculation! With the way this finale ended, anything can happen next season. Here is something that I posted on another forum earlier:

"I think not knowing Juliet's status is going to be much more difficult once the season starts. I think that we'll see what happened to everyone else, and therefore, we'll be wondering about Juliet while watching everyone else survive. We will most likely watch Sawyer grieve over his loss, which will be painful. :-(

I wonder how Sawyer is going to react. I hate to be even more of a downer, but I can see the following scenario happening: Sawyer commits suicide due to the pain over his loss. A short while later, Juliet returns (alive), realizes that Sawyer has died, and kills herself. This would further complement the inevitable parallel to Romeo and Juliet: Juliet appears to be dead, Romeo grieves and kills himself, Juliet awakens and grieves for Romeo before killing herself."

This is just one possible scenario- there are so many different variables to consider here. So, what are your theories about what is in store for Sawyer and Juliet?

Sawyer and Juliet 22 replies

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over a year ago sahour95 said…
Ok I wouldn't want your sinario to be true I don't want to think about it even. But I do agree about Sawyer's grieves part and that we won't know anything about Juliet at first but here's my theory:
When Juliet hit the bomb it exploded and the losties travel in time back to 2004. But the thing is that they have memories about what happened and oceanic 815 crashes again because the whole magnatic thing happened because of their bomb.They try to make things diffrent and to avoid all the deaths.However Juliet manages to get back to the beach and meet Sawyer.
But hey that's just one of the fan's crazy theories. though I find it kinda make sence
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
I like yours! Some fans are speculating that they all will retain their memories except for Juliet because she wasn't touched by Jacob. They think that Sawyer will try to get back with her, but will have a hard time because she has no recollection of him.

I personally think that Juliet was touched by Jacob after she fell. It is amazing that she survived that fall, and she woke up really suddenly, as if something just happened.
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
Loving the new theories! I don't think Juliet was touched by Jacob because he knew he would get Richard to bring her to the island in 2001. He didn't need to touch her like the others, because i think his touch is like a calling to the island. Juliet, however, was naive enough to believe Alpert!

As for season 6 ... i think that the bomb did NOT go off, and i believe there was a time flash as Juliet hit it (simply because i don't think they would set up the first 8 episodes of the 5th season using white flashes of light to represent time travel, then use it in a very significant way in the last few seconds of the final to represent something else entirely)
So, i think that the flash sends the 70's losties back to 2007, where Sawyer will be extremely grief stricken and go back to being very angry just like he was in season 1, I also think he'll blame Jack more than anyone for her "death". He'll go back to being Sawyer in a heart beat, Kate will try and talk him out of his behaviour, maybe ask him what he thinks Juliet would say to him if she was here, but something tells me he won't listen to her right away.
I really have no idea where Juliet would end up (perhaps in the jungle like Desmond after season 2 - though not naked ... though my girldcrush on EM wouldn't mind that :-P LOL) and i think she'll finally stumble on the losties at the very last second about 8 epsiodes in or so, most likely on a Sawyer centric, and if i know lost like i think i do, also on an episode before a mini hiatus!!!!!!!
over a year ago MelBelle2 said…
love the speculations, course I have another idea also. lol

I "do" believe Jacob touched Juliet, and I believe it's because Jacob touched them not because to call them to the island, I think he touched them as the ones chosen. That entire episode showed Jacob visiting each of the important losties on the island, ending with him saying before his death "They're coming" and it shoots to Juliet ALIVE banging against the bomb to explode!

So I think they're the chosen to help stop the new evil guy in the future, and are all alive. I do believe Sawyer will grieve and that later on like DH said before a mini Hiatus Juliet shows up. :D

Although, it would be cool also if they were sent back in 2004 -- but what if they were those whispers in the woods? :D ooo now that'd be interesting. :P
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
Great theories, everyone! Speaking of Jacob, I just remembered another theory I've read in numerous places. Many fans are speculating that Juliet is pregnant, and think that she may be Jacob's mother. Even if everyone else ends up in 2004/2007, she could still travel back in time, give birth to Jacob, and somehow be reunited with everyone else later. This could be another way of explaining why we did not see a flashback of Juliet being touched by Jacob, and could also reveal a connection to the statue, which is apparently the goddess of fertility.

I'm not sure how plausible this is, but it would be interesting! However, I wouldn't be shocked if Juliet is indeed pregnant.
over a year ago MelBelle2 said…
I like the idea of Juliet being pregnant, but as for the whole being the mother of Jacob... well if so, that would mean Sawyer is his father, so why did Jacob touch Sawyer?
over a year ago sahour95 said…
You know guys you all have intresting theories but as we all know the writers always shock us with an unexpected idea. However I do believe that Juliet might be pregnent but after she felt n that hole I don't think so. DH idea is nice btw
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
Lol, i don't think Juliet is Jacobs mother ... i still stand by "he dind't touch Juliet because he didn't need to" theory. I think if he touched Juliet we would have seen it in the episode ... but who really knows other than darlton? All we can do is guess.

have you all seen the new promo with Charlie in it? I'm so excited about it, i really hope he'll be back next season. If he is, it makes me a whole hell of a lot more optimistic about Juliet's fate.
I wish we had a promo with EM and JH in ... all the losties actually. Wouldn't it be awesome if you have Locke and Richard playing chess in one of the rooms of the houses - locke in black, richard in white - with all the losties standing around them ... and then EM looks outside and sees some of the people in V, goes to walk off and JH grabs her hand, asking "where do you think you're going, Blondie?" and she could just laugh and say something like "don't worry, i'll be back." and then she could walk off ...

*sighs* if only ABC were that giving. I know i'm totally sad thinking of something thye could give us as a promo ... but it would make me feel sooooooo much better lol!!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
big smile
^I have seen that promo with Charlie, and it would be awesome if he did come back. However, I read on DarkUFO's site that Dominic is going to be on another ABC show, but they're not revealing which one. Of course, it could be Lost, but I guess we'll find out about that later.

I would like to see one of those promos with EM in it. I was thinking they could have her appear as both characters; like, she could appear as Juliet one minute, walk off screen, and reappear as the other character (similar to The Parent Trap, I guess). But I like your idea better! You should send your idea into ABC lol.
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
Ooh noo ... i hope it's lost! :)

Hahaha! You know how obsessed you are when you start thinking of fics for the promo's of the show haha!!
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
Technically, it's not a promo for the show... it's a promo for the network the show is on! Not that that fact makes it any better...
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
I actually think that makes it worse .. hahahaha!
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
Oh, we're sad... we went from theorizing about Juliet's fate to creating our own ABC promos.
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
Haha at least we have each other to do it with though!
over a year ago MelBelle2 said…
Oh I love that chess promo idea. :D that is sooo cool, and would go with the way the shows going completely. :)
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
big smile
:D Thanks hun!!!
over a year ago sahour95 said…
big smile
Nice idea hun!!
over a year ago sahour95 said…
big smile
That a nice idea!!! lol!!
over a year ago wnt2kno said…
I think these are great ideas and if it was another show, even likely ideas. Lost doesnt seem to be about happy endings. When Juliet returns, it may not be a "reunion" return. It may be sad and even more heartbreaking - she may come back as the smoke monster, she may come back as an evil other (that sawyer has to kill, etc.). I guess im pessimisstic because of what happened to Locke. Whoa -- i need a fanfiction fix fast!!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
Oh how wrong we were! :(
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
^haha, we were VERY wrong! It's interesting looking back on this now knowing what really happened.
over a year ago sahour95 said…
AGREED! I read my theory now again and see it so LAME!