Chlarkfan posted on Mar 29, 2008 at 10:17PM
So Allison Mack Has not been sighned for season 8 and we love Chloe! So go here and sighn the petition to bring back chloe!


-The creators and thinking about killing off Chloe Sullivan! SOO SIGHN THE PETITION!!!

Smallville 9 replies

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over a year ago dominick said…
they can't do that i know they can but is'nt Chloe a main Character please keep her on the show smallville would'nt be the same if she is gone
over a year ago mzTCB2u said…
omg don't kill chloe i swear i will stop watching the show (even though i love it) i mean you can't kick off important characters (thinks back to the OC) bad memories lol
over a year ago ladolcevita said…
Nah. On Wikipedia it said she wouldn't come back unless she got a pay rise. She Got A Pay Rise.
BUT Michael Rosenbaum is leaving permanently, but he might make
some guest appearances. That's Why Allison Mack Threatened to leave
over a year ago macsullivan said…
If Allison Mack is not in season 8 or any other season after that Smallville will lose a Big Fan, my opinion is she made the show since we all know who Clark really ends up with, but give us (the fans) what we want....another season dedicated to the characters Chloe and Clark. It would be better than any season put together.
over a year ago pri-kay-dee said…
Smallville would not be the same without Chloe! I think that they know that, I think that if she was written out of the show, it would be because Alison Mack didn't want to continue. Not because the writers/producers didn't like Chloe's character!
over a year ago anasiderea said…
I like very much Chloe, but the true is she is not a real character of Superman's world, so sooner o later, she must desapear.
over a year ago chicken1301 said…
WE WANT CHLOE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago Smallvillain said…
I like Chloe too and it looks like she is back for season 8. No thanks to me, I am too late for the petition:). I think she is a real friend to Clark and it really adds value to the story. To those of you who have commented to have one season of Clark and Chloe...for me, it will never ever work. I can't really see the Chemistry between them. All I see is brother-sisterly love between Clark and Chloe. I think it will be too hard to stomach that I will stop watching Smallville altogether until they break up. On the other hand, I will always welcome Jimmy-Chloe love story any day. This is just my opinion.
over a year ago itsceleste said…
Did she die in the comics? I hope not!!!