Stefan & Elena New Spot Look Forum: Submit Your Suggestions ♥ [CLOSED]

TiBiscuit posted on Sep 18, 2011 at 11:13AM
Hey everyone :)

So, I made some picks yesterday, and so far most of you seem to want a banner with Stefan and Elena's best scenes from different episodes. Which, I might say, is a great idea :D

So I thought we could start with suggesting some of our personal favorite scenes, so that everyone has at least one of his favorite scenes on the banner/icon :)

Later we can submit our banners and icons here, and then we'll make a pick! And then... well, to be honest I have NO IDEA how to change the banner and icon on a spot, so if someone knows, I could use some help ^^

So... scenes you'd like to be included? I'll make a list :)

.Blood exchange - 2x05
.Lake house - 2x14
.Make out in bed - 2x06
.50's dance - 1x12
.Ferris wheel scene - 2x02
.Phone call - 3x01
.Pretty much all their scenes - 2x20
.First kiss - 1x02
.First time - 1x10
.Car wash kiss -1x05
.SE in the pilot (classroom scene, cemetery scene...) - 1x01
.The epic hug ("everything is because of me") - 2x09
.Their reunion - 2x11
."I love you so much" - 1x18
.Stefan brings Elena flowers - 1x16
.Elena feels Stefan's presence - 3x02


So the deadline for banners has passed, thank you guys for your participation, you all rock! You can now pick the new spot banner link :)

About the motto, since it seems we all agree on "I love you, Stefan. Hold on to that. Never let that go.", I made a link to confirm this.

Also, I think it's better to wait until the banner is officially picked to pick the icon. So we can pick an icon that matches our banner nicely! But if you guys prefer to make the icon pick now, just tell me :) until then, I'll leave the forum open for ICONS SUGGESTIONS only (and mottos, if you don't like the one suggested).
last edited on Oct 03, 2011 at 07:37PM

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