Shadow The Hedgehog "All of you must KNOW!"

Shad0wHedgeh0g posted on Jan 28, 2010 at 03:04AM
"I'm getting tired of Fan Pop, It's boring, and a complete waste of time for me!... I have abandoned my Fan Pop profile!" "I WILL NEVER LOG IN TO FAN POP AGAIN!" "Besides I've got better things to do, than waste my time talking to ignorant fans."
"I'm getting tired of Fan Pop, It's boring, and a complete waste of time for me!... I have abandoned

Shadow The Hedgehog 41 replies

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over a year ago Thirddevision said…
aawww =(
over a year ago Thirddevision said…
well then.....bye........
over a year ago Hime666 said…
over a year ago rose_dark said…
wow.? umm okay then..?
over a year ago shadowfangirl2 said…
shadow dont go i might miss you shadow i feel very sad without you <:'( *cries* plzz shadow ill miss you plzzz shadow i'm sick without you plzzz *take a few tears* *walks away crying*
over a year ago pufllys said…
WHAT!? :'( Darn, oh well...
That kinda sucks...
Bye! Even if you didn't like fanpop we enjoyed having you around!
over a year ago Shad0wHedgeh0g said…
"Fine, I have changed my mind. Since you fans miss me, I will visit this website again. But not as often as before..."
over a year ago pufllys said…
big smile
I knew this would happen!
over a year ago iloveshadowxoxo said…
yay u iz back ^^
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Thirddevision said…
over a year ago rose_dark said…
big smile
over a year ago SkyHedgehog said…
good cause i was about to cry
over a year ago shadowfangirl2 said…
thank you shadow
over a year ago segafan said…
*Hisses* I'm not ignorant! Ur ignorant!
over a year ago Shad0wHedgeh0g said…
I was not trying to get attention segafan. I did quit, but many people here at Fan Pop convinced me not to quit.
over a year ago rose_dark said…
and thats good, right? :) cuz it is
over a year ago SkyHedgehog said…
segafan, i will not yell at you, because you are my friend, and stood up for me with that "shadows "biggest" fangirl" (literally biggest, i should lay off the mcdonalds over the summer ^^;) so i will not yell at you. but, Shad0wHedgeh0g is not ignorant, or trying to get attention. I've been a real jerk to him before, and he forgave me, so i know he's my friend. and i care about him alot because thats how friends are supposed to feel. he the only friend ive had on here that actually believed in me and made me happy when i was sad, and hes like a dream come true for me. or us, because havent we all wished that shadow the hedgehog was real? i did, everyday i wished that same thing, and now here he is, on fanpop, and most of you treat him like crap >:( and i wont have it! just leave him alone if you dont like him, thats all i ask, just let him be. and if you still want to bother him then you'll have to get through sky the hedgehog first (im not referring to fans, im referring to haters)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago atkathewolf said…
who's a hater?
over a year ago Shad0wHedgeh0g said…
Thank you Sky.
over a year ago SkyHedgehog said…
youre welcome shadow
over a year ago rose_dark said…
wherever theres fans, theres haters.
over a year ago atkathewolf said…
awwww!!!smiley face!!
over a year ago Shadows_girl said…
hey guys, If Shadow wishes to never visit again who are we to stop him? Let him alone, he needs a break and you idiots that are saying he is doing this for attention are dumb asses! LEAVE SHADOW ALONE YOU BITCHES! (not including Sky , Hime666 or Thirddevision)
And Sky, that was touching. I agree with you 100%
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago segafan said…
*Wide eyes* O... Okay, Shadows_girl... *voice is shakey*
over a year ago segafan said…
*Steps back a pace*
over a year ago segafan said…
big smile
Call of Duty is truly the best game, I can
Go and play it all day without no shame, cuz with
Modern Warfare Two I do the same thing
Playiní all night cuz sleep is just lame, and I
Let the trash be spoken untamed
In the xbox microphone, Iím pwniní insanely
Teabagginí people even though they canít see me
Iím rockiní COD: MW2, namely

Up on the gamer scene
I wasnít the only who thought COD
Was the dream
Until I seen something crazy
Right next to me
It made World at War
Look so yesterday
But Modern Warfare Two?
What is this thing, dude?
And I couldnít begin to think
Because my eyes were glued
So I looked at my bro
We both know whatís up
Whip out the cash little man,
We gonna buy this stuff
Next thing I know,
The Xbox ring is flashiní
I can hear the COD disc
Itís spinniní fast and,
I canít wait to start all the
Smash and blastiní
And now I know itís time
For me to kick some ass in.


Now haters hate
All you want,
But itís just a mistake
Cuz I will make
You astonished
As Iím honestly blatant
You think that Iím wastiní
All my time on COD?
Iíll tell you why itís amaziní
Youíll be praisiní the Gods
Screw walkiní Iíll be rockiní out
The tank and truck
You think ya got fire power
Till I crank it up
Tough it out, no doubt
That Iíll shank you up
Cuz Iím a knife throwiní whiz
That you canít touch
And so I thank you much
You boost my rank with ease
Before the match, I
Didnít even have to say please
You stick it out with a rifle
I stifle you to ya knees
I dual-wield this shit,
Come get a piece of these, UH!


Desert Eagle, keep it real
Born and built in Israel
Between you and me, you see
The USP is a steal
Itís got a bigass clip,
Itís accurate and shit
Just like the FAMAS
This gun will straight up rip
Donít slip youíll get hit
With the L86
The gunís range is sick
You best resort to quit
And with the p90, youíll find me
Cominí up behind thee
It unloads fast, Iíll kill your ass
So kindly

Cuz itís Belgian made itís
Sweeter than the bliss of chocolate
Its brother MP5 is powerful
Now this is hot shit
The M21, the grandson
Of M1 Garand
And, this semi-auto rifle
Gonna end what you planned
In my hand, AA-12
Is the gun that I wield
To this auto shotgun
All you fools gotta yield
So grab a riot shield
And Iíma make you hate me more
Iíll blow past that piece of plastic
With my AT4

Now if you use the dragunov
Youíre slackiní off, youíre done
I only settle for the Barret
.50 caliber son
Iím stalkiní you with steady aim
I hipfire all day
Martyrdom is for losers
Who misuse their AKís
Gettiní dirty with my enemies
Try to run with marathon,
But itís too easy how I handle these
And juggernautís not
What you want to use
And you can eat my headshot
Because Iím watchiní you, PUNK

over a year ago segafan said…
I got a bag of Doritos
And a can of cherry coke
I turn on the Xbox
And I'm already stoked
Because I know
Nobody can step up to me
While I'm dominating
All the land in Halo 3.
The assault rifle is lame
The shotgun is insane
But I prefer the battle rifle
While I'm fighting long range
You'll be minding your own business
When you're POW BEAT DOWN
By the time you know it's me
I won't even be around.
And without a sound
You could try to find me
But you're the one who'll get found
And then I'll pump you fulla lead
Or lay you out with a grenade
If life was based on Halo
Then I know I'd have it made.

It's not that easy being me
I have endured and I have scars
But take a look at my rank:
A golden crest with stars
And my highest skill reached
In case you hadn't guessed
Is a number that the system
Can't begin to assess
Because I'm the best
You best not lose your head
You know you're playing against me
And that's enough said.
The accuracy of a hawk
And the skill of jui-jitsui,
I'll come down on you so fast that
You'll never know what hit you!

You might offer "party up"
But I guess that's too bad
I don't party up with anyone
Because I'm too rad
And you'll only make me lose
And that will make me mad
Then the best you'll get from me
Is a friendly teabag
I'll splatter you and beat you down
And maybe play you later
I don't care if you get angry
Cuz you're just another hater
Is my live ID
And I'm the kinda kid who makes you wonder
"How'd he kill me?"

Beating and defeating
Every meeting of the cheating little campers
Their manliness could match exotic dancers
So don't be camping son
Because I got a Spartan laser
And I see you don't got one.
With a bing zap BAM
You'll be singin' hot damn
You got lasered by the skullkrunch
And that's who I am.
So no matter where you run
No matter how much luck,
I'll be the one to bring you down
And make a fella yell "darn!"

The mongoose and the warthog
And the scorpion too
I got a license for em all
And I'm ready to kill you
You hear the engine reving
And you know what to do
But when you think you're on the ready
You're already run through son
You know it's what I do best
If I'm snapping your neck
Or makin' you a total mess.
And if you're new to halo,
Just call this a hazing.
If you gave me just a pistol
Then I'll make it look amazing.

There's something red
On my motion detector
I'll track it right down
Like I was a vector
Batting of shots
With my laser deflector
I'll fight for my Halo
And I'll always protect her

Halo is
The most incredible game
When I get online,
I see that people are lame
Cuz they all play a game named
Call of Duty
I would love that game
Yea if I was three.

I started off
I was friendly and nice
But now I've gotten much better
And my heart turned to ice
I talk smack
To the haters I play
And I can beat em all down
So I don't care what they say
Isolation, Last Resort
And even rat's nest
I can never stop playing
Cuz I'm kinda obssessed
You wanna fight?
I'll rise up to the test
Cuz you're gonna find out
Halo's what I do best
over a year ago segafan said…
big smile
"Nick, thats my name
The game that I play
Is trickin out my opponents
In the poker domain
And even when the chips are low
Ill whip out a good hand
Ill straight royal flush zombies
Right outta this land
Watch me kill zombies
Defend my friends from jockeys
Bullet straight to the face
Now he wont feel so hoppy
These things dont got me
Im really strong and
I just go on droppin bombs
Like a true conman

People call me Ellis
And dont wear it out
And if a zombie got an attitude
Ill scare it out, fool
A local from Savannah
A mechanic who can handle
Any kind of pandemic
Blow it out like a candle
Im a real man,
And I endure what I can
Now watch a charger pick me up
And now Im like GOD DAMN
But Ima get back up
And ruin zombies wishes
I follow my own rules
Kill all sons a bitches

Im known as Rochelle
A reporter on local news
This viral outbreak it seemed
Could make my dreams come true
But gettin caught in the hot spot
Where zombies were wrought
Its not time to die,
Its time that zombies get shot
I can sneak around quiet
Zombies better not try it
The spitter can be bitter
But Im not on her diet
I wont die, and Ill be there
When my team is fallin
See Im rockin this apocalypse
This shit is ballin

Coach is what Im known as,
Zombies call me sir
Physical Education
Is what I prefer
See Im an ex-linebacker
So my legs can carry me
Ive gained a couple more pounds
But I got muscle memory
I get close and personal,
This a fun night
Unloadin shotgun shells
And lettin the blood fly
The butt of my gun is what
I give the zombies to choke on
And with the chainsaw,
Ill give the smoker something to smoke on


Hang tight like a team
In this bad dream
If we dont stick together
Well be zombie whipped cream

We may be different
But we fight like one
The undead can run
To our guns but well shoot em done

They go from one
Hundred to none
Because killin off zombies
Is so much freakin fun

Im on top of the game
Im stainin em red
I know this time
We wont be left 4 dead"

over a year ago segafan said…
Gears of War all the more
Reason for me to own
Youll be out fulla doubt
And Ill send you back home
Dont delay come and play
Let your whole team run through
I dont want body armor
Cuz Ill just use you
Then you take out a longshot
And you trace me, erase me,
But you can never face me
I see your fear in the tears you pour
Because you cant win here playin Gears of War

Im here to rumble wit you
A curbstomp and youre through
You hear me comin at you
I got you stumblin dude
But we aint playin yet
Check out my chainsaw bayonet
What you gotta say to that?
Im like a Marcus Fenix
Leadin delta squad to the win
And when Im through with all the locusts
Watch me do it again
In matchmakin men
Gonna face the end
And then when
Im through with them
Youll never even know theyd ever been
Theyll never win, endeavorin
A blow from da long shot
I got you severed and
Ya know its said and done
And ya screens all red with blood
Gotta keep ya head there, bud
Dont even check the HUD
Because you see its me
With the bow of torque
And what you got for me?
You got a load of pork
And then a lack of class
Campin just like a disaster
I can kick your ass
Cuz youre a button-masher


Just get outta my game
Cuz its the end of our time
Ill have ya ripped to pieces
Just like Benjamin Carmine
You get your ass chopped off
By me and my hoodlums
I would kill you for your weapons
But you dont got any good ones
So you should run away
With your mulcher in hand
But today aint ya day
See what I got in plan
Is to take you out
With a boomshot kapow
Bringin missiles right down
Like apocolypse now

Cuz Im a nuke, youre
Like a snub pistol with luck
Because youre good in single player
But in life you suck
And now youre like what
Punk see your manners are gone
So let me fix that up
When I whip out my Hammer of Dawn
And Id be slammin ya son
But I know I dont need to
You can blow yourself away
Just like Tai Kaliso
over a year ago segafan said…
Droppin outta the sky
From high orbit frigates
The HEVs fly so
ODST can bring it
But when a shockwave
Sent the whole team off course
They had to fight the Covenant
By solitary force
We got Rookie,
Hes looking with the best he can do
Hes gotta use the clues
To find the rest of his crew
Keep on exploring the remains
Of New Mombasa
Dishing out the pain
To covenant who want some

Buck lands, with no harm
He takes up arms
And uses stealth to take
The Covenant by alarm
But Rookie feels defeat
He keeps it descrete
When he finds Dares helmet
In a TV screen
An engineer comes near Buck
Hes fresh outta luck
But then a sniper shot
Upon the creatures head is struck
And sure enough, Romeo
Was up struttin his stuff
So he and Buck hit the road
A team of two men tough

Dutch is up next
Enemies will wanna die
One hand steers the hog
A Spartan laser on his side
And Mickeys trickin out hard
Kizingo Boulevard
The Covenant get scarred
With Mickeys tank on guard

So he and Dutch
The Covenant cannot touch
As they defend the ONI from
Any enemy clutches
But then when the rush hits
Upon by the gates
They gotta make an escape
And destroy the remains
Of the base
A pelican drops by the place
And they get out, with a slap
In the covenants face
But then, hostile forces put
The ship on ground
Thats where Buck and Romeo
Will make shit go down

They were equippin missile pods
And rippin em like gods
The banshees scream
They dont even stand a shot
So then the ODST crew
Hijacks a phantom
They bout to get out
When Buck just abandons
The plan to scan
The land for his companion
Dare was lost
So now hes gotta find where shes stranded
Rookie got her location
From the Superintendent
This computer told em what
The Covenant intended

Vergil the Engineer,
Pledges his allegiance
To the ODST and they see
That he means this
Cuz he holds the info
To exploit their foes
So, then Rookie Dare and Buck
Escort him down the road
Coastal Highway
Leads to the final show down
The Covenant, in their way
Will all get blown out
When they reach the fort,
They know its time to hold down
Brutes, grunts and jackals
Face a fatal throw down

There was blood shed
From the Covenant
The humans pumped lead
Till they all lay dead
With no chance to have fled
Their numbers bled
The guts just got spread
Like jam on bread
And then up in the sky
A phantom was flyin
The seven survivors
Flew out in style and
Were reunited
With the rest of their team
Yea, theres no denyin

Orbital Drop Shock Troopers
Stealth onto the scene
And dont call us out,
You can call us ODST
Nobody can best me,
Silenced SMG
Covenant contending
Like as if they could end me
You cant see me creepin
With the M6C
And headshottin with the sniper
No you cant trick me
Ill stick it out and stick you
With a few stickies
I rock camoflauge like a boss

over a year ago segafan said…
first rap: Call of duty modern warfare 2

second rap: halo 3

3rd rap: left 4 dead 2

4th rap: gears of war

5th rap: halo3 ODST
over a year ago segafan said…
im so awesome...
over a year ago shadowfangirl2 said…
O_O Wth?
over a year ago segafan said…
theyre called raps- a song in wich doesnt have to ryme, but has a very good beat to it.
over a year ago Avatargeek said…
why the hell are ya posting them here??
over a year ago segafan said…
idk i got bored
over a year ago segafan said…
and DONT get mad at me!
over a year ago Shadows_girl said…
well post them on the bored section of this damn place! GOSH!!
over a year ago silvaze9 said…
i dont give a fuck about it
over a year ago Flana_hedgehog said…
Awww thats too bad Shadow
over a year ago scrougehedgehog said…
well,then bye bro!