Sawyer and Juliet SJ related quotes

nandacavalieri posted on Apr 11, 2010 at 11:14PM
Since we don't have Suliet (not yet) I thought we could have a bit of fun and hope seeing that we are not alone.

.One quote per post
.Do not spam
.Quotes by actors, creators, critics...
.Quotes that can apply to SJ

Have fun!
last edited on Apr 17, 2010 at 03:46PM

Sawyer and Juliet 21 replies

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over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
1. "The woman of his dreams – in this life or any other" - GameZone
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
Does it have to be quotes specifically about them, or can it be more general quotes that we can apply to them (i.e. quotes that have nothing to do with the show itself)? I hope this makes sense. :\
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
it does, hahaha! Hm... yes I think :D
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
OK then, here we go:

2. "Love sought is good, but given unsought is better."- Shakespeare

This makes me think of them because their romance was so unexpected for both us (the viewing audience) and them. Let me know if this is not what you're looking for!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
3. "I'm talking about spectacular, consciousness-altering love."- a certain Lost character :P

(sorry, I just realized we should be numbering them!)
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
Awwwww! I love this!

(don't worry)

4."With Juliet and Sawyer, it genuinely felt like true love." - Inside Pulse
over a year ago xDHmadx said…
5. "Sawyers true love will ALWAYS be Juliet. Kate, meh."
- Damon Lindelof

(loving this game!)
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
I absolutely love this quote, Hayls! Damon is the best :D

6. "Juliet’s dead but a simple thing like that’s not going to stop true love on this show" -
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
7. "We'll just say, here it is. If you hate it, sorry. They love each other." ~ Damon Lindelof
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
8. "OK, life's a fact. People do fall in love; people do belong to each other because that's the only chance anybody's got for real happiness."

I feel as if both Sawyer and Juliet learned this after falling in love with one another.

Sorry that none of my quotes are ever directly related to Sawyer and Juliet (or even Lost in general). I am so terrible with finding the types of quotes that you all have posted.

P.S. Nanda, I love quote #7! It should be the spot motto. :P
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
Awww such a great quote Courtney!

Don't worry, they are more fun because I usually don't know them

Do you think? I was planning on making a pick to change our motto ;)

9. "Sorry, Skaters: Sawliet Rules!" - EW
over a year ago courtney7488 said…
^haha, great quote! It's so true.

Yes, a change of motto would be nice.

10. "I've always got your back." (do I really need to say where this quote is from? :P )
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
Okay, I'll make a pick soon :) Awww *the* line

11. "Coupling him with fertility doc-turned-motor pool mechanic Juliet? Totally worked for me. Kudos to Josh Holloway and Elizabeth Mitchell for selling us on the best romance Lost has ever given us." - Jeff Jensen, EW
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
12. "And admirable humility when Juliet chided him privately for his stupid idea. But publicly, she backed his plays 100%. I loved this. I loved how in 1974, she built up his heroic character — and then in 1977, he returned the favor by rebuilding hers when he called upon her to deliver that baby. ''You're going to do great. I know you are,'' he said. Mersh. Sawyer was showered with something he rarely gets: trust. And what happened? He flourished. Like a flower. LaFleur. See how this works? (BTW: How much was Juliet the ideal mate last night? She cooks! She cleans! She fixes cars and executes impromptu caesarean sections and covers your back in a gunfight and never, ever contradicts her hubby in public. Whattawoman!)" - Jeff Jensen
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
13. "Sawyer is Her Constant" - Elizabeth Mitchell.
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
14. "S + J = The Heart & Soul of Lost S5" - Spunkybean
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
15. "We were testing various relationships out on the show, one of which was we had this idea: What if we put Sawyer and Juliet together? And we were very unsure, most of the other writers were unsure and the actors themselves were very dubious about whether there would be any success to this relationship, but our opinion was: Let’s try it. And lo and behold, this thing blossomed forth that no one was expecting, which was there was sort of a mature kind of love between these two characters." - Carlton Cuse
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
16. "Juliet and Sawyer was the best. It was born out of such desperation and trials. They needed love and each other in their lives and so they found it." - Josh Holloway
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
17. "Juliet and Sawyer. They had such great chemistry." - Michael Emerson
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
18. "I think for me my favorite moment is the Sawyer and Juliet awakening scene, I think that the emotion, that got me every time we were editing it. And you know, I love both those characters so much, and that kind of concluding scene was always very emotional. Even though we worked on it 50 times, it still always would kind of completely rip my heart open." - Carlton Cuse
over a year ago nandacavalieri said…
(and I'm spamming, haha!)
19. "Sawyer and Juliet have always been Lost’s perfect couple, even establishing the most “normal” relationship on the Island. Juliet melted Sawyer’s heart, and he wanted to do nothing other than take care of her during the rest of their (Dharma) lives. Which made her death even more tragic. Sawyer was completely helpless, unable to do anything to save this woman that he loved so deeply. And it crushed him. In Juliet, Sawyer saw what his life could be, should be, and can be, so when she was ripped away from him, without warning, the pain was that much greater. Plus, ultimately, it was his fault. So he had no one to blame other than himself. Which made his redemption in season six, and Juliet and his reunion, that much more special. Some would say that he had feelings for Kate, and even though he “felt” something for her, it was more of a feeling that he knew he should have, as a protector, though ultimately, these were not feelings that he wanted to have, leaving Kate in her jail cell (and Juliet, being divorced from Jack in LAX, the wrong man, was delicious irony). Because those feelings were reserved for his true love, his soulmate that he never thought he deserved, and those feelings, as evident in the finale, rested solely with Juliet. And what made their scene together even sweeter was that time, and not seeing each other, didn’t diminish their love (in the show) or their chemistry (as real life actors). Love is love, no matter the circumstances. Their interaction was perfect, and couldn’t been done better by the actors, playing the scene from instant crush back to Lost’s most happy couple, and throwing their “journey” together right in the middle, all in the course of a couple of minutes. Perfect really doesn’t even describe their scene. Although I guess, sitting in a swing, overlooking a beautiful vista would have been a little more perfect than being in front of a vending machine. At least visually. But that’s just me." - Syracus