Star Trek Interview with Counselor Askade

Unum posted on Apr 01, 2011 at 06:00PM
Interview with Counselor Askade
By Alleran Tan

On every Starfleet vessel and installation a counselor is present to see to the mental well-being of the crew. The role of the counselor is a very important one and they are, in every way, a valuable member of the medical staff of a vessel- many of them hold medical degrees in addition to any other degrees (almost always psychology), although counselors with more esoteric qualifications are permitted to serve.

Today I present an interview with Counselor Askade, one of our new councilors in the fleet.

Counselor Askade serves on the USS Constitution-B. I asked Counselor Askade what she felt about the role of the counselor in the fleet and she said,

“Well, just being assigned to a ship, I can say that the job of a good counselor is to listen and then give thoughts on solutions to the problem.”

Can’t argue with that one. They say the secret to being a great conversationalist is to listen…

I asked her if she, as a writer, had a favourite “session”? Does her character? Are they different? She said,

“I have not had any just yet, so not at this time. All I can say is that I will do my best for my crew, and serve my Captain well.”

An interesting answer; we’ll just have to see how that plans out. Curious about her profession, I asked Counselor Askade what makes a good counciling session. She wrote,

“One thing is comfort. If there is any tension, it will not go well.”

Makes sense to me. She said further,

“I have one idea in mind, for a session, and that is to go on the holodeck, and do a combat session with some of the crew members, so they know that i will stand by them in any situation.”

The idea of a warrior-counselor is certainly an intriguing one! I, personally, would love to see that holographic combat session. I’m sure she’ll let me know if she does decide to write such a thing!

But back to the task at hand. I asked the good Counselor if she had any advice for councilors just starting out in the fleet and she said,

“Read the wiki bio’s, and Listen to them.”

Listening seems to be a continuing theme here, although as discussed earlier it’s a very important part of a Counselor’s job. After all, they are tasked with (amongst other things) the assessment of a crewman’s mental health. Listening is the best way to find out exactly how someone is doing… a life in space can be a distressing and challenging one.

I asked Askade if she had any other duties her character can perform. Her answer was very broad. She wrote,

“If need be I can multi-role, as a tactical officer, security officer, and combat medic.”
A very revealing answer about a very interesting character: a warrior and a healer. As a Klingon, her closing words were very appropriate. She said,

“Just one thing: honor your crew, and captain with everything you have.”

Thank you for your time, Askade; I hope your new post goes well!

The Star Trek adventure continues at link

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