Science Fiction Is Kurt Vonnegut Science Fiction?

rockstarjoker posted on Oct 05, 2007 at 05:19PM
My love of sci-fi began with Star Wars, and evolved thru Philip K Dick, Ray Bradbury and Ben Bova before discovering the works of Vonnegut.

His later books were much more memoir than sci-fi, I'll admit, but the classics- Slaughterhouse Five, Sirens of Titan, and Cats Cradle- would these be considered science fiction?

The author seemed to try and distance himself from the science fiction community, (while simultaneously, and some what condescendingly, praising it) but to me, it seems that there's no denying a definite science fiction twist in his works.

Any Opinions?

Science Fiction 3 replies

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over a year ago KiteRoxUrSox777 said…
Hmmm... Yeah, there's science fiction in his works. I've only read one, though... Shame on me! ^_^
over a year ago PrinceKiseki said…
The felt tip drawings in Breakfast of Champions
are um very memerable. His books have a science fiction writter in them.
over a year ago Quiztzhadrch said…
I'd say that he wrote the type of fiction necessary to tell his stories. What he felt would be a fantastic story was still grounded in some kind of sceintific context, as opposed to some mystical, magical phenomenon. Also, many of his stories were topical (60's and 70's Political, economic and enviormental) in scope. Paired with a cynical sense of humor and a humanist sensetivity, his novels communicated exactly what he felt we needed to know -and- make it unforgetable.